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(c) State the tax consequences for both Glaikit Limited and Alasdair if he borrows money from the company, as

proposed, on 1 January 2006. (3 marks)


更多 “ (c) State the tax consequences for both Glaikit Limited and Alasdair if he borrows money from the company, asproposed, on 1 January 2006. (3 marks) ” 相关考题
考题 (c) (i) State the date by which Thai Curry Ltd’s self-assessment corporation tax return for the year ended30 September 2005 should be submitted, and advise the company of the penalties that will be due ifthe return is not submitted until 31 May 2007. (3 marks)(ii) State the date by which Thai Curry Ltd’s corporation tax liability for the year ended 30 September 2005should be paid, and advise the company of the interest that will be due if the liability is not paid until31 May 2007. (3 marks)

考题 (c) the deferred tax implications (with suitable calculations) for the company which arise from the recognitionof a remuneration expense for the directors’ share options. (7 marks)

考题 (iv) Tyre recently undertook a sales campaign whereby customers can obtain free car accessories, by presenting acoupon, which has been included in an advertisement in a national newspaper, on the purchase of a vehicle.The offer is valid for a limited time period from 1 January 2006 until 31 July 2006. The management are unsureas to how to treat this offer in the financial statements for the year ended 31 May 2006.(5 marks)Required:Advise the directors of Tyre on how to treat the above items in the financial statements for the year ended31 May 2006.(The mark allocation is shown against each of the above items)

考题 2 The draft financial statements of Rampion, a limited liability company, for the year ended 31 December 2005included the following figures:$Profit 684,000Closing inventory 116,800Trade receivables 248,000Allowance for receivables 10,000No adjustments have yet been made for the following matters:(1) The company’s inventory count was carried out on 3 January 2006 leading to the figure shown above. Salesbetween the close of business on 31 December 2005 and the inventory count totalled $36,000. There were nodeliveries from suppliers in that period. The company fixes selling prices to produce a 40% gross profit on sales.The $36,000 sales were included in the sales records in January 2006.(2) $10,000 of goods supplied on sale or return terms in December 2005 have been included as sales andreceivables. They had cost $6,000. On 10 January 2006 the customer returned the goods in good condition.(3) Goods included in inventory at cost $18,000 were sold in January 2006 for $13,500. Selling expenses were$500.(4) $8,000 of trade receivables are to be written off.(5) The allowance for receivables is to be adjusted to the equivalent of 5% of the trade receivables after allowing forthe above matters, based on past experience.Required:(a) Prepare a statement showing the effect of the adjustments on the company’s net profit for the year ended31 December 2005. (5 marks)

考题 6 Alasdair, aged 42, is single. He is considering investing in property, as he has heard that this represents a goodinvestment. In order to raise the funds to buy the property, he wants to extract cash from his personal company, BeezerLimited, whose year end is 31 December.Beezer Limited was formed on 1 May 1998 with £1,000 of capital issued as 1,000 £1 ordinary shares, and tradeduntil 1 January 2005 when Alasdair sold the trade and related assets. The company’s only asset is cash of£120,000. Alasdair wants to extract this cash from the company with the minimum amount of tax payable. He isconsidering either, paying himself a dividend of £120,000, on 31 March 2006, after which the company would haveno assets and be wound up or, leaving the cash in the company and then liquidating the company. Costs of liquidationof £5,000 would then be incurred.Since Beezer Limited ceased trading, Alasdair has been taken on as a partner at a marketing firm, Gallus Co. Heestimates his profit share for the year of assessment 2005/06 will be £30,000. He has not made any capital disposalsin the current tax year.Alasdair wishes to reinvest the cash extracted from Beezer Limited in property but is not sure whether he should investdirectly in residential or commercial property, or do so via some form. of collective investment. He is aware that Gallus Co are looking to rent a new warehouse which could be bought for £200,000. Alasdair thinks that he may be ableto buy the warehouse himself and lease it to his firm, but only if he can borrow the additional money to buy theproperty.Alasdair has a 25% shareholding in another company, Glaikit Limited, whose year end is 31 March. The remainingshares in this company are held by his friend, Gill. Alasdair is considering borrowing £15,000 from Glaikit Limitedon 1 January 2006. He does not intend to pay any interest on the loan, which is likely to be written off some timein 2007. Alasdair does not have any connection with Glaikit Limited other than his shareholding.Required:(a) Advise Alasdair whether or not a dividend payment will result in a higher after-tax cash sum than theliquidation of Beezer Limited. Assume that either the dividend would be paid on 31 March 2006 or theliquidation would take place on 31 March 2006. (9 marks)Assume that Beezer Limited has always paid corporation tax at or above the small companies rate of 19%and that the tax rates and allowances for 2004/05 apply throughout this part.

考题 (b) (i) Advise Alasdair of the tax implications and relative financial risks attached to the following propertyinvestments:(1) buy to let residential property;(2) commercial property; and(3) shares in a property investment company/unit trust. (9 marks)

考题 (ii) State, giving reasons, the tax reliefs in relation to inheritance tax (IHT) and capital gains tax (CGT) whichwould be available to Alasdair if he acquires the warehouse and leases it to Gallus Co, rather than toan unconnected tenant. (4 marks)

考题 (ii) Briefly outline the tax consequences for Henry if the types of protection identified in (i) were to beprovided for him by Happy Home Ltd compared to providing them for himself. You are not required todiscuss the corporation tax (CT) consequences for Happy Home Ltd. (4 marks)

考题 (b) (i) Advise Benny of the income tax implications of the grant and exercise of the share options in SummerGlow plc on the assumption that the share price on 1 September 2007 and on the day he exercises theoptions is £3·35 per share. Explain why the share option scheme is not free from risk by reference tothe rules of the scheme and the circumstances surrounding the company. (4 marks)

考题 (ii) Compute the annual income tax saving from your recommendation in (i) above as compared with thesituation where Cindy retains both the property and the shares. Identify any other tax implicationsarising from your recommendation. Your answer should consider all relevant taxes. (3 marks)

考题 (b) Explain the advantages from a tax point of view of operating the new business as a partnership rather thanas a company whilst it is making losses. You should calculate the tax adjusted trading loss for the yearending 31 March 2008 for both situations and indicate the years in which the loss relief will be obtained.You are not required to prepare any other supporting calculations. (10 marks)

考题 (b) (i) State the condition that would need to be satisfied for the exercise of Paul’s share options in Memphisplc to be exempt from income tax and the tax implications if this condition is not satisfied.(2 marks)

考题 3 Damian is the finance director of Linden Limited, a medium sized, unquoted, UK trading company, with a 31 Julyyear end. Damian personally owns 10% of the ordinary issued share capital of Linden Limited, for which he paid£10,000 in June 1998. He estimates that the current market value of Linden Limited is £9 million and that thecompany will make taxable profits of £1·4 million in the forthcoming year to 31 July 2007.(a) Damian believes that Linden Limited should conduct its activities in a socially responsible manner and to thisend has proposed that in future all cars purchased by the company should be low emission vehicles. The salesdirector has stated that several of his staff, who are the main recipients of company cars, other than the directors,are extremely unhappy with this proposal, perceiving it as downgrading their value and status.The cars currently provided to the sales staff have a list price of £19,600, on which Linden Limited receives abulk purchase discount of 6% from the dealer, and a CO2 emission rate of 168 grams/kilometre. The companypays for up to £400 of accessories, of the salesmen’s own choice to be fitted to the cars and all of the runningcosts, including private petrol. The cars are replaced every three years and the ‘old’ cars are sold at auction,because they are high mileage vehicles.The low emission cars it is proposed to purchase will have the same list price as the current cars, but the dealeris only prepared to offer a bulk discount of 5% on these vehicles. Damian does not propose to make any otherchanges to Linden Limited’s company car policy or practice.Required:(i) Explain the tax consequences of the proposed move to low emission vehicles for both the individualsalesmen and Linden Limited, illustrating your answer by means of relevant calculations of the tax andnational insurance (NIC) savings arising. (9 marks)

考题 (b) Peter, one of Linden Limited’s non-executive directors, having lived and worked in the UK for most of his adultlife, sold his home near London on 22 March 2006 and, together with his wife (a French citizen), moved to livein a villa which she owns in the south of France. Peter is now demanding that the tax deducted from his director’sfees, for the board meetings held on 18 April and 16 May 2006, be refunded, on the grounds that, as he is nolonger resident in the UK, he is no longer liable to UK income tax. All of the company’s board meetings are heldat its offices in Cambridge.Despite Peter’s assurance that none of the other companies of which he is a director has disputed his change oftax status, Damian is uncertain whether he should make the refunds requested. However, as Peter is a friend ofthe company’s founder, Linden Limited’s managing director is urging him to do so, stating that if the tax doeshave to be paid, then Linden Limited could always bear the cost.Required:Advise Damian whether Peter is correct in his assertion regarding his tax position and in the case that thereis a UK tax liability the implications of the managing director’s suggestion. You are not required to considernational insurance (NIC) issues. (4 marks)

考题 (c) For commercial reasons, Damian believes that it would be sensible to place a new holding company, Bold plc,over the existing company, Linden Limited. Bold plc would also be unquoted and would acquire the existingLinden Limited shares in exchange for the issue of its own shares.If the new structure is implemented, Bold plc will provide management services to Linden Limited, but theamount that will be charged for these services is yet to be determined.Required:(i) State the capital gains tax (CGT) issues that Damian should be aware of before disposing of his sharesin Linden Limited to Bold plc. Your answer should include details of any conditions that will need to besatisfied if an immediate charge to tax is to be avoided. (4 marks)

考题 (iii) State the value added tax (VAT) and stamp duty (SD) issues arising as a result of inserting Bold plc asa holding company and identify any planning actions that can be taken to defer or minimise these taxcosts. (4 marks)You should assume that the corporation tax rates for the financial year 2005 and the income tax ratesand allowances for the tax year 2005/06 apply throughout this question.

考题 4 (a) For this part, assume today’s date is 1 March 2006.Bill and Ben each own 50% of the ordinary share capital in Flower Limited, an unquoted UK trading companythat makes electronic toys. Flower Limited was incorporated on 1 August 2005 with 1,000 £1 ordinary shares,and commenced trading on the same day. The business has been successful, and the company has accumulateda large cash balance of £180,000, which is to be used to purchase a new factory. However, Bill and Ben havereceived an offer from a rival company, which they are considering. The offer provides Bill and Ben with twoalternative methods of payment for the purchase of their shares:(i) £480,000 for the company, inclusive of the £180,000 cash balance.(ii) £300,000 for the company assuming the cash available for the factory purchase is extracted prior to sale.Bill and Ben each currently receive a gross salary of £3,750 per month from Flower Limited. Part of the offerterms is that Bill and Ben would be retained as employees of the company on the same salary.Neither Bill nor Ben has used any of their capital gains tax annual exemption for the tax year 2005/06.Required:(i) Calculate which of the following means of extracting the £180,000 from Flower Limited on 31 March2006 will result in the highest after tax cash amount for Bill and Ben:(1) payment of a dividend, or(2) payment of a salary bonus.You are not required to consider the corporation tax (CT) implications for Flower Limited in youranswer. (5 marks)

考题 (ii) Following on from your answer to (i), evaluate the two purchase proposals, and advise Bill and Benwhich course of action will result in the highest amount of after tax cash being received by theshareholders if the disposal takes place on 31 March 2006. (4 marks)

考题 (iii) State how your answer in (ii) would differ if the sale were to be delayed until August 2006. (3 marks)

考题 (b) For this part, assume today’s date is 1 May 2010.Bill and Ben decided not to sell their company, and instead expanded the business themselves. Ben, however,is now pursuing other interests, and is no longer involved with the day to day activities of Flower Limited. Billbelieves that the company would be better off without Ben as a voting shareholder, and wishes to buy Ben’sshares. However, Bill does not have sufficient funds to buy the shares himself, and so is wondering if thecompany could acquire the shares instead.The proposed price for Ben’s shares would be £500,000. Both Bill and Ben pay income tax at the higher rate.Required:Write a letter to Ben:(1) stating the income tax (IT) and/or capital gains tax (CGT) implications for Ben if Flower Limited were torepurchase his 50% holding of ordinary shares, immediately in May 2010; and(2) advising him of any available planning options that might improve this tax position. Clearly explain anyconditions which must be satisfied and quantify the tax savings which may result.(13 marks)Assume that the corporation tax rates for the financial year 2005 and the income tax rates and allowancesfor the tax year 2005/06 apply throughout this question.

考题 (ii) Calculate the corporation tax (CT) payable by Tay Limited for the year ended 31 March 2006, takingadvantage of all available reliefs. (3 marks)

考题 (iii) Explain the potential corporation tax (CT) implications of Tay Limited transferring work to Trent Limited,and suggest how these can be minimised or eliminated. (3 marks)

考题 (d) Advise Trent Limited of the consequences arising from the submission of the incorrect value added tax (VAT)return, assuming that the company has previously had a good compliance record with regard to accountingfor VAT. (6 marks)

考题 (ii) State the taxation implications of both equity and loan finance from the point of view of a company.(3 marks)

考题 In relation to company law, explain:(a) the limitations on the use of company names; (4 marks)(b) the tort of ‘passing off’; (4 marks)(c) the role of the company names adjudicators under the Companies Act 2006. (2 marks)

考题 James died on 22 January 2015. He had made the following gifts during his lifetime:(1) On 9 October 2007, a cash gift of £35,000 to a trust. No lifetime inheritance tax was payable in respect of this gift.(2) On 14 May 2013, a cash gift of £420,000 to his daughter.(3) On 2 August 2013, a gift of a property valued at £260,000 to a trust. No lifetime inheritance tax was payable in respect of this gift because it was covered by the nil rate band. By the time of James’ death on 22 January 2015, the property had increased in value to £310,000.On 22 January 2015, James’ estate was valued at £870,000. Under the terms of his will, James left his entire estate to his children.The nil rate band of James’ wife was fully utilised when she died ten years ago.The nil rate band for the tax year 2007–08 is £300,000, and for the tax year 2013–14 it is £325,000.Required:(a) Calculate the inheritance tax which will be payable as a result of James’ death, and state who will be responsible for paying the tax. (6 marks)(b) Explain why it might have been beneficial for inheritance tax purposes if James had left a portion of his estate to his grandchildren rather than to his children. (2 marks)(c) Explain why it might be advantageous for inheritance tax purposes for a person to make lifetime gifts even when such gifts are made within seven years of death.Notes:1. Your answer should include a calculation of James’ inheritance tax saving from making the gift of property to the trust on 2 August 2013 rather than retaining the property until his death.2. You are not expected to consider lifetime exemptions in this part of the question. (2 marks)

考题 问答题A farmer buys a horse for $60. He sells it to his neighbour for $70. Then he discovers he could have made a better deal. He borrows $10 from his wife, and buys the horse back for $80. He then sells it to another neighbour for $90. How much money did he make?