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is one of the quality planning outputs.

A.Scope base line

B.Cost of quality

C.Product specification

D.Quality checklist


更多 “ is one of the quality planning outputs.A.Scope base lineB.Cost of qualityC.Product specificationD.Quality checklist ” 相关考题
考题 Project tradeoffs are usually made by comparing _____ and constraints.ATime, cost, and qualityBTime, risk, and qualityCRisk, quality, and manpower availabilityDCost, quality, and technical performanceECost, quality, and risk

考题 Which of the following constitute Juran's "quality trilogy":A . planning, inspection, control.B . planning, improvement, control.C . planning, organization, control.D . product, price, customer.E . design, build, deliver.

考题 123 Which of the following constitute Juran's "quality trilogy":A. planning, inspection, control.B. planning, improvement, control.C. planning, organization, control.D. product, price, customer.E. design, build, deliver.

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考题 3 Project tradeoffs are usually made by comparing _____ and constraints.A. Time, cost, and qualityB. Time, risk, and qualityC. Risk, quality, and manpower availabilityD. Cost, quality, and technical performanceE. Cost, quality, and risk

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考题 ● Project tradeoffs are usually made by comparing _____ and constraints.A Time, cost, and qualityB Time, risk, and qualityC Risk, quality, and manpower availabilityD Cost, quality, and technical performanceE Cost, quality, and risk

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