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Products are graded according to size and().





更多 “ Products are graded according to size and().A、qualityB、quantityC、qualification ” 相关考题
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考题 I am glad that I feel quite ( ) for the position you advertised.A. qualifyingB. qualifiedC. qualification

考题 Your database is5GB and contain satablenamed Sales History.Salesinformationisfrequentlyinsertedandupdated.Youdiscoverthatexcessivepagesplittingisoccurring.Youneed toreducetheoccurr enceofpagesplittinginthe Sales History table.Whichcodesegmentshouldyou use?()A.ALTERDATABASESalesMODIFYFILE(NAME=Sales dat3,SIZE=10GB)B.ALTERINDEXALLONSales.Sales HistoryREBUILDWITH(FILLFACTOR=60)C.EXECsys.sp_configure‘fillfactor(%)‘,‘60‘D.UPDATESTATISTICSSales.Sales History(Products)WITHFULLSCAN,NORECOMPUTE

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