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I am well acquainted ()local conditions and have excellent business connections.






更多 “ I am well acquainted ()local conditions and have excellent business connections.A、forB、throughC、byD、with ” 相关考题
考题 Don’t think I’m joking. I ____________ business. (A) think(B) am(C) mean(D) talk

考题 A: I’m sorry,R&d? B:_______________________. A.No, thank you.B.Thank you.C.Excellent, thank you.D.That’s Research and Development.

考题 —We are now looking for agents to cover southern China. —Excellent. () A.I’m very familiar with the market there.B.We are full of confidence in the Chinese market, too.C.Our target markets are large corporations and government agencies.

考题 It was getting dark. Some children and two Canadian women were still skating near a big hotel. They (36) (have)a good time.A boy said to his friends,"I (37) (not skate) on a real lake so far.It's wonderful! Look! I (38) (fly)! "Suddenly the ice.broke. One of the boys fell into the water.The children shouted,"Help! Help!"They didn-t know what they (39) (do).The two Canadian friends heard them and skated over to help the boy.The ice (40) (be) thin The two Canadians fell into the water,too. But they tried their best (41) (save) the litde boy. They knew they (42) (be) quick,or the boy would be frozen.Many guests from the hotel (43) (run) over to help. The boy and the two Canadian women were out of water at last. One of the women (44) (not feel) well. She (45) (send) to hospital at once. She felt happy because the boy was safe.36._________

考题 If only we______(have)a phone! I'm tired of waiting outside the public phone box.

考题 -Would you like to go to the cinema?-I'd _____to go to the museum.A. ratherB. PreferC. have

考题 Please help yourself to the seafood__________ A.Sorry, I can't helpB.Well,seafood doesn't suitC.Well,I'm afraid I don't like seafood

考题 -Well, Mary, how are you? -(). A、I’m goodB、I’m pleasedC、I’m fineD、I’m nice

考题 —I'd met Smith several times before.—So (have) ( ) I.

考题 Wu Hua had a question to ask his foreign teacher. He went to Professor James's place.After he got the answer, he got up to leave.Wu:()A、Well, that's clear, thank you very much.B、Well, I've got to go now.C、Ok. Thanks.D、I'm afraid I must go now.