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George and Kate fished for salmon at the mouth of the Klondike River.____


根据题干中“George”“Kate”和“Klondike River”可定位到A段。该段讲到,kookum Jim Mason见到George和Kate时,他们正在河口捕捞鲑鱼(fishing for salmon)。故匹配段落为A段。
更多 “填空题George and Kate fished for salmon at the mouth of the Klondike River.____” 相关考题
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考题 Given a file GrizzlyBear.java:  1. package animals.mammals;  2.  3. public class GrizzlyBear extends Bear {  4. void hunt() {  5. Salmon s = findSalmon();  6. s.consume();  7. }  8. }  and another file, Salmon.java:  1. package animals.fish; 2.  3. public class Salmon extends Fish {  4. void consume() { /* do stuff */ }  5. }  Assume both classes are defined in the correct directories for theft packages, and that the Mammal class correctly defines the findSalmon() method. Which two changes allow this code to compile correctly?()A、 add public to the start of line 4 in Salmon.javaB、 add public to the start of line 4 in GrizzlyBear.javaC、 add import animals.mammals.*; at line 2 in Salmon.javaD、 add import animals.fish.*; at line 2 in GrizzlyBear.javaE、 add import animals.fish.Salmon.*; at line 2 in GrizzlyBear.javaF、 add import animals.mammals.GrizzlyBear.*;at line 2 in Salmon.java

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考题 多选题GivenafileGrizzlyBear.java: 1.package animals.mammals; 2. 3.public class GrizzlyBear extends Bear{ 4.voidhunt(){ 5.Salmons=findSalmon(); 6.s.consume(); 7.} 8.} and another file,Salmon.java: 1.packageanimals.fish; 2. 3.public class Salmon extends Fish{ 4.voidconsume(){/*dostuff*/} 5.} Assume both classes are defined in the correct directories for theft packages,and that the Mammal class correctly defines the findSalmon()method.Which two changes allow this code to compile correctly?()Aadd public to the start of line 4 in Salmon.javaBadd public to the start of line 4 in GrizzlyBear.javaCadd import animals.mammals.*;at line 2 in Salmon.javaDadd import animals.fish.*at line 2 in GrizzlyBear.javaEadd import animals.fish.Salmon.*;at line 2 in GrizzlyBear.javaFadd import animals.mammals.GrizzlyBear.*;at line 2 in Salmon.java

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