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The faint related to the bee sting led to the author’s fear later in her life of _____.









文章第二段第一句话写到“…although to this day I have phobia about bees, wasps and other insects.”由此可见,这次过敏事件让作者从此惧怕昆虫,C正确。
更多 “单选题The faint related to the bee sting led to the author’s fear later in her life of _____.A snakesB elephantsC insectsD dogs” 相关考题
考题 The man’s eyes _________ with fear when he saw the robber ’s gun. A. widerB. widenedC. hastenedD. thrilled

考题 According to the text, the speech at the end of the tex t.__________[A]demonstrates the author’s own view of life[B]shows the popular view of Jack Lindsay[C]offers the author’s opinion of Jack Lindsay[D]indicates Jack Lindsay’s change of attitude

考题 What clis the hor tell us in the 3rd passgiaph?A.Children need their parents’letters.B.Children are afraid to be disappointcd.C.His children’s fear of failure held them back.D.His father’s letter removed his fear of failing his parents.

考题 What is the passage mainly about?( )A.The changes of the author's attitude to her mother's English.B.The limitation of the author's perception of her mother.C.The author's misunderstanding of“limited”English.D.The author's experiences of using broken English.

考题 In January 2008 Arti entered in a contractual agreement with Bee Ltd to write a study manual for an international accountancy body’s award. The manual was to cover the period from September 2008 till June 2009, and it was a term of the contract that the text be supplied by 30 June 2008 so that it could be printed in time for September. By 30 May, Arti had not yet started on the text and indeed he had written to Bee Ltd stating that he was too busy to write the text.Bee Ltd was extremely perturbed by the news, especially as it had acquired the contract to supply all of theaccountancy body’s study manuals and had already incurred extensive preliminary expenses in relation to the publication of the new manual.Required:In the context of the law of contract, advise Bee Ltd whether they can take any action against Arti.(10 marks)

考题 Which of the following statements is true?A. The author's father built a bonfire on VE Day.B. The author's father had fought in the First World War.C. The author's father had fought in the Second World War.D. The author's father threw two chairs on the fire to keep it going.

考题 Lord Bacon's remarks on Machiavelli is quoted as[A] a support for the author's viewpoint.[B] one of the mainstream views on him.[C] a judgment in support of most critics.[D] a modification of the author's previous stand.

考题 Do you know the name of that ( ) insect A、red little funny bee-likeB、little funny bee-like redC、little bee-like funny redD、funny little red bee-like

考题 In the 1960s, there was a change in fashion in ______ of small cars.A、feverB、foveaC、favorD、fear

考题 下列语句中正确的是A.System. out. println(1+'1');B.int i=2+"2";C.Sting s="on"+'ong';D.byte b=257;

考题 下列的( )程序段可能导致错误。A.String s="hello": Sting t="good"; String k=s+t;B.Sting s="hello"; String t; t=s [3] + "one";C.Sting s="hello"; String standard=s.toUpperCase( );D.String s="hello": Stringt s +"good";

考题 共用题干 第二篇FearFear is something that always remains in our heart. We can never eliminate fear from our life. Fear of failing in exams which can make a negative impact in someone's career,and fear of speaking in public where majority of human think that people will make fun of them.Fear of not being liked, fear of storms and floods,fear of being alone and many others are all very common examples of fear.Fear can also affect our physical beings like pounding of the heart,rapid pulse rate,tense muscles,dryness of the throat,churning in the stomach,confusion,fainting,and the inability to concentrate.These things are also very common.Fear is only hidden somewhere inside our bodies, pushing us to work hard and moving us forward to overcome our weaknesses.Fear is the way to our success.I had a very bad experience of fear in my childhood days.My father told me that if I got bad grades another time in my school exams,then he would kick me out of his home and would never allow me to come back again.This sentence of my father stuck in my mind because one of my friends in school at that time recently became homeless.He belonged to a poor family,and his father had lost a big amount of money in a small business near his home.So, the problems he was facing from homelessness made me work hard in my exams;otherwise,I might have been kicked out of home by my father.Fear sometimes can be motivating,and help us to do those things which we think and believe that we can never do.One of the most common fear inducing activities,for example,is swimming. This is primarily caused by most of us not having a background in swimming and only taking it up because it is part of the sport. Additionally,most humans are uncomfortable in the water as a general rule because of the fear of drowning. This fear of drowning is innately strong,and similar common or strong fears tend not to exist when it comes to cycling or running because they are land based activities.Which of the following parts is not covered in the passage?A:Examples of fear.B:Positive impact of fear on people.C:How to overcome fear of swimming.D:Why the author's friend became homeless.

考题 Which of the following statements is true?__________A.The author believes that a born naturalist can not be a scientist B.The author read a lot of books about the natural world and oil industry C.The author's brothers and sisters were good at music and languages D.The author spend a lot of time working on riddles

考题 What's the author's attitude___________?A.Subjective B.Neutral C.Pessimistic D.Active

考题 Which of the following is NOT said in the passage A.Wolfe‘s students praised Wolfe’s power of observation. B.The author made an experiment on Wolfe‘s ability. C.Wolfe‘s students asked the author to have a test of their ability. D.Wolfe did not feel angry when he was tested.

考题 Which of the following best states the author’s attitude toward the information that scholars have gathered about Proust’s writing in 1909?( ) A.The author is disappointed that no new documents have come to light since Fallois’speculations. B.The author is dissatisfied because there are too many gaps and inconsistencies in the drafts. C.The author is confident that Fallois’s 1954 guess has been proved largely correct,but regrets that still more detailed documentation concerning Proust’s transition from the essay to the novel has not emerged. D.The author is satisfied that the facts of Proust’s life in 1909 have been thoroughly established,but believes such documents as drafts and correspondence are only of limited value in a critical assessment of Proust’s writing.

考题 以下属于Windows通用视频文件的是()A、bee.txtB、bee.aviC、bee.docD、bee.bmp

考题 下列不能用媒体播放机播放的文件是()。A、 bee.wavB、 bee.midC、 bee.aviD、 bee.doc

考题 单选题What is the author’s attitude to “avoidance”?A Avoiding the thing you fear will make you fear more.B You can’t avoid all the fears in your life.C You will feel better if you choose to avoid fear.D Your fears can be got rid of if you try to avoid them.

考题 单选题The author’s mother fainting might be assumed to be related to _____.A appendixB abdomenC nurseD blood

考题 单选题The author believes that Freud’s power of imagination ______.A is based on his writing techniquesB stems from analogy and metaphorC is related to his writing skills and living backgroundD has much to do with his austere terminologies

考题 单选题According to the author, sleeping habits ______.A are related to the amount of sleepB are inherited from the parentsC vary from person to personD would not change in one’s lifetime

考题 单选题The author’s attitude towards the judge’s ruling could be described as _____.A doubtfulB criticalC cautiousD supportive

考题 单选题The studies on stress in the early 1970’s led to _____.A widespread concern over its harmful effectsB great panic over the mental disorder it could causeC an intensive research into stress-related illnessesD popular avoidance of stressful jobs

考题 单选题What’s the author’s attitude towards puppy love?A disapprovingB confusedC neutralD scared

考题 单选题下列不能用媒体播放机播放的文件是()。A  bee.wavB  bee.midC  bee.aviD  bee.doc

考题 单选题The author’s experiences during the childhood indicate all of the following EXCEPT that _____.A the author is the first child of the familyB his family led a very hard lifeC his mother gave less attention to himD his mother treated him as more than an assistant