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  • A、Virtual Machine Manager
  • B、Configuration Manager
  • C、Operation Manager
  • D、Data Projection Manager


更多 “()提供既灵活又具有成本效益的基础架构监视,帮助确保极其重要的应用程序的可预测性能和可用性,并为数据中心以及私有云和公有云提供全面监视。A、Virtual Machine ManagerB、Configuration ManagerC、Operation ManagerD、Data Projection Manager” 相关考题
考题 The key ________ requires a level of sophistication in marketing and financial analysis not normally found in the sales force. A、accounting managerB、account managerC、marketing managerD、client manager

考题 Java虚拟机中的( )模块既负责管理针对各种类型数据库软件的JDBC驱动程序,也负责和用户的应用程序交互,为Java应用程序建立起基于JDBC机制的数据库连接。A.JDBCConnection ManagerB.JDBCCommad ManagerC.JDBCDriver ManagerD.JDBCDatabase Manager

考题 以下关于私有云和混合云的描述中,正确的有哪些项()。 A、私有云更侧重公有云上没有的服务或者不便提供的服务B、混合云在架构上会比较复杂C、在管理上,混合云的管理成本会比单纯私有云要低D、在管理上,混合云的管理成本会比单纯私有云要高

考题 下列关于医疗行业云发展趋势的说法中正确的是() A、医院已基本全面接受云计算技术、云服务商能力及其应用B、公有云和私有云这两类厂商的竞争目前还主要处于各自圈地的态势,但是竞争已经开始C、未来医疗云的发展将会是公有云和私有云同步发展态势,混合云作为过渡衔接D、公有云除了面向医院提供云存储、云灾备等IaaS功能外,也开始为医疗机构和信息化厂商提供PaaS服务

考题 The perform. Integrated Change Contorl process is the ultimate responsibility of the(①).Although changes may be initiated verbally,they should be recorded in writtern form. and entered into the (②)system.①A.resource managerB.division managerC.functional managerD.project manager②.A.quality managementB.configuration managementC.project managerD.scope management

考题 FusionSphere云数据中心场景下,建议采用主备模式部署,提供管理系统可靠性的是?( ) A、VRM(Virtual rsource Manager)B、MDC(Meta. data Contronller)C、FSM (FusionStorage Manager)D、ManagerOne SC(Service Center)&OC(operation Center)

考题 ()是针对虚拟化数据中心的一套综合性管理解决方案,它可以提高物理服务器的利用率,可以对虚拟机基础架构进行集中管理,并且能够让管理员、委派的管理员和授权终端用户以更快的速度来准备新的虚拟机。A、Virtual Machine ManagerB、Configuration ManagerC、Operation ManagerD、Data Projection Manager

考题 目前,主流的虚拟化供应商均提供相应的管理产品与技术。微软对于虚拟化的管理主要通过其System Center系列的管理产品实现,下面哪些是属于System Center产品()A、Virtual Machine ManagerB、Configuration ManagerC、Operation ManagerD、Data Projection Manager

考题 LTE网管上Configuration有哪些功能应用()A、CM operation managerB、Software ManagerC、CM editorD、License Manager

考题 蓝牙的核心架构不包括()。A、resource managerB、DTMC、inter managerD、device manager

考题 关于云计算分类正确的是()。A、私有云和公有云B、私有云和混合云  C、私有云、公有云和混合云 D、以上都不是

考题 对提供者而言,云计算可以三种部署模式,即()、私有云和混合云。A、公有云B、共有云C、共合云

考题 ZXONME300网管的组网方式包括:()。A、单GUI单ManagerB、单GUI多ManagerC、多GUI单ManagerD、多GUI多Manager

考题 ZXONM E300网管的组网方式包括()A、单GUI单ManagerB、单GUI多ManagerC、多GUI单ManagerD、多GUI多Manager

考题 云计算按服务类型分为()A、公有云、私有云和应用云B、基础设施云、平台云、混合云C、公有云、私有云和混合云D、基础设施云、平台云、应用云

考题 华为FusionSphere支持公有云,私有云和混合云,并全面兼容OpenStack。

考题 What is the name of the IBM solution that helps to monitor power consumption to allow better utilization of available power resources?()A、IBM Capacity ManagerB、IBM Active Energy ManagerC、IBM Remote Deployment ManagerD、IBM Virtualization Manager

考题 A customer is in the initial stages of implementing a server consolidation project.  The Information Technology staff has identified several Microsoft Windows servers that are running single applications on older hardware and averaging under 20% utilization.  Part of their server consolidation goal is to lower the number of servers, decrease the operating system license cost, and increase utilization per server.  Which of the following IBM Director extensions could be used to satisfy all of these requirements?()A、Aurema Application Workload ManagerB、Remote Deployment ManagerC、Virtual Machine ManagerD、Capacity Manager

考题 What is the IBM tool used to configure the IBM System Storage DS5000 system?()A、DS Storage ManagerB、Tivoli Storage ManagerC、Remote Support ManagerD、Tivoli Provisioning Manager

考题 A user wants to connect to the database instance from an application that is running on a remote machine. Which tools should the DBA use to establish the required configuration to ensure that the user is able to connect to the database instance?()A、Data PumpB、Oracle Net ManagerC、Oracle Enterprise ManagerD、Oracle Universal Installer (OUI)E、Database Configuration Assistant (DBCA)

考题 Your company has a main office and 10 branch offices. You have an Exchange Server 2010 organization.  All Exchange servers are installed on virtual machines.  You need to create a monitoring plan for the Exchange servers that meets the following requirements:.Identify Exchange server errors .Provide alerts when Exchange services are stopped.Produce statistical analysis and reporting Which tool should you include in the plan?()A、Microsoft System Center Service ManagerB、Microsoft System Center Operations ManagerC、Microsoft System Center Configuration ManagerD、Microsoft System Center Virtual Machine Manager

考题 You are evaluating the implementation of two Hyper-V hosts for the Web servers. You need to design a solution that will move the Web servers automatically between the Hyper-V hosts based on the physical resources available. Which software should you include in the design?()A、Microsoft System Center Operations ManagerB、Microsoft System Center Virtual Machine ManagerC、Microsoft System Center Data Protection ManagerD、Microsoft System Center Configuration Manager

考题 You are evaluating the implementation of two Hyper-V hosts for the application servers. You need to design a solution that will move the application servers automatically between the Hyper-V hosts based on the physical resources available. The solution must minimize the number of Microsoft System Center products deployed to the network. Which software should you include in the design?()A、Microsoft System Center Operations ManagerB、Microsoft System Center Virtual Machine ManagerC、Microsoft System Center Data Protection ManagerD、Microsoft System Center Configuration Manager

考题 目标架构中公有云和私有云的结合是()A、公有云B、私有云C、混合云

考题 多选题FusionSphere云数据中心场景下,建议采用主备模式部署,提供管理系统可靠性的是?()AVRM(Vitual Resource Manager)BMDC(Meta Data Controller)CFSM(Fusion Stoasge Manager)DManageOneSC(Server Center)OC(Operation Center)

考题 单选题云计算按服务类型分为()A 公有云、私有云和应用云B 基础设施云、平台云、混合云C 公有云、私有云和混合云D 基础设施云、平台云、应用云

考题 单选题目标架构中公有云和私有云的结合是()A 公有云B 私有云C 混合云