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管道运输(Pipeline transport)


更多 “管道运输(Pipeline transport)” 相关考题
考题 What are surrogate keys? Explain how the surrogate key pipeline works.什么是代理键?简述代理键替换管道如何工作。

考题 管道运输业包括()A.地下管道运输 B.陆地管道运输 C.海底管道运输 D.气体运输 E.液体运输

考题 管道运输中,管道既是运输工具,又是运输通道。A对B错

考题 管道运输就其运输对象可分为()。A、原油管道B、系泊管道C、液体管道D、气体管道E、水浆管道

考题 The large market share of transportation in China is ()transport.A、airB、railC、truckD、pipeline

考题 What are the major goods moved in pipeline transport? ()A、Natural gasB、Crude oilC、waterD、A, B and C

考题 管道运输中,管道既是运输工具,又是运输通道。

考题 axonal transport (轴突运输)

考题 短距离运输 short distance transport

考题 韧皮部运输 phloem transport

考题 直达运输 through transport

考题 简述管道运输的特点和管道运输的形式。

考题 As some countries attempt to shift away from natural gas or petroleum energy systems toward coal-based systems, the need for coal slurry(煤泥) will increase in these countries,()transport mode will be the first choice for transfer this kind of product.A、Water carriageB、Pipeline transportC、Rail transportD、Surface transport

考题 The large market share in china’s transportation is ()transport. A、airB、railC、truckD、pipeline

考题 物流的运输作业可以哪些运输方式进行()。A、Combined transportB、transfer transportC、container transportD、through transport

考题 下列关于管道运输的表述,不正确的是()A、管道运输可以是双向运输的B、管道运输适合运输气体和液体货物C、管道运输成本低,运量大D、管道运输一次性投资小

考题 You have an Exchange Server 2010 Edge Transport server.You discover that e-mail delivery to an external SMTP host named Host1 fails.You need to identify which SMTP error codes occur when the delivery to Host1 fails. What should you do?()A、Run the Queue Viewer.B、Enable pipeline tracing.C、Run the Mail Flow Troubleshooter.D、Configure the protocol logging level on the Send connector.

考题 多选题下列关于管道运输的表述,不正确的是()A管道运输可以是双向运输的B管道运输适合运输气体和液体货物C管道运输成本低,运量大D管道运输一次性投资小

考题 名词解释题大陆桥运输 land bridge transport

考题 单选题Which of the following is the main idea of the passage?A The Dakota Access Pipeline will create more markets for oil and gas.B The Dakota Access Pipeline will create many job opportunities.C American Indians oppose the construction of an oil pipeline.D American Indians fight for equal voting rights.

考题 单选题What are the major goods moved in pipeline transport? ()A Natural gasB Crude oilC waterD A, B and C

考题 单选题The Prudhoe Bay oilfield has been shut down because ______.A there was a serious leakage problem with the pipelineB the pipeline suffered a small leak and severe corrosionC better pipeline was needed to meet the increasing productionD the newly-replaced pipeline didn’t work properly

考题 名词解释题短距离运输 short distance transport

考题 名词解释题质外体运输 apoplast transport

考题 名词解释题axonal transport (轴突运输)

考题 名词解释题active transport (主动运输)

考题 名词解释题植物体内养分运输 nutrients transport in plant