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”pay off the call charge”中文意思是()。


更多 “”pay off the call charge”中文意思是()。” 相关考题
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考题 Could you charge it to my room? “charge” here means to add it to his account so he can pay for it later.() 此题为判断题(对,错)。

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考题 His decades of effort began to__________ , for his new breed of rice had become more popular.A. pay offB. call offC. pull offD. lay off

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考题 Could you charge it to my room? “charge” here means to add it to his account so he can pay for it later.

考题 MRP中文意思是(),MRPⅡ的中文意思是(),ERP的中文意思是()。

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考题 在波分系统中,经常提到的DWDM的中文意思是();APSD的中文意思是();EDFA的中文意思是();OSNR的中文意思是()。

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考题 问答题A call to Rosie’s Psychic Hotline costs $5.99 for the first 2 minutes and $1.99 for each additional minute. Stuart called the hotline for x minutes, where x is an integer. How many minutes long was the call?  (1) The total charge for the call was $11.96.  (2) The charge for the last 3 minutes of the call was $0.01 less than half the total cost of the call.

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考题 判断题Could you charge it to my room? “charge” here means to add it to his account so he can pay for it later.A 对B 错

考题 名词解释题Off-air call setup

考题 填空题A telephone user may pay a fixed monthly charge and (allow) ____ to make an unlimited number of local calls in the month.

考题 单选题Some suppliers will charge people less if they pay early.A Right.B Wrong.C Doesn’t say.