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A collection of relmed information,organized for easy retrieval.






更多 “ A collection of relmed information,organized for easy retrieval.A.DataB.DatabaseC.BufferD.Stack ” 相关考题
考题 " in conversation, you _____________ your message to your audience." A. tellB.informC. organizeD. tailor

考题 16.A. difficultB. differentC. possibleD. easy

考题 Computers and mobile phones, playgh they are indeed making our life__________ and more ________have reduced the need for face-to-face cotyr unication.A.easily;effienenlB.easy,efficientC.easy;efficientlyD.easily;efficiently

考题 collection(英译中)

考题 Whiledesigningyourdatabase,youhavecreatedtheEMPLOYEEStableasanindex-organized(IOT).YouwanttocreateabitmapindexontheJOD_IDcolumntomakequeriesfaster.Whichtaskmusthavebeencompletedsothatyouareabletocreatethebitmapindex?()A.Aprimarykeymusthavebeencreated.B.Amappingtablemusthavebeencreated.C.Anoverflowtablespacemusthavebeenspecified.D.ThePCTTHRESHOLDoptionmusthavebeenspecified.

考题 47______.A.oldB.newC.sameD.easy

考题 Reading authentic writings is one of the best ways to __________our English vocabulary. A.spread B.extend C.organize D.enrich

考题 The game requires us to find out two simple but effective ways to solve this problem.A: efficient B: clever C: stupid D: easy

考题 {pz_填空}center has been set up to give{pz_填空}on scientific farming for the nearby farmers.() A、 An information;advice B、 Information ;advice C、 An information;advices D、 Information;advices

考题 在系统数据库 () 中存在一个存储所有触发器信息的系统表。A.schemaB.information_schemaC.Information_tableD.Information