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A tank which carries liquid is dangerous to the stability of a vessel when it is().

low in the vessel


completely empty


completely full




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更多 “单选题A tank which carries liquid is dangerous to the stability of a vessel when it is().A low in the vesselB completely emptyC completely fullD slack” 相关考题
考题 A tank has been sealed and unventilated(不通风的) for a long period of time. Which of the following conditions does this indicate?A.The tank is safe to enterB.The tank is especially dangerous to enterC.Carbon monoxide(一氧化物) is presentD.Water vapor present when the tank was sealed has oxidized(使氧化)

考题 The flash point of a liquid refers to the temperature ______.A.at which a liquid will give off inflammable(易燃的) vaporsB.at which a liquid will burn steadilyC.at which a liquid will explodeD.that a liquid must reach before it will flow readily

考题 Which statement about the free surface effect is TRUE ________.A.It increases in direct proportion to the length of the tank times the breadth squaredB.It decreases at increased angles of heel due to pocketing when a tank is 90% fullC.It decreases in direct proportion to increasing specific gravity of the liquid in the tankD.In practice,the correction is considered to be a virtual reduction of KG

考题 Movement of liquid in a tank when a vessel inclines causes an increase in ______.A.Righting armB.Metacentric heightC.Height of the uncorrected KGD.Natural rolling period

考题 The free surface effects of a partially full liquid tank decrease with increased ______.A.Density of the liquidB.Placement of the tank above the keelC.Displacement volume of the shipD.Size of the surface area in the tank

考题 Here you can see the liquid food compactly stored in a pressurized tank.A:densely B:inexpensively C:quickly D:carefully

考题 干散货()A、dry bulk cargoB、liquid bulk cargoC、dangerous cargoD、dry cargo

考题 Liquid goods are transported by road in ().A、tank trucksB、tanker lorriesC、road-tankersD、special tank-containers for intermodal transport

考题 单选题Regulations require that cargo pumprooms on tank barges (constructed in 1965) carrying grades B or C liquid cargoes have power ventilation systems which can completely change the air in ().A 1 minuteB 3 minutesC 5 minutesD 10 minutes

考题 单选题Which of the following is more important in determining the amount of free surface that will be produced?().A The breath of the tankB The length of the tankC The amount of liquid in the tankD The position of the tank in relation to the center line of the vessel

考题 单选题The effects of free surface on a vessel’s initial stability do NOT depend upon the().A volume of displacement of the vesselB dimensions of the surface of the liquidC amount of liquid in slack tanksD specific gravity of the liquid in the tank

考题 单选题A tank which carries liquid is dangerous to the stability of a vessel when it is().A low in the vesselB completely emptyC completely fullD slack

考题 单选题Movement of liquid in a tank when a vessel inclines causes an increase in().A righting armB metacentric heightC height of the uncorrected KGD natural rolling period

考题 单选题How must each storage tank for helicopter fuel on a ship be marked?()A DANGER - KEEP AWAYB DANGER - EXPLOSIVE VAPORSC DANGER - NO SMOKINGD DANGER - FLAMMABLE LIQUID

考题 单选题Access to a cargo pumproom on a tank vessel carrying grades A,B,C or D liquid cargoes shall be().A at least 13.1 feet away from the galleys,living quarters or navigation spacesB from the open deckC only from areas equipped with power ventilation systemsD isolated from any part of the vessel which normally contains sources of vapor ignition

考题 单选题You are on a container vessel. What concerning the handling and stowage of containerized hazardous materials is TRUE?().A Open-bed containers may be used to transport hazardous materials if the cargo is properly securedB A portable cargo tank of a flammable,cryogenic liquid may not be in transit for a period exceeding its marked rated holding time unless the liquid is inhibitedC A portable cargo tank containing a cryogenic liquid must be shipped on deck unless forced ventilation is provided to the tween-decksD A container loaded with packages of tear gas would display a placard reading Irritant

考题 单选题The temperature () a liquid changes its state from liquid to gas depends upon the liquid itself and upon the pressure () it is subjected in the containing vessel.A at which/to whichB from which/at whichC to which/from whichD in which/on which

考题 单选题The stability which remains after a compartment is flooded is called().A intact stabilityB initial stabilityC immersion stabilityD damage stability

考题 单选题A tank which has been sealed for a long period of time can be dangerous because ().A steel surfaces consume oxygen by rustingB sealed tanks usually form a vacuumC moisture condenses in the tank, displacing the oxygenD most tank coatings give off poisonous vapors in the presence of moisture

考题 单选题When liquid is free to move transversely in a tank, the effect is called().A Free communicationB Free fensityC Free surfaceD Negative GM

考题 单选题The flash point of a liquid refers to the temperature ()A at which a liquid will give off inflammable vaporsB at which a liquid will burn steadilyC at which a liquid will explodeD that a liquid must reach before it will flow readily

考题 单选题During jacking operations and transit,empty void spaces in the hull of a jack up ship provide().A buoyancyB extra storage spaceC additional tank capacityD reduced stability

考题 单选题A tank has been sealed and unventilated for a long period of timeWhich of the following conditions does this indicate?()A The tank is safe to enterB The tank is especially dangerous to enterC Carbon monoxide is presentD Water vapor present when the tank was sealed has oxidized

考题 单选题What is the principal danger from the liquid in a half full tank onboard a vessel?()A Corrosion from the shifting liquidB Rupturing of bulkheads from the shifting liquidC Loss of stability from free surface effectD Holing of the tank bottom from the weight of the shifting liquid

考题 单选题The effect of free surface on initial stability depends upon().A the amount of liquid in the compartmentB the dimensions of the liquid surface and the vessel's displacementC only the length of the compartmentD the vertical position of the liquid in the vessel

考题 单选题The effects of free surface on initial stability depend upon the dimensions of the surface of the free liquids and the().A volume of liquid in the tankB volume of displacement of the vesselC location of the tank in the vesselD height of the center of gravity of the vessel

考题 多选题Liquid goods are transported by road in ().Atank trucksBtanker lorriesCroad-tankersDspecial tank-containers for intermodal transport

考题 单选题A vessel is equipped with cross-connected deep tanks.In which situation should the crossconnection valve be closed?().A The tank lie above the waterline and are filledB The tank are partically filled with dry cargoC The tanks are partially filled with liquid cargoD The tanks are filled and lie below the waterline