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英译汉 Then you turn left, at the next junction on your right, you'll find a yellow building.

A. 然后在右手方向的下一个路口,向左拐,你会看到一座黄色大楼。

B. 然后左拐,在下一个路口的右手边,你会看到一座黄色大楼。

C. 接着向左拐,到了正前方的下一个交叉口,你会看到一座黄色大楼。


更多 “ 英译汉 Then you turn left, at the next junction on your right, you'll find a yellow building.A. 然后在右手方向的下一个路口,向左拐,你会看到一座黄色大楼。B. 然后左拐,在下一个路口的右手边,你会看到一座黄色大楼。C. 接着向左拐,到了正前方的下一个交叉口,你会看到一座黄色大楼。 ” 相关考题
考题 There’s nothing like a beautiful summer dayblue skies, warm breezes, birds singing lie back and dream about your future. You have the world before you.Allow yourself to dream, and think big big as the sky. The world’s greatest achievers are some of the best dreamers. Walt Disney, Amelia Earhart, Henry Ford, Susan B. Anthony, Andrew Carnegie, and hundreds more, all had dreams.Then take the first step to make your dreams come true. Form. a goal and accomplish it. Create a new goal and accomplish it. Every time you set and achieve a goal, you’ll move one step closer toward building the future you want for yourself.When you achieve a target you’ve set for yourself, it helps build your self-confidence and teaches you self-discipline. Each goal you achieve will boost your confidence and help you set bigger goals for your future. Soon, you’ll find yourself moving on a path to success.Steps for reaching your dreams:It can be as easy as starting a savings account at your credit union. Give yourself a goal. First, what do you want to save for? It might be a new CD player, your first car, or college.Next, where will your savings come from? Will you use a portion of your allowance, or can you think of other ways to earn money?It’s okay to set small goals at first. In fact, that may be wise so you begin to understand the rewards and personal satisfaction that come from achieving your goals.You can keep your goals secret or share them with someone close to you who may help you stay on track.Another important step is to write your goal on paper. Post your written goal (or a photo of it) in your room where you can see it regularly. This will remind you of what you are working toward.Give yourself a pat on the back when you’ve achieved your goal and start thinking about your next personal challenge.Before you know it, you’ll be living your dreams.(1)What is the first step for reaching your dreams?A、To start a savings account.B、To give yourself a goal.C、To save money for something you want.D、All of the above.(2)To make dreams come true, how many steps are mentioned in the passage?A、Three.B、Four.C、Six.D、Seven.(3)Andrew Carnegie and Henry Ford are mentioned to show ___________.A、they all had dreamsB、they are greatest achievers in the worldC、we should dream and think bigD、we are achievers if we are dreamers(4)According to the passage, you praise and encourage yourself when you _________.A、have formed a goalB、have accomplished a goalC、build your self-confidenceD、are planning a personal goal(5)You’ll be living your dreams〃 means you’ll __________.A、live in your dreamsB、be dreamersC、reach your dreamsD、believe your dreams

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