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If payment is not received by the () date,the agreement will be cancelled.






更多 “ If payment is not received by the () date,the agreement will be cancelled.A、referingB、dueC、whereasD、thus ” 相关考题
考题 ●The OSI (68) model,sometimes also called ISO or 7 layers reference model for communication.has been developed by the International Standards Organization in early 1980's.(68) A.referentB.referenceC.referanceD.refering

考题 26 Reaching an understanding of concessions is accomplished in the _____ stage of negotiations. A. protocolB probingC. scratch bargainingD. closureE. agreement

考题 108 Reaching an understanding of concessions is accomplished in the _____ stage of negotiations. A. protocolB. probingC. scratch bargainingD. closureE. agreement

考题 She _ a present from him, but did not _ it. A.accepted … receiveB.received … acceptC.got … receiveD.received … get

考题 听力原文:A bill may be accepted after it has been dishonored by a previous refusal to accept, or by nonpayment.(8)A.A bill can not be accepted after it has been dishonored by a previous refusal to accept.B.If a bill has been dishonored by non-payment, it may not be accepted by another person.C.If a bill has been dishonored by a previous refusal to accept, it may be accepted by another person.D.A bill can not be accepted after it has been dishonored by non-payment.

考题 I () his offer, but I didn’t() it.A. receive...acceptB. received…acceptedC. accepted…receivedD. received…accept

考题 The OSI(66)model, sometimes also called ISO or 7 layers reference model for communication, has been developed by the International Standards Organization in early 1980's.A.referentB.referenceC.referanceD.refering

考题 The OS!(68)model, sometimes also called ISO or 7 layers reference model for communication, has been developed by the International Standards Organization in early 1980' s.A.referentB.referenceC.referanceD.refering

考题 The goods are being prepared for immediate delivery and will be ready for ( ) tomorrow. A. packed B. shipment C. accept D. agreement

考题 如果将合同的成立(agreement)用形象的公式来表示,以下选项正确的是()。A.offer + offer = agreementB.acceptance + acceptance = agreementC.offer + acceptance = agreementD.promise + promise = agreement