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斗渠(lateral canal)


更多 “斗渠(lateral canal)” 相关考题
考题 The most common form. of project communication is:A Upward to executive sponsorB Downward to subordinatesC Lateral to the team and line organizationsD Lateral to customersE Diagonally to the client's senior management

考题 Most project (and non-project) managers prefer _____ communications.A OralB WrittenC UpwardD DownwardE Lateral

考题 93 The most common form. of project communication is:A. Upward to executive sponsorB. Downward to subordinatesC. Lateral to the team and line organizationsD. Lateral to customersE. Diagonally to the client's senior management

考题 【C2】A.facialB.virtualC.mentalD.lateral

考题 (iii) Lateral or horizontal. (3 marks)

考题 田间灌排渠系主要指( )。 A. 干渠和支渠B . 支渠和斗渠C. 斗渠和农渠及其所围成的耕作田块内的临时渠道D .干渠、支渠、斗渠和农渠四级渠道

考题 Lateral movement of the vessel to leeward of its course defines ______.A.LeewayB.LeesideC.LeewardD.Lee moving

考题 I undertake to bring to the notice of the Suez Canal Authorities,before my vessel ______ the Canal,any defects which may appear.A.enters intoB.entersC.enters inD.enters to

考题 El Abbasa (Sweet Water) Canal______from River Nile at Cairo to Suez Canal at Ismaili.A.extendB.extendingC.are extendingD.extends

考题 The canal must be wide enough to permit two of the largest boats using it to pass each other easily.It must be deep enough to leave about two feet of water( )the keel of the largest boat using the canal.A.down B.below C.beneath D.off

考题 田间灌排渠系主要指()A干渠和支渠B支渠和斗渠C斗渠和农渠及其所围成的耕作田块内的临时渠道D干渠、支渠、斗渠和农渠四级渠道

考题 斗渠

考题 root canal

考题 侧蚀作用(lateral erosion)

考题 斗渠属于输水渠道。

考题 股管femoral canal

考题 单选题Vessels transiting Suez Canal are charged according to their().A gross tonnageB Suez Canal tonnage'sC net tonnage'sD Panama Canal tonnage's

考题 单选题()are supplied by main switchboard directly.A Suez Canal searchlight, air compressor and air conditioning compressorB Air compressor, boiler blower and refrigeration plantC Boiler blower, Suez Canal searchlight and refrigeration plantD Suez canal searchlight, air compressor and boiler blower

考题 名词解释题侧蚀作用(lateral erosion)

考题 单选题()the canal transit, the radar was operating.A AtB InC DuringD With

考题 名词解释题root canal

考题 单选题I don’t think there is too much difference between transiting Suez Canal and panama Canal()the tonnage certificate required.A exceptB except thatC besideD except for

考题 单选题灌溉渠系一般分为()四级固定渠道。A 干渠、支渠、斗渠、农渠B 干渠、斗渠、农渠、毛渠C 农渠、毛渠、输水沟、灌水沟

考题 单选题I undertake to bring to the notice of the Suez Canal Authorities,before my vessel()the Canal,any defects which may appear.A enters intoB entersC enters inD enters to

考题 单选题Lateral movement of the vessel to leeward of its course defines ().A LeewayB LeesideC LeewardD Lee moving

考题 单选题田间灌排渠系主要指()A 干渠和支渠B 支渠和斗渠C 斗渠和农渠及其所围成的耕作田块内的临时渠道D 干渠、支渠、斗渠和农渠四级渠道

考题 单选题()gives a description of the combined Cardinal and Lateral Buoyage system including textual and diagrammatic explanations of the five types of marks;lateral;cardinal,isolated danger;safe water and special marks.A Ocean Passages for the WorldB Symbols and Abbreviations used on Admiralty Charts,Chart 5011C IALA Maritime Buoyage SystemD The Mariners Handbook