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TASK NURJER 26-22-03-400-801-B,其中400在MPP手册中表示什么意思?()

  • A、安装
  • B、拆卸
  • C、拆卸和安装


更多 “TASK NURJER 26-22-03-400-801-B,其中400在MPP手册中表示什么意思?()A、安装B、拆卸C、拆卸和安装” 相关考题
考题 What is the outcome of this block of code?() A. It creates a task and workload, and executes the task.B. It creates a task and workload but does not execute the task.C. It produces an error because a template has not been created.D. It produces an error because the SQL Tuning Set has not been created.

考题 You create a new Automatic Database Diagnostic Monitor (ADDM) task: instance_analysis_mode_task. To view the ADDM report, you use the following command:You want to suppress ADDM output relating to Segment Advisor actions on user SCOTT‘s segments.What would you do to achieve this?()A. Add a finding directive for the ADDM task.B. Add a segment directive for the ADDM task.C. Add a parameter directive for the ADDM task.D. Disable the Segment Advisor from the Automatic Maintenance Task.

考题 YoucreateanewAutomaticDatabaseDiagnosticMonitor(ADDM)task:instance_analysis_mode_task.ToviewtheADDMreport,youusethefollowingcommand:SQLSELECTdbms_addm.get_report(’my_instance_analysis_mode_task’)FROMdual;YouwanttosuppressADDMoutputrelatingtoSegmentAdvisoractionsonuserSCOTT’ssegments.Whatwouldyoudotoachievethis?()A.AddafindingdirectivefortheADDMtask.B.AddasegmentdirectivefortheADDMtask.C.AddaparameterdirectivefortheADDMtask.D.DisabletheSegmentAdvisorfromtheAutomaticMaintenanceTask.

考题 The following parameter are set for your Oracle 12c database instance:OPTIMIZER_CAPTURE_SQL_PLAN_BASELINES=FALSEOPTIMIZER_USE_SQL_PLAN_BASELINES=TRUEYou want to manage the SQL plan evolution task manually. Examine the following steps:1. Set the evolve task parameters.2. Create the evolve task by using the DBMS_SPM.CREATE_EVOLVE_TASK function.3. Implement the recommendations in the task by using the DBMS_SPM.IMPLEMENT_EVOLVE_TASKfunction.4. Execute the evolve task by using the DBMS_SPM.EXECUTE_EVOLVE_TASK function.5. Report the task outcome by using the DBMS_SPM.REPORT_EVOLVE_TASK function.Identify the correct sequence of steps:()A.2,4,5B.2,1,4,3,5C.1,2,3,4,5D.1,2,4,5

考题 阅读以下说明和x86汇编语言代码,根据要求回答问题1至问题3。【说明】在某嵌入式安全监测系统中,对某任务的加工操作需通过数据采集(Collect_task)、计算(Calculate_task)这两个不同的程序段来完成,并且执行程序段Collect_task和Calculate _task的顺序及次数有如下约定:Collect_task(2次)→Calculate_task(1次)→Collect_task(5次)→Calculate_task(4次)→Collect_task(2次)→Calculate_task(2次)表6-22 所示为x86系统部分指令及寄存器说明。采用逻辑尺控制法实现以上要求的汇编程序如下:【汇编程序代码】N EQU (1)RULE EQU (2)CODE SEGMENTASSUME CS:CODESTART: MOV AX,RULEMOV CL,NLOP: SAL AX,1JC (3)Collect: CALL Collect_task ;执行Collect_task程序段JMP (4)Calculate:CALL Calculate_task ;执行Calculate_task程序段NEXT: (5)JNZ (6)MOV AH,4CH ;功能号送入AH寄存器INT (7) ;结束程序运行,中断返回(8)END START请根据试题的要求,将汇编程序代码中(1)~(8)空缺处的内容填写完整。

考题 TASK NUMBER 26-22-03-400-801-B,在AMTOSS中代表什么意思() A、安装B、拆卸C、拆卸和安装D、勤务

考题 以下哪些不是rdd的特性()A、心跳机制B、task的分发C、task的回收D、task执行情况的监测

考题 spark中的persist算子的源码中具有哪些参数()A、心跳机制B、task的分发C、task的回收D、task执行情况的监测

考题 hercules task

考题 Which of the following reasons indicate why it is important to have the user demonstrate the task they are trying to perform?()A、To help the technician learn how to perform the task B、To determine if the user is performing the task properly C、To determine if the user is authorized to perform the task D、To help the technician determine if there is a better way to perform the task in question 

考题 在μCOS-II操作系统中,已知Task1的优先级为12,Task2的优先级为26。假如在Task2运行过程中发生键盘中断,在执行中断服务程序时Task1进入就绪状态,则中断返回时Task1得到CPU的使用权。

考题 Which of the following utilities, in Windows, can be configured to perform automatic disk defragmentation?()A、Task SchedulerB、Disk Defragmenter ToolC、Task ManagerD、Disk Manager

考题 To view the results of a manual SQL Tuning Advisor task, which steps should the DBA take?()  A、 From the Advisor Central home page,select the tuning task from the Advisor Tasks section B、 From Advisor Central,choose SQL Advisors,SQL Tuning Advisors,Manual Tuning Task ResultsC、 From Advisor Central,choose SQL Advisors,Manual SQL Tuning Advisors,Tuning Task ResultsD、 Either B or C

考题 You are a network administrator for ExamSheet.net's Windows 2000 network.  You use a user account named User1 to log on tot a Windows 2000 Professional computer. The computer is used by different students in a classroom. User1 does not have administrative rights. However, you prefer to use this account for your daily activities. Using the Task Scheduler you schedule a task to run a command file named AddUsers.cmd that automatically adds six more student user accounts. You configure the task to run as the administrator account.  After the task was scheduled to have run you open the Task Scheduler and discover a status of "Could not start" for the task. You also discover account logon failure audit events in the computer's Security log.You want the scheduled task to successfully run AddUsers.cmd. You want to accomplish this with the least amount of administrative effort.  What should you do?()A、Schedule the task using theATcommand.B、Reenter the password for the administrator account using the Task Scheduler.C、Log on with an administrative account and reschedule the task.D、Log on by using the local Administrator account. Then schedule the task to run under User1.

考题 TASK NUMBER 26-22-03-400-801-B,中400在MPP手册中是什么意思?()A、安装B、拆卸C、拆卸和安装D、勤务

考题 TASK NURJER 26-22-03-400-801-B,在AMTOSS中代表什么意思()。A、安装B、拆卸C、拆卸和安装

考题 判断题在μCOS-II操作系统中,已知Task1的优先级为12,Task2的优先级为26。假如在Task2运行过程中发生键盘中断,在执行中断服务程序时Task1进入就绪状态,则中断返回时Task1得到CPU的使用权。A 对B 错

考题 单选题To generate recommendations to improve the performance of a set of SQL queries in an application, you execute the following blocks of code:   BEGIN  dbms_advisor.create_task(dbms_advisor.sqlaccess_advisor,’TASK1’);  END; /  BEGIN  dbms_advisor.set_task_parameter(’TASK1’,’ANALYSIS_SCOPE’,’ALL’); dbms_advisor.set_task_parameter(’TASK1’,’MODE’,’COMPREHENSIVE’);  END;  /  BEGIN  dbms_advisor.execute_task(’TASK1’);  dbms_output.put_line(dbms_advisor.get_task_script(’TASK1’));  END;  /  The blocks of code execute successfully;however,you do not get the required outcome.  What could be the reason?()A  A template needs to be associated with the task.B  A workload needs to be associated with the task.C  The partial or complete workload scope needs to be associated with the task.D  The type of structures (indexes, materialized views, or partitions) to be recommended need to be  specified for the task.

考题 单选题The following parameter are set for your Oracle 12c database instance: OPTIMIZER_CAPTURE_SQL_PLAN_BASELINES=FALSE OPTIMIZER_USE_SQL_PLAN_BASELINES=TRUE You want to manage the SQL plan evolution task manually. Examine the following steps: 1. Set the evolve task parameters. 2. Create the evolve task by using the DBMS_SPM.CREATE_EVOLVE_TASK function. 3. Implement the recommendations in the task by using the DBMS_SPM.IMPLEMENT_EVOLVE_TASK function. 4. Execute the evolve task by using the DBMS_SPM.EXECUTE_EVOLVE_TASK function. 5. Report the task outcome by using the DBMS_SPM.REPORT_EVOLVE_TASK function. Identify the correct sequence of steps:()A 2,4,5B 2,1,4,3,5C 1,2,3,4,5D 1,2,4,5

考题 单选题You schedule a task to run after 15 minutes. After an hour, you check the Event Viewer system log. It contains the error message: "The Task Scheduler service failed to start". You want to run the scheduled task again. What should you do before restarting the Task Scheduler? ()A Set the Task Scheduler service to log on as a Local System account.B Set the task scheduler service to interact with the desktop.C Restart the remote procedure service called RPC service.D Log off then on using an account in the power users group.

考题 单选题Which of the following reasons indicate why it is important to have the user demonstrate the task they are trying to perform?()A To help the technician learn how to perform the task B To determine if the user is performing the task properly C To determine if the user is authorized to perform the task D To help the technician determine if there is a better way to perform the task in question 

考题 单选题You use a Windows 2000 Professional computer to run a weekly accounts table. The report has the name ap_financial_reports. You also want the use the computer to run a task named perf_log to connect to network routers and retrieve their performance logs. When the ap_financial_report is running on the computer perf_log task stops responding the eventually times out. When you run only the perf_log task the task completes successfully. You use the task manager to view your system resources. You want to resolve the performance log time out problem by using task manager. What should you do?()A Decrease the base priority of the ap_financial_reports task.B Decrease the number of threads available for the ap_financial_reports task.C Increase the base priority of the perf_log task.D Increase the number of threats available for perf_log task.

考题 单选题You are the administrator of a Windows 2000 Professional computer. You schedule a task to run after 15 minutes. One hour later, the task still has not run.  You notice that your Event Viewer system log has the following error message;  "The task scheduler service failed to start due to following error. The service did not start due to login failure."  You want to run the scheduler task again. What should you do before restarting the task scheduler service?()A Set the task scheduler service to log on using the local system accountB Set the task scheduler service to allow the service to interact with the desktopC Restart the remote producer call (RPC) service.D Log off and then log on to an account in the Power Users group.

考题 单选题You are the administrator of a Windows 2000 Professional computer.  You schedule a task to run after 15 minutes. One hour later, the task still has not run. Using the Task Scheduler you check the status of the task. The status says "Could not start". You also notice that your Event Viewer Security Log has a logon failure event. You want to run the scheduled task.  What should you do?()A Restart the RunAs service.B Verify the account and password information for the task.C Set the Task Scheduler service to allow the service to interact with the desktop.D Set the Task Scheduler service to log on as the local Administrator account.

考题 单选题You create a new Automatic Database Diagnostic Monitor (ADDM) task:  instance_analysis_mode_task. To view the ADDM report, you use the following command:   SQL SELECT dbms_addm.get_report(’my_instance_analysis_mode_task’) FROM dual;   You want to suppress ADDM output relating to Segment Advisor actions on user SCOTT’s segments.  What would you do to achieve this?()A  Add a finding directive for the ADDM task.B  Add a segment directive for the ADDM task.C  Add a parameter directive for the ADDM task.D  Disable the Segment Advisor from the Automatic Maintenance Task.

考题 单选题Evaluate the following code:   SQLVARIABLE task_name VARCHAR2(255); SQLVARIABLE sql_stmt VARCHAR2(4000); SQLBEGIN :sql_stmt := ’SELECT COUNT(*) FROM customers  WHERE cust_state_province =’’CA’’’; :task_name := ’MY_QUICKTUNE_TASK’;  DBMS_ADVISOR.QUICK_TUNE(DBMS_ADVISOR.SQLACCESS_ADVISOR,  :task_name, :sql_stmt);  END;   What is the outcome of this block of code?()A  It creates a task and workload, and executes the task.B  It creates a task and workload but does not execute the task.C  It produces an error because a template has not been created.D  It produces an error because the SQL Tuning Set has not been created.

考题 单选题______, he always tries his best to complete it on time.A However the task is hardB However hard the task isC Though hard the task isD Though hard is the task