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()terrible weather we’ve been having these days!


更多 “()terrible weather we’ve been having these days!” 相关考题
考题 Any open flame can’t exist in this business buildingA.Yes. We’ve removed all the flammable gas.B.Yes. We’ve searched everywhere for flammable liquidC.Yes. All the flammable liquid and gas have been removed already.D.Yes. We’ve removed all the liquid, gas and wood which can be burned

考题 What a hot day! –We () such hot weather for almost ten days. A、have been havingB、have hadC、are havingD、had had

考题 What a long time we’ve been waiting, aren’t we?() 此题为判断题(对,错)。

考题 It is the first time that we () such an interesting journey since we’ve been in college. A. took part inB. take part inC. would take party inD. have taken part in

考题 ______terrible weather we've been having these days!A. WhatB. What aC. HowD. How a

考题 All flights ( ) because of the snowstorm, we could do nothing but ( ) the train. A、were cancelled/ to takeB、having been cancelled/ takeC、have been cancelled/ takeD、had been cancelled/ to take

考题 ( ) in England for one year, I’ve got accustomed to English food now. A.LivedB.LivingC.Having livedD.Having been lived

考题 Honey, would you like to have a talk with me?().A. Talk with you? What for?B. I'm not interested in the talk.C. About the situations we are having these days.

考题 Spring ( ), we may perhaps look forward to better weather.A.comingB.having comeC.to be comingD.is coming

考题 _____________, we started looking for work. A. Having been spent all the moneyB. All the money having been spentC. We spent all the moneyD. All the money was spent

考题 lovely weather we have been having these days?()A. HowB. WhatC. How aD. What a

考题 We've been looking at houses but haven't found ___we like yet.A、oneB、onesC、itD、them

考题 We could have gone on a picnic if the weather ( ) nice. A.wasB.will beC.isD.had been

考题 Such animals as South China tigers are believed __________ ., for we've had no track of them for ages. A.becoming extinct B.to become extinct C.to have been extinct D.having been extinct

考题 Such animals as South China tigers are believed_______, for we’ve had no track of them for ages.A.becoming extinct B.to become extinct C.to have been extinct D.having been extinct

考题 All the flights ______ because of the snowstorm, we had to take the train instead.A.were canceleD B.had been canceleD C.having canceleD D.having been canceleD.

考题 __________around the Water Cube, we were then taken to see the Bird's Nest for the 2008 olympic Games.A.Having shown B.To be shown C.Having been shown D.To show

考题 We've been through some rough times together.A:short B:difficult C:long D:happy

考题 What dreadful weather we have these days!A:terrible B:wonderful C:nice D:cold

考题 We just have to bear the hot weather these days.( ),it will be over soon. A.Somehow B.Anyway C.Besides D.Therefore

考题 We confirm ____ purchased 2,000 MP3 Players ____ you.A、have, toB、having, fromC、to have, fromD、have been to

考题 单选题We wanted to go out yesterday but the weather was terrible. If it _____ a nice day, we _____ for a picnic.A had been; would have goneB was, would goC were; would have goneD would be; would go

考题 单选题We wanted to go out yesterday but the weather was terrible. If it ______ a nice day, we ______ for a picnic.A had been; would have gone B was, would goC were; would have goneD would be; would go

考题 单选题—Do you think we can ______ the package arriving tomorrow?  —I hope so. We’ve been waiting for a long time.A add upB count onC fill outD get over

考题 单选题When we arrived here yesterday, their ship ()for three days.A has leftB had leftC has been awayD had been away

考题 单选题Jane: Hi Tim!  Tim: Jane!  Jane: How are you?  Tim: Fine.  Jane: ______ Have you been here long?  Tim: I arrived yesterday, on Sunday. ______  Jane: I got here a few days ago.A Lovely weather, isn’t it? ; I’m worn out.B And you? ; I came here with Sue.C I’d been wondering when I’d run into you. ; How about you?D How time flies! ; I’ve been longing to see you for weeks.

考题 单选题Such animals as South China tigers are believed ______,for we've had no track of them for ages .A becoming extinctB to become extinctC to have been extinctD having been extinct