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  • A、Active XInstaller(AxInstSV)
  • B、Plug and Play
  • C、Application Identity
  • D、Adaptive Brightness


更多 “下列服务,建议开启的服务是()A、Active XInstaller(AxInstSV)B、Plug and PlayC、Application IdentityD、Adaptive Brightness” 相关考题
考题 (接上一题)停止系统服务中的 (31) 服务A.SNMP ClientB.DNS ClientC.Plug and PlayD.Remote Procedure Call(RPC)

考题 What are three features of the IPV6 protocol?() A.complicated headerB.plug-and-playC.no broadcastsD.checksumsE.optional IPsecF.autoconfiguration

考题 哪个命令可停止数据库Adaptive Server服务器()。 A.shutdownB.startserverC.sp_helpsortD.showserver

考题 下列各项属于非咨询服务采购的是()。A、土建施工B、工程服务C、机构改革建议D、财务服务

考题 关于Shell Hardware Detection服务下列说法正确的是()A、若用建立假文件加属性去权限的方法,防御自动播放类病毒,打开该服务后应不比再担心这类病毒B、对于串口硬盘,开启该服务有助于加快文件夹尤其是设置了许多快捷方式的文件夹的打开速度C、若使用串口硬盘,建议开启D、该服务是有关网络安全方面的服务

考题 下列服务中,不是建议开启的服务是()A、Internet Connection Sharing(ICS)B、Plug and PlayC、Remote ProcedureCall(RPC)D、Windows Audio

考题 下列服务中,是建议开启的服务是()A、Plug and PlayB、Offline FilesC、Remote ProcedureCall(RPC)D、Server

考题 下列服务,不建议开启的服务是()A、Remote Desktop ConfigurationB、Certificate PropagationC、Windows AudioD、Background Intelligent Transfer Service

考题 关于Shell Hardware Detection服务下列说法正确的是()A、不管任何情况下都不要开启,会影响系统的性能提高B、该服务应在启动时加载C、该服务是有关网络安全方面的服务D、若使用串口硬盘,建议开启

考题 下列哪些不满足系统最小安装原则?()A、WEB服务器开启了MSN、迅雷等应用程序B、DHCP服务器只开启了dhcp client服务C、SMTP服务器只开启了smtp、pop服务D、文件服务器只安装了FTP服务

考题 有关Active Directory的优点,下列说法错误的是()。A、Active Directory是基于标准目录服务协议的目录服务,与其它目录服务的兼容性好B、Active Directory使用全局编录来优化查找信息,通过对象属性对对象进行快速查找C、Acitve Directory可包含多个域,每个域可以有多个域控制器D、Active Directory将信息存储在单独的主机上,从而减少信息的复制量

考题 下面可以用来创建Active Directory用户和组的选项功能是()。A、Active Directory用户和计算机B、Active Directory站点与服务C、计算机管理D、配置服务器

考题 假如你是公司网管,公司新买一台服务器,要淘汰原来旧的服务器,要求在保留公司原有的用户帐户等信息的前提下进行服务器更换,一般需要使用()进行帐户的迁移操作。A、Active Directory迁移工具B、Active Directory站点和服务C、Active Directory域和信任关系D、Active Directory用户和计算机

考题 Your company has an Active Directory Domain Services (AD DS) domain. All servers run Windows Server 2008 R2. All client computers run Windows 7. You are deploying Microsoft Office 2007 and an Office plug-in as virtual applications by using Microsoft Application Virtualization (App-V) 4.6. You have sequenced Office and the plug-in separately. You need to ensure that the plug-in interacts with Office correctly. Which two actions should you perform?()A、Edit the Open Software Description (.osd) file for Office and declare the plug-in as a dependency.B、Edit the Open Software Description (.osd) file for the plug-in and declare Office as a dependency.C、Edit the Open Software Description (.osd) file for Office and set MANDATORY=FALSE in the CODEBASE element.D、Edit the Open Software Description (.osd) file for the plug-in and set MANDATORY=FALSE in the CODEBASE element.

考题 ()是和Active directory有关的。A、DNS服务B、安全日志C、目录服务日志D、文件复制服务日志

考题 proxy plug-in的作用是()。A、使得webserver提供静态内容服务B、使得Weblogic提供动态内容服务C、负载均衡请求D、以上所有

考题 要能够进行远程注册表攻击必须()。A、开启目标机的service的服务B、开启目标机的Remote Registy Service服务C、开启目标机的Server服务D、开启目标机的Remote Routig服务

考题 狙击波(Worm.Zotob.A)病毒针对微软系统哪种严重漏洞进行主动攻击?()A、Dcom_rpc服务漏洞B、Windows Plug and Play服务漏洞C、Lsass服务漏洞D、Winlogon服务漏洞

考题 如果ECS实例采用linux系统,关于能否开启NetWorkManager服务说法正确的是?()A、linux系统请不要开启NetWorkManager服务,该服务会跟系统内部网络服务出现冲突,导致网络异常B、linux系统可以开启NetWorkManager服务C、以上都不对D、linux系统请可以开启NetWorkManager服务,但需要进行相应的配置调整

考题 要使远程服务器上的站点能够被访问到,必须()A、开启其文件共享B、开启其防病毒软件C、开启其FTP服务D、开启其Web服务

考题 What are three features of the IPV6 protocol?()A、complicated headerB、plug-and-playC、no broadcastsD、checksumsE、optional IPsecF、autoconfiguration

考题 Your company has an Active Directory Domain Services (AD DS) domain. All servers run Windows Server 2008 R2. All client computers run Windows 7. You are deploying Microsoft Office 2007 and an Office plug - in as virtua l applications by using Microsoft Application Virtualization (App - V) 4.6. You have sequenced Office and the plug - in separately.You need to ensure that the plug - in interacts with Office correctly. Which two actions should you perform?()A、Edit the Open Software Description (.osd) file for Office and declare the plug - in as a dependency.B、Edit the Open Software Description (.osd) file for the plug - in and declare Office as a dependency.C、Edit the Open Software Description (.osd) file for Office and set MANDATORY=FALSE in the CODEBASE element.D、Edit the Open Software Description (.osd) file for the plug - in and set MANDATORY=FALSE in the CODEBASE element.

考题 You have a single Active Directory directory service domain. You have an application that adds Active Directory Schema attributes during installation. The attributes replicate as part of global catalog replication. Your user account is a member of the Domain Admins, Schema Admins, and Enterprise Admins global groups. You test the application and decide not to deploy it to production.  You need to ensure that the attributes that are added by the application are no longer available in Active Directory.  Using the Active Directory Schema snap-in,what should you do?()A、 Clear the Index this attribute in the Active Directory option for each attribute that is added by the application.B、 Clear the Attribute is active option for each attribute that is added by the application.C、 Clear the Replicate this attribute to the Global Catalog option for each attribute that is added by the application.D、 Clear the Allow this attribute to be shown in advanced view option for each attribute that is added by the application.

考题 多选题Your company has an Active Directory Domain Services (AD DS) domain. All servers run Windows Server 2008 R2. All client computers run Windows 7. You are deploying Microsoft Office 2007 and an Office plug - in as virtua l applications by using Microsoft Application Virtualization (App - V) 4.6. You have sequenced Office and the plug - in separately.You need to ensure that the plug - in interacts with Office correctly. Which two actions should you perform?()AEdit the Open Software Description (.osd) file for Office and declare the plug - in as a dependency.BEdit the Open Software Description (.osd) file for the plug - in and declare Office as a dependency.CEdit the Open Software Description (.osd) file for Office and set MANDATORY=FALSE in the CODEBASE element.DEdit the Open Software Description (.osd) file for the plug - in and set MANDATORY=FALSE in the CODEBASE element.

考题 单选题要能够进行远程注册表攻击必须()。A 开启目标机的service的服务B 开启目标机的Remote Registy Service服务C 开启目标机的Server服务D 开启目标机的Remote Routig服务

考题 多选题Your company has an Active Directory Domain Services (AD DS) domain. All servers run Windows Server 2008 R2. All client computers run Windows 7. You are deploying Microsoft Office 2007 and an Office plug-in as virtual applications by using Microsoft Application Virtualization (App-V) 4.6. You have sequenced Office and the plug-in separately. You need to ensure that the plug-in interacts with Office correctly. Which two actions should you perform?()AEdit the Open Software Description (.osd) file for Office and declare the plug-in as a dependency.BEdit the Open Software Description (.osd) file for the plug-in and declare Office as a dependency.CEdit the Open Software Description (.osd) file for Office and set MANDATORY=FALSE in the CODEBASE element.DEdit the Open Software Description (.osd) file for the plug-in and set MANDATORY=FALSE in the CODEBASE element.

考题 单选题狙击波(Worm.Zotob.A)病毒针对微软系统哪种严重漏洞进行主动攻击?()A Dcom_rpc服务漏洞B Windows Plug and Play服务漏洞C Lsass服务漏洞D Winlogon服务漏洞