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The height of coamings of hatchway above the exposed freeboard deck shall be at least()。









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更多 “单选题The height of coamings of hatchway above the exposed freeboard deck shall be at least()。A 900mmB 600mmC 760mmD 450mm” 相关考题
考题 This old building has () all kinds of weather. A. been exposed toB. exposed toC. been exposed onD. exposed on

考题 A server has a single, half height, PCI-X 3.3v slot available. Which of the following cards can fit in this slot? () A. Half Height, Universally Keyed PCI cardB. Full Height, 3.3v PCI-X cardC. Half Height, x16 PCI Express CardD. Half Height, 3.3v PCI cardE. Half Height, Universally Keyed PCI-X cardF. Full Height, Universally Keyed PCI cardG. Half Height, x8 PCI Express Card

考题 A negative metacentric height ______.A.should always be immediately correctedB.will always cause a vessel to capsizeC.always results from off-center weightsD.All of the above are correct

考题 The error in the measurement of the altitude of a celestial body,caused by refraction,increases as the ______.A.horizontal parallax decreasesB.observer's height above sea level increasesC.humidity of the atmosphere decreasesD.altitude of the body decreases

考题 The purpose of the "set" hand on an aneroid barometer is to ______.A.adjust the barometerB.indicate any change in the reading of the barometerC.provide a correction for height above sea levelD.provide a correction for temperature changes

考题 Normal pool elevation is the height in feet of the section of river above a dam. This height is measured from ______.A.low steel on the Huey P. Long BridgeB.mean sea levelC.the local water tableD.the minimum dam control level

考题 What does “evel-luffing” accomplish during crane operations ________.A.It prevents the load from swinging when the boom level is adjustedB.Less power is needed when topping the boom with a load on the hookC.It maintains the height of the load above the deckD.All of the above

考题 For a floating vessel, the result of subtracting KG from KM is the ______.A.height of the metacenterB.height of the righting armC.height of the center of buoyancyD.metacentric height

考题 Metacentric height is a measure of ______.A.initial stability onlyB.stability through all anglesC.maximum righting armD.All of the above

考题 过渡高度以上可供使用的最低飞行高度层。()A、The lowest flight level available for use above the transition altitude.B、The lowest flight layer available for use above the transition height.C、The lowest flight level available for use above the transition height.D、The lowest flight layer available for use above the transition altitude.

考题 A server has a single, half height, PCI-X 3.3v slot available. Which of the following cards can fit in 1 this slot?()A、 Half Height, Universally Keyed PCI cardB、 Full Height, 3.3v PCI-X cardC、 Half Height, x16 PCI Express CardD、 Half Height, 3.3v PCI cardE、 Half Height, Universally Keyed PCI-X cardF、 Full Height, Universally Keyed PCI cardG、 Half Height, x8 PCI Express Card

考题 数据结构与算法里,变量height要比原来少15,则应写成()A、height-15B、height=15C、height=-15D、height-=15

考题 以下关于width属性和height属性语法格式正确的是()。A、width:15;B、width:60px;C、height:100%;D、height:100;

考题 行高、文本对齐语法格式正确的是()。A、line-height:20pxB、text-align:middleC、text-height:1.2D、height:20px

考题 Don’t operate two or more hatch ()at the same time.A、capsB、leversC、coversD、coamings

考题 单选题Although lube oils used in the main lubricating service systems should have a relatively high flash point to avoid ignition, they can create smoke and fire hazards when they()A are exposed to a vacuumB come in contact with extremely hot surfacesC are reduced in temperature to just above the pour pointD become extremely agitated or aerated

考题 单选题Increasing free surfaces has the effect of raising the().A uncorrected KGB virtual height of the center of gravityC metacenterD metacentric height

考题 单选题The error in the measurement of the altitude of a celestial body,caused by refraction,increases as the().A horizontal parallax decreasesB observer's height above sea level increasesC humidity of the atmosphere decreasesD altitude of the body decreases

考题 单选题Normal pool elevation is the height in feet of the section of river above a dam. This height is measured from().A low steel on the Huey P. Long BridgeB mean sea levelC the local water tableD the minimum dam control level

考题 单选题Which of the following is the reason that the metacentric height is a valid measure of only the initial stabilit?().A The metacenter does not remain in the same position for large angles of inclinationB The center of gravity shifts due to inclinationC The center of gravity shifts above the metacenter as the vessel is inclinedD The mean draft will change as the vessel is inclined

考题 单选题A negative metacentric height().A will always cause a vessel to capsizeB should always be immediately correctedC always result from off-center weightsD All of the above are correct

考题 单选题The height of coamings of hatchway above the exposed freeboard deck shall be at least()A 900mmB 600mmC 760mmD 450mm

考题 单选题在HTML中,用()标签来强制显示Applet。A name,height,widthB codebase,height,widthC code,nameD code,height,width

考题 多选题A server has a single, half height, PCI-X 3.3v slot available. Which of the following cards can fit in 1 this slot?()AHalf Height, Universally Keyed PCI cardBFull Height, 3.3v PCI-X cardCHalf Height, x16 PCI Express CardDHalf Height, 3.3v PCI cardEHalf Height, Universally Keyed PCI-X cardFFull Height, Universally Keyed PCI cardGHalf Height, x8 PCI Express Card

考题 单选题The height of the metacenter above the keel will vary depending on the().A draft and beam of the shipB displacement and deadweight of the shipC buoyancy and trim of the shipD tonnage and deadweight of the ship

考题 单选题What does “evel-luffing” accomplish during crane operations().A It prevents the load from swinging when the boom level is adjustedB Less power is needed when topping the boom with a load on the hookC It maintains the height of the load above the deckD All of the above

考题 单选题Charted depth is the().A vertical distance from the tidal datum to the ocean bottom plus the height of the tideB vertical distance from the tidal datum to the ocean bottomC average height of water over a specified period of timeD average height of all low waters at a place

考题 单选题Each liferaft,which does not have an indicated maximum stowage height indicated on the liferaft,must be().A limited to carry no more than 10 personsB stowed not more than 59 feet above the lightest waterlineC stowed in quick release racksD inspected every six months