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We live in a society which there is a lot of talk about science, but I would   1._______say that there are not 5 percent of the people who are equipped with schooling,including college, to understand scientific reasoning. We are more ignorant ofscience as people with comparable education in Western Europe.              2._______  There are a lot of kids who know everything about computers — how tobuild them, how to take them apart, and bow to write programs for games. So      3._______if you ask them to explain about the principles of physics that have gone into   4._______creating the computer, you don’t have the faintest idea.               5._______  The failure to understand science leads to such things like the neglect of   6._______human creative power. It also takes rise to blurring of the distinction between   7._______science and technology. Lots of people don’t differ between the two. Science is the8._______production of new knowledge that can be applied or not, and technology is theapplication of knowledge to the production of some products, machinery or thelike. The two are really very different, and people who have the faculty for onevery seldom have a faculty for the others.                      9._______  Science in itself is harmless, more or less. But as soon as it can providetechnology, it is not necessarily harmful. No society has yet learned to forecast 10._______the consequences of new technology, which can be enormous.


解析: 暂无解析
更多 “问答题We live in a society which there is a lot of talk about science, but I would   1._______say that there are not 5 percent of the people who are equipped with schooling,including college, to understand scientific reasoning. We are more ignorant ofscience as people with comparable education in Western Europe.         2._______  There are a lot of kids who know everything about computers — how tobuild them, how to take them apart, and bow to write programs for games. So    3._______if you ask them to explain about the principles of physics that have gone into   4._______creating the computer, you don’t have the faintest idea.             5._______  The failure to understand science leads to such things like the neglect of   6._______human creative power. It also takes rise to blurring of the distinction between   7._______science and technology. Lots of people don’t differ between the two. Science is the8._______production of new knowledge that can be applied or not, and technology is theapplication of knowledge to the production of some products, machinery or thelike. The two are really very different, and people who have the faculty for onevery seldom have a faculty for the others.                      9._______  Science in itself is harmless, more or less. But as soon as it can providetechnology, it is not necessarily harmful. No society has yet learned to forecast 10._______the consequences of new technology, which can be enormous.” 相关考题
考题 根据下列材料请回答 51~55 题:BScience is a dominant theme in our culture. Since it touches almost every facet of our life, educated people need at least some acquaintance with its structure and operation. They should also have an understanding of the subculture in which scientists live and the kinds of people they are. An understanding of general characteristics of science as well as specific scientific concepts is easier to attain if one knows something about the things that excite and frustrate the scientist.This book is written for the intelligent student or lay person whose acquaintance with science is superficial ; for the person who has been presented with science as a musty storehouse of dried facts ; for the person who sees the chief objective of science as the production of gadgets ; and for the person who views the scientist as some sort of magician. The book can be used to supplement a course in any science, to accompany any course that attempts to give an understanding of the modern world, or--independent of any course--simply to provide a better understanding of science. We hope this book will lead readers to a broader perspective on scientific attitudes and a more realistic view of what science is, who scientists are, and what they do. It will give them an awareness and understanding of the relationship between science and our culture and an appreciation of the roles science may play in our culture. In addition, readers may learn to appreciate the relationship between scientific views and some of the values and philosophies that are pervasive in our culture.We have tried to present in this book an accurate and up-to-date picture of the scientific community and the people who populate it. That population has in recent years come to comprise more and more women. This increasing role of women in the scientific subculture is not an unique incident but , rather, part of the trend evident in all segments of society as more women enter traditionally male-dominated fields and make significant contributions. In discussing these changes and contributions, however, we are faced with a language that is implicitly sexist, one that uses male nouns or pronouns in referring to unspecified individuals. To offset this built-in bias, we have adopted the policy of using plural nouns and pronouns whenever possible and, when absolutely necessary, alternating he and she . This policy is far from being ideal, but it is at least an acknowledgment of the inadequacy of our language in treating half of the human race equally.We have also tried to make the book entertaining as well as informative. Our approach is usually informal. We feel, as do many other scientists, that we shouldn’t take ourselves too seriously. As the reader may observe, we see science as a delightful pastime rather than as a grim and dreary way to earn a living.第 51 题 According to the passage, "scientific subculture" means_________.A. cultural groups that are formed by scientistsB. people whose knowledge of science is very limitedC. the scientific communityD. people who make good contributions to science

考题 Honey, would you like to have a talk with me?().A. Talk with you? What for?B. I'm not interested in the talk.C. About the situations we are having these days.

考题 We need to know something about the structure and operation of science because ( ).A. it is not easy to understand the things that excite and frustrate scientistsB. science affects almost every aspect of our lifeC.scientists live in a specific subcultureD.it is easier to understand general characteristics of science

考题 共用题干 Science Fiction1 Amongst the most popular books being written today are those which are usually classified as science fiction.Hundreds of titles are published every year and are read by all kinds of people.Furthermore,some of the most successful films of recent years have been based on science fiction stories.2 It is often thought that science fiction is a fairly new development in literature,but its ancestors can be found in books written hundreds of years ago.These books were often concerned with the presentation of some form of ideal society,a theme which is still often found in modern stories.3 Most of the classics of science fiction,however,have been written within the last hundred years. Books by writers such as Jules Verne and H.G.Wells,to mention just two well-known authors,have been translated into many languages.4 Modern science fiction writers don ' t write about men from Mars(火星)or space adventure stories. They are more interested in predicting the results of technical developments on society and the human mind; or in imagining future worlds which are a reflection of the world which we live in now.Because of this,their writing has obvious political undertones(含义).5 In an age where science fact frequently overtakes(超过)science fiction , the writers may find it difficult to keep ahead of scientific advances.Those who are sufficiently clear-sighted to see the way we are going,however,may provide a valuable lesson on how to deal with the problems which society will inevitably face as it tries to master its new technology.Paragraph 3______A:Popularity of Science FictionB:A Fairly New DevelopmentC:Classics of Science FictionD:Difficulty in Keeping Ahead of Scientific AdventureE:Its OriginF:Themes of Modern Science Fiction

考题 共用题干 Science Fiction1 Amongst the most popular books being written today are those which are usually classified as science fiction.Hundreds of titles are published every year and are read by all kinds of people.Furthermore,some of the most successful films of recent years have been based on science fiction stories.2 It is often thought that science fiction is a fairly new development in literature,but its ancestors can be found in books written hundreds of years ago.These books were often concerned with the presentation of some form of ideal society,a theme which is still often found in modern stories.3 Most of the classics of science fiction,however,have been written within the last hundred years. Books by writers such as Jules Verne and H.G.Wells,to mention just two well-known authors,have been translated into many languages.4 Modern science fiction writers don ' t write about men from Mars(火星)or space adventure stories. They are more interested in predicting the results of technical developments on society and the human mind; or in imagining future worlds which are a reflection of the world which we live in now.Because of this,their writing has obvious political undertones(含义).5 In an age where science fact frequently overtakes(超过)science fiction , the writers may find it difficult to keep ahead of scientific advances.Those who are sufficiently clear-sighted to see the way we are going,however,may provide a valuable lesson on how to deal with the problems which society will inevitably face as it tries to master its new technology.The writers find it difficult______.A:concerned with the problems to solve in the futureB:to keep ahead of scientific advancesC:have political implicationD:a current themeE:read worldwideF:a reciirrent theme

考题 共用题干 Science Fiction1 Amongst the most popular books being written today are those which are usually classified as science fiction.Hundreds of titles are published every year and are read by all kinds of people.Furthermore,some of the most successful films of recent years have been based on science fiction stories.2 It is often thought that science fiction is a fairly new development in literature,but its ancestors can be found in books written hundreds of years ago.These books were often concerned with the presentation of some form of ideal society,a theme which is still often found in modern stories.3 Most of the classics of science fiction,however,have been written within the last hundred years. Books by writers such as Jules Verne and H.G.Wells,to mention just two well-known authors,have been translated into many languages.4 Modern science fiction writers don ' t write about men from Mars(火星)or space adventure stories. They are more interested in predicting the results of technical developments on society and the human mind; or in imagining future worlds which are a reflection of the world which we live in now.Because of this,their writing has obvious political undertones(含义).5 In an age where science fact frequently overtakes(超过)science fiction , the writers may find it difficult to keep ahead of scientific advances.Those who are sufficiently clear-sighted to see the way we are going,however,may provide a valuable lesson on how to deal with the problems which society will inevitably face as it tries to master its new technology.Paragraph 5______A:Popularity of Science FictionB:A Fairly New DevelopmentC:Classics of Science FictionD:Difficulty in Keeping Ahead of Scientific AdventureE:Its OriginF:Themes of Modern Science Fiction

考题 共用题干 Science Fiction1 Amongst the most popular books being written today are those which are usually classified as science fiction.Hundreds of titles are published every year and are read by all kinds of people.Furthermore,some of the most successful films of recent years have been based on science fiction stories.2 It is often thought that science fiction is a fairly new development in literature,but its ancestors can be found in books written hundreds of years ago.These books were often concerned with the presentation of some form of ideal society,a theme which is still often found in modern stories.3 Most of the classics of science fiction,however,have been written within the last hundred years. Books by writers such as Jules Verne and H.G.Wells,to mention just two well-known authors,have been translated into many languages.4 Modern science fiction writers don ' t write about men from Mars(火星)or space adventure stories. They are more interested in predicting the results of technical developments on society and the human mind; or in imagining future worlds which are a reflection of the world which we live in now.Because of this,their writing has obvious political undertones(含义).5 In an age where science fact frequently overtakes(超过)science fiction , the writers may find it difficult to keep ahead of scientific advances.Those who are sufficiently clear-sighted to see the way we are going,however,may provide a valuable lesson on how to deal with the problems which society will inevitably face as it tries to master its new technology.Modern science fiction______.A:concerned with the problems to solve in the futureB:to keep ahead of scientific advancesC:have political implicationD:a current themeE:read worldwideF:a reciirrent theme

考题 共用题干 Science Fiction1 Amongst the most popular books being written today are those which are usually classified as science fiction.Hundreds of titles are published every year and are read by all kinds of people.Furthermore,some of the most successful films of recent years have been based on science fiction stories.2 It is often thought that science fiction is a fairly new development in literature,but its ancestors can be found in books written hundreds of years ago.These books were often concerned with the presentation of some form of ideal society,a theme which is still often found in modern stories.3 Most of the classics of science fiction,however,have been written within the last hundred years. Books by writers such as Jules Verne and H.G.Wells,to mention just two well-known authors,have been translated into many languages.4 Modern science fiction writers don ' t write about men from Mars(火星)or space adventure stories. They are more interested in predicting the results of technical developments on society and the human mind; or in imagining future worlds which are a reflection of the world which we live in now.Because of this,their writing has obvious political undertones(含义).5 In an age where science fact frequently overtakes(超过)science fiction , the writers may find it difficult to keep ahead of scientific advances.Those who are sufficiently clear-sighted to see the way we are going,however,may provide a valuable lesson on how to deal with the problems which society will inevitably face as it tries to master its new technology.Some form of ideal society is______.A:concerned with the problems to solve in the futureB:to keep ahead of scientific advancesC:have political implicationD:a current themeE:read worldwideF:a reciirrent theme

考题 When it comes to friends, I desire those who will share my happiness, who possess wings of their own and who will fly with me. I seek friends whose qualities illuminate me and train me up for love. It is for these people that I reserve the glowing hours, too good not to share. When I was in the eighth grade, I had a friend. We were shy and "too serious" about our stud- ies when it was becoming fashionable with our classmates to learn acceptable social behaviors. We said little at school, but she would come to my house and we would sit down with pencils and paper, and one of us would say:"Let's start with a train whistle today." We would sit quietly together and write separate poems or stories that grew out of a train whistle. Then we would read them aloud. At the end of that school year, we were changing into social creatures and the stories and poems stopped. When I lived for a time in London, I had a friend, he was in despair and I was in despair. But our friendship was based on the idea in each of us that we would be sorry later if we did not explore this great city because we had felt bad at the time. We met every Sunday for five weeks and found many excellent things. We walked until our despairs disappeared and then we parted. We gave London to each other. For almost four years I have had remarkable friend whose imagination illuminates mine. We write long letters in which we often discover our strangest selves. Each of us appears, sometimes in ~ a funny way, in the other's dreams. She and I agree that, at certain times, we seem to be parts of the same mind. In my most interesting moments, I often think : "Yes, I must tell..." We have never met. It is such comforting companions I wish to keep. One bright hour with their kind is worth more to me than the lifetime services of a psychologist,who will only fill up the healing silence necessary to those darkest moments in which I would rather be my own best friend. What is the best title for the passage?A. Unforgettable Experiences B. Remarkable Imagination C. Lifelong Friendship D. Noble Companions

考题 When it comes to friends, I desire those who will share my happiness, who possess wings of their own and who will fly with me. I seek friends whose qualities illuminate me and train me up for love. It is for these people that I reserve the glowing hours, too good not to share. When I was in the eighth grade, I had a friend. We were shy and "too serious" about our stud- ies when it was becoming fashionable with our classmates to learn acceptable social behaviors. We said little at school, but she would come to my house and we would sit down with pencils and paper, and one of us would say:"Let's start with a train whistle today." We would sit quietly together and write separate poems or stories that grew out of a train whistle. Then we would read them aloud. At the end of that school year, we were changing into social creatures and the stories and poems stopped. When I lived for a time in London, I had a friend, he was in despair and I was in despair. But our friendship was based on the idea in each of us that we would be sorry later if we did not explore this great city because we had felt bad at the time. We met every Sunday for five weeks and found many excellent things. We walked until our despairs disappeared and then we parted. We gave London to each other. For almost four years I have had remarkable friend whose imagination illuminates mine. We write long letters in which we often discover our strangest selves. Each of us appears, sometimes in ~ a funny way, in the other's dreams. She and I agree that, at certain times, we seem to be parts of the same mind. In my most interesting moments, I often think : "Yes, I must tell..." We have never met. It is such comforting companions I wish to keep. One bright hour with their kind is worth more to me than the lifetime services of a psychologist,who will only fill up the healing silence necessary to those darkest moments in which I would rather be my own best friend. In paragraph 3, "We gave London to each other" probably means__________.A. our exploration of London was a memorable gift to both of us B. we were unwilling to tear ourselves away from London C. our unpleasant feeling about London disappeared D. we parted with each other in London

考题 When it comes to friends, I desire those who will share my happiness, who possess wings of their own and who will fly with me. I seek friends whose qualities illuminate me and train me up for love. It is for these people that I reserve the glowing hours, too good not to share. When I was in the eighth grade, I had a friend. We were shy and "too serious" about our stud- ies when it was becoming fashionable with our classmates to learn acceptable social behaviors. We said little at school, but she would come to my house and we would sit down with pencils and paper, and one of us would say:"Let's start with a train whistle today." We would sit quietly together and write separate poems or stories that grew out of a train whistle. Then we would read them aloud. At the end of that school year, we were changing into social creatures and the stories and poems stopped. When I lived for a time in London, I had a friend, he was in despair and I was in despair. But our friendship was based on the idea in each of us that we would be sorry later if we did not explore this great city because we had felt bad at the time. We met every Sunday for five weeks and found many excellent things. We walked until our despairs disappeared and then we parted. We gave London to each other. For almost four years I have had remarkable friend whose imagination illuminates mine. We write long letters in which we often discover our strangest selves. Each of us appears, sometimes in ~ a funny way, in the other's dreams. She and I agree that, at certain times, we seem to be parts of the same mind. In my most interesting moments, I often think : "Yes, I must tell..." We have never met. It is such comforting companions I wish to keep. One bright hour with their kind is worth more to me than the lifetime services of a psychologist,who will only fill up the healing silence necessary to those darkest moments in which I would rather be my own best friend. In the darkest moments, the author would prefer toA. seek professional help B. be left alone C. stay with her best friend D. break the silence

考题 共用题干 Who Want to Live Forever?If your doctor could give you a drug that would let you live a healthy life for twice as long,would you take it?The good news is that we may be drawing near to that date.Scientists have already extended the lives of flies,worms and mice in laboratories.Many now think that using genetic treatments we will soon be able to extend human life to at least 140 years.This seems a great idea.Think of how much more time we could spend chasing our dreams,spending time with our loved ones,watching our families grow and have families of their own."Longer life would give us a chance to recover from our mistakes and promote long term thinking," says Dr.Gregory Stock of the University of California School of Public Health."It would also raise productivity by adding to the year we can work."Longer lives don't just affect the people who live them.They also affect society as a whole."We have war,poverty,all sorts of issues around,and I don't think any of them would be at all helped by having people live longer,"says US bioethicist Daniel Callahan."The question is‘What will we get as a society?'I suspect it won't be a better society."It would certainly be a very different society.People are already finding it more difficult to stay married.Divorce rates are rising.What would happen to marriage in a society where people lived for 140 years?And what would happen to family life if 9 or 10 generations of the same family were all alive at the same time? Research into ageing may enable women to remain fertile for longer.And that raises the prospect of having 100-year-old parents,or brothers and sisters born 50 years apart.We think of an elder sibling as someone who can protect us and offer help and advice.That would be hard to do if that sibling came from a completely different generation.Working life would also be affected,especially if the retirement age was lifted.More people would stay in work for longer.That would give us the benefits of age-skill,wisdom and good judgment.On the other hand,more people working for longer would create greater competition for jobs.It would make it more difficult for younger people to find a job.Top posts would be dominated by the same few individuals,making career progress more difficult.And how easily would a 25 -year-old employee be able to communicate with a 1 25 -year-old boss?Young people would be a smaller part of a society in which people lived to 140.It may be that such a society would place less importance on guiding and educating young people,and more on making life comfortable for the old.And society would feel very different if more of its members were older.There would be more wisdom, but less energy.Young people like to move about.Old people like to sit still.Young people tend to act without thinking.Old people tend to think without acting.Young people are curious and like to cxperience different things.Old people are less enthusiastic about change.In fact,they are less,enthusiastic about everything.The effect of anti一ageing technology is deeper than we might think.But as the science advances,we need to think about these changes now."If this could ever happen,then we'd better ask what kind of society we want to get,"says Daniel Callahan."We had better not go anywhere near it until we have figure those problems out." An important feature of a society in which people live a long life is that______.A:it places more emphasis on educating the youngB:it is both wise and energeticC:it lacks the curiosity to experiment what is newD:it welcomes changes

考题 共用题干 第一篇If your doctor could give you a drug that would let you live a healthy life for twice as long, would you take it?The good news is that we may be drawing near to that date.Scientists have already extended the lives of flies,worms and mice in laboratories. Many now think that using genetic treatments we will soon be able to extend human life to at least 140 years.This seems a great idea. Think of how much more time we could spend chasing our dreams,spending time with our loved ones,watching our families grow and have families of their own."Longer life would give us a chance to recover from our mistakes and promote long term thinking,"says Dr Gregory Stock of the University of California School of Public Health."It would also raise productivity by adding to the year we can work."Longer lives don't just affect the people who live them. They also affect society as a whole. "We have war,poverty,all sorts of issues around,and I don't think any of them would be at all helped by having people live longer,"says US bioethicist Daniel Callahan,"The question is what we will get as a society?I suspect it won't be a better society."It would certainly be a very different society. People are already finding it more difficult to stay married. Divorce rates are rising. What would happen to marriage in a society where people lived for 140 years? And what would happen to family life if 9 or 10 generations of the same family were all alive at the same time?Research into ageing may enable women to remain fertile for longer. And that raises the prospect of having 100-year-old parents,or brothers and sisters born 50 years apart. We think of an elder sibling as someone who can protect us and offer help and advice. That would be hard to do if that sibling came from a completely different generation.Working life would also be affected,especially if the retirement age was lifted.More people would stay in work for longer. That would give us the benefits of age一skill,wisdom and good judgment.On the other hand,more people working for longer would create greater competition for jobs. It would make it more difficult for younger people to find a job. Top posts would be dominated by the same few individuals,making career progress more difficult. And how easily would a 25-year-old employee be able to communicate with a 125-year-old boss?Young people would be a smaller part of a society in which people lived to 140.It may be that such a society would place less importance on guiding and educating young people,and more on making life comfortable for the old.And society would feel very different if more of its members were older. There would be more wisdom,but less energy.Young people like to move about. Old people like to sit still.Young people tend to act without thinking.Old people tend to think without acting.Young people are curious and like to experience different things.Old people are less enthusiastic about change.In fact,they are less enthusiastic about everything.The effect of anti-ageing technology is deeper than we might think.But as the science advances,we need to think about these changes now."If this could ever happen,then we'd better ask what kind of society we want to get,"says Daniel Callahan."We had better not go anywhere near it until we have figure those problems out."An important feature of a society in which people live a long life is that________.A:it places more emphasis on educating the youngB:it is both wise and energeticC:it lacks the curiosity to experiment what is newD:it welcomes changes

考题 共用题干 Who Want to Live Forever?If your doctor could give you a drug that would let you live a healthy life for twice as long,would you take it?The good news is that we may be drawing near to that date.Scientists have already extended the lives of flies,worms and mice in laboratories.Many now think that using genetic treatments we will soon be able to extend human life to at least 140 years.This seems a great idea.Think of how much more time we could spend chasing our dreams,spending time with our loved ones,watching our families grow and have families of their own."Longer life would give us a chance to recover from our mistakes and promote long term thinking," says Dr.Gregory Stock of the University of California School of Public Health."It would also raise productivity by adding to the year we can work."Longer lives don't just affect the people who live them.They also affect society as a whole."We have war,poverty,all sorts of issues around,and I don't think any of them would be at all helped by having people live longer,"says US bioethicist Daniel Callahan."The question is‘What will we get as a society?'I suspect it won't be a better society."It would certainly be a very different society.People are already finding it more difficult to stay married.Divorce rates are rising.What would happen to marriage in a society where people lived for 140 years?And what would happen to family life if 9 or 10 generations of the same family were all alive at the same time? Research into ageing may enable women to remain fertile for longer.And that raises the prospect of having 100-year-old parents,or brothers and sisters born 50 years apart.We think of an elder sibling as someone who can protect us and offer help and advice.That would be hard to do if that sibling came from a completely different generation.Working life would also be affected,especially if the retirement age was lifted.More people would stay in work for longer.That would give us the benefits of age-skill,wisdom and good judgment.On the other hand,more people working for longer would create greater competition for jobs.It would make it more difficult for younger people to find a job.Top posts would be dominated by the same few individuals,making career progress more difficult.And how easily would a 25 -year-old employee be able to communicate with a 1 25 -year-old boss?Young people would be a smaller part of a society in which people lived to 140.It may be that such a society would place less importance on guiding and educating young people,and more on making life comfortable for the old.And society would feel very different if more of its members were older.There would be more wisdom, but less energy.Young people like to move about.Old people like to sit still.Young people tend to act without thinking.Old people tend to think without acting.Young people are curious and like to cxperience different things.Old people are less enthusiastic about change.In fact,they are less,enthusiastic about everything.The effect of anti一ageing technology is deeper than we might think.But as the science advances,we need to think about these changes now."If this could ever happen,then we'd better ask what kind of society we want to get,"says Daniel Callahan."We had better not go anywhere near it until we have figure those problems out." Which of the following is implied in the sixth paragraph?A:Marriages in the US today are quite unstable.B:More and more people in the US today want to get married.C:Living longer would make it easier for people to maintain their marital ties.D:If people live longer,they would stay in marriage longer.

考题 共用题干 Who Want to Live Forever?If your doctor could give you a drug that would let you live a healthy life for twice as long,would you take it?The good news is that we may be drawing near to that date.Scientists have already extended the lives of flies,worms and mice in laboratories.Many now think that using genetic treatments we will soon be able to extend human life to at least 140 years.This seems a great idea.Think of how much more time we could spend chasing our dreams,spending time with our loved ones,watching our families grow and have families of their own."Longer life would give us a chance to recover from our mistakes and promote long term thinking," says Dr.Gregory Stock of the University of California School of Public Health."It would also raise productivity by adding to the year we can work."Longer lives don't just affect the people who live them.They also affect society as a whole."We have war,poverty,all sorts of issues around,and I don't think any of them would be at all helped by having people live longer,"says US bioethicist Daniel Callahan."The question is‘What will we get as a society?'I suspect it won't be a better society."It would certainly be a very different society.People are already finding it more difficult to stay married.Divorce rates are rising.What would happen to marriage in a society where people lived for 140 years?And what would happen to family life if 9 or 10 generations of the same family were all alive at the same time? Research into ageing may enable women to remain fertile for longer.And that raises the prospect of having 100-year-old parents,or brothers and sisters born 50 years apart.We think of an elder sibling as someone who can protect us and offer help and advice.That would be hard to do if that sibling came from a completely different generation.Working life would also be affected,especially if the retirement age was lifted.More people would stay in work for longer.That would give us the benefits of age-skill,wisdom and good judgment.On the other hand,more people working for longer would create greater competition for jobs.It would make it more difficult for younger people to find a job.Top posts would be dominated by the same few individuals,making career progress more difficult.And how easily would a 25 -year-old employee be able to communicate with a 1 25 -year-old boss?Young people would be a smaller part of a society in which people lived to 140.It may be that such a society would place less importance on guiding and educating young people,and more on making life comfortable for the old.And society would feel very different if more of its members were older.There would be more wisdom, but less energy.Young people like to move about.Old people like to sit still.Young people tend to act without thinking.Old people tend to think without acting.Young people are curious and like to cxperience different things.Old people are less enthusiastic about change.In fact,they are less,enthusiastic about everything.The effect of anti一ageing technology is deeper than we might think.But as the science advances,we need to think about these changes now."If this could ever happen,then we'd better ask what kind of society we want to get,"says Daniel Callahan."We had better not go anywhere near it until we have figure those problems out." All of the following are possible effects living longer might have on working life EXCEPT______.A:communication between employers and employees would be more difficultB:more money would be used by employers in payment of their employeesC:the job market would be more competitiveD:it would be more difficult for young people to be promoted to top positions

考题 共用题干 第一篇If your doctor could give you a drug that would let you live a healthy life for twice as long, would you take it?The good news is that we may be drawing near to that date.Scientists have already extended the lives of flies,worms and mice in laboratories. Many now think that using genetic treatments we will soon be able to extend human life to at least 140 years.This seems a great idea. Think of how much more time we could spend chasing our dreams,spending time with our loved ones,watching our families grow and have families of their own."Longer life would give us a chance to recover from our mistakes and promote long term thinking,"says Dr Gregory Stock of the University of California School of Public Health."It would also raise productivity by adding to the year we can work."Longer lives don't just affect the people who live them. They also affect society as a whole. "We have war,poverty,all sorts of issues around,and I don't think any of them would be at all helped by having people live longer,"says US bioethicist Daniel Callahan,"The question is what we will get as a society?I suspect it won't be a better society."It would certainly be a very different society. People are already finding it more difficult to stay married. Divorce rates are rising. What would happen to marriage in a society where people lived for 140 years? And what would happen to family life if 9 or 10 generations of the same family were all alive at the same time?Research into ageing may enable women to remain fertile for longer. And that raises the prospect of having 100-year-old parents,or brothers and sisters born 50 years apart. We think of an elder sibling as someone who can protect us and offer help and advice. That would be hard to do if that sibling came from a completely different generation.Working life would also be affected,especially if the retirement age was lifted.More people would stay in work for longer. That would give us the benefits of age一skill,wisdom and good judgment.On the other hand,more people working for longer would create greater competition for jobs. It would make it more difficult for younger people to find a job. Top posts would be dominated by the same few individuals,making career progress more difficult. And how easily would a 25-year-old employee be able to communicate with a 125-year-old boss?Young people would be a smaller part of a society in which people lived to 140.It may be that such a society would place less importance on guiding and educating young people,and more on making life comfortable for the old.And society would feel very different if more of its members were older. There would be more wisdom,but less energy.Young people like to move about. Old people like to sit still.Young people tend to act without thinking.Old people tend to think without acting.Young people are curious and like to experience different things.Old people are less enthusiastic about change.In fact,they are less enthusiastic about everything.The effect of anti-ageing technology is deeper than we might think.But as the science advances,we need to think about these changes now."If this could ever happen,then we'd better ask what kind of society we want to get,"says Daniel Callahan."We had better not go anywhere near it until we have figure those problems out."Which of the following is implied in the fifth paragraph?A:Marriages in the US today are quite unstable.B:More and more people in the US today want to get married.C:Living longer would make it easier for people to maintain their marital ties.D:If people live longer,they would stay in marriage longer.

考题 共用题干 第一篇If your doctor could give you a drug that would let you live a healthy life for twice as long, would you take it?The good news is that we may be drawing near to that date.Scientists have already extended the lives of flies,worms and mice in laboratories. Many now think that using genetic treatments we will soon be able to extend human life to at least 140 years.This seems a great idea. Think of how much more time we could spend chasing our dreams,spending time with our loved ones,watching our families grow and have families of their own."Longer life would give us a chance to recover from our mistakes and promote long term thinking,"says Dr Gregory Stock of the University of California School of Public Health."It would also raise productivity by adding to the year we can work."Longer lives don't just affect the people who live them. They also affect society as a whole. "We have war,poverty,all sorts of issues around,and I don't think any of them would be at all helped by having people live longer,"says US bioethicist Daniel Callahan,"The question is what we will get as a society?I suspect it won't be a better society."It would certainly be a very different society. People are already finding it more difficult to stay married. Divorce rates are rising. What would happen to marriage in a society where people lived for 140 years? And what would happen to family life if 9 or 10 generations of the same family were all alive at the same time?Research into ageing may enable women to remain fertile for longer. And that raises the prospect of having 100-year-old parents,or brothers and sisters born 50 years apart. We think of an elder sibling as someone who can protect us and offer help and advice. That would be hard to do if that sibling came from a completely different generation.Working life would also be affected,especially if the retirement age was lifted.More people would stay in work for longer. That would give us the benefits of age一skill,wisdom and good judgment.On the other hand,more people working for longer would create greater competition for jobs. It would make it more difficult for younger people to find a job. Top posts would be dominated by the same few individuals,making career progress more difficult. And how easily would a 25-year-old employee be able to communicate with a 125-year-old boss?Young people would be a smaller part of a society in which people lived to 140.It may be that such a society would place less importance on guiding and educating young people,and more on making life comfortable for the old.And society would feel very different if more of its members were older. There would be more wisdom,but less energy.Young people like to move about. Old people like to sit still.Young people tend to act without thinking.Old people tend to think without acting.Young people are curious and like to experience different things.Old people are less enthusiastic about change.In fact,they are less enthusiastic about everything.The effect of anti-ageing technology is deeper than we might think.But as the science advances,we need to think about these changes now."If this could ever happen,then we'd better ask what kind of society we want to get,"says Daniel Callahan."We had better not go anywhere near it until we have figure those problems out."Which of the following best describes Callahan's attitude to anti-ageing technology? A:Optimistic.B:Pessimistic.C:Reserved.D:Negative.

考题 共用题干 第一篇If your doctor could give you a drug that would let you live a healthy life for twice as long, would you take it?The good news is that we may be drawing near to that date.Scientists have already extended the lives of flies,worms and mice in laboratories. Many now think that using genetic treatments we will soon be able to extend human life to at least 140 years.This seems a great idea. Think of how much more time we could spend chasing our dreams,spending time with our loved ones,watching our families grow and have families of their own."Longer life would give us a chance to recover from our mistakes and promote long term thinking,"says Dr Gregory Stock of the University of California School of Public Health."It would also raise productivity by adding to the year we can work."Longer lives don't just affect the people who live them. They also affect society as a whole. "We have war,poverty,all sorts of issues around,and I don't think any of them would be at all helped by having people live longer,"says US bioethicist Daniel Callahan,"The question is what we will get as a society?I suspect it won't be a better society."It would certainly be a very different society. People are already finding it more difficult to stay married. Divorce rates are rising. What would happen to marriage in a society where people lived for 140 years? And what would happen to family life if 9 or 10 generations of the same family were all alive at the same time?Research into ageing may enable women to remain fertile for longer. And that raises the prospect of having 100-year-old parents,or brothers and sisters born 50 years apart. We think of an elder sibling as someone who can protect us and offer help and advice. That would be hard to do if that sibling came from a completely different generation.Working life would also be affected,especially if the retirement age was lifted.More people would stay in work for longer. That would give us the benefits of age一skill,wisdom and good judgment.On the other hand,more people working for longer would create greater competition for jobs. It would make it more difficult for younger people to find a job. Top posts would be dominated by the same few individuals,making career progress more difficult. And how easily would a 25-year-old employee be able to communicate with a 125-year-old boss?Young people would be a smaller part of a society in which people lived to 140.It may be that such a society would place less importance on guiding and educating young people,and more on making life comfortable for the old.And society would feel very different if more of its members were older. There would be more wisdom,but less energy.Young people like to move about. Old people like to sit still.Young people tend to act without thinking.Old people tend to think without acting.Young people are curious and like to experience different things.Old people are less enthusiastic about change.In fact,they are less enthusiastic about everything.The effect of anti-ageing technology is deeper than we might think.But as the science advances,we need to think about these changes now."If this could ever happen,then we'd better ask what kind of society we want to get,"says Daniel Callahan."We had better not go anywhere near it until we have figure those problems out."Which of the following is NOT mentioned as one of the things that living longer might enable an individual to do?A:Spending more time with his family.B:Having more education.C:Realizing more dreams.D:Working longer.

考题 共用题干 Who Want to Live Forever?If your doctor could give you a drug that would let you live a healthy life for twice as long,would you take it?The good news is that we may be drawing near to that date.Scientists have already extended the lives of flies,worms and mice in laboratories.Many now think that using genetic treatments we will soon be able to extend human life to at least 140 years.This seems a great idea.Think of how much more time we could spend chasing our dreams,spending time with our loved ones,watching our families grow and have families of their own."Longer life would give us a chance to recover from our mistakes and promote long term thinking," says Dr.Gregory Stock of the University of California School of Public Health."It would also raise productivity by adding to the year we can work."Longer lives don't just affect the people who live them.They also affect society as a whole."We have war,poverty,all sorts of issues around,and I don't think any of them would be at all helped by having people live longer,"says US bioethicist Daniel Callahan."The question is‘What will we get as a society?'I suspect it won't be a better society."It would certainly be a very different society.People are already finding it more difficult to stay married.Divorce rates are rising.What would happen to marriage in a society where people lived for 140 years?And what would happen to family life if 9 or 10 generations of the same family were all alive at the same time? Research into ageing may enable women to remain fertile for longer.And that raises the prospect of having 100-year-old parents,or brothers and sisters born 50 years apart.We think of an elder sibling as someone who can protect us and offer help and advice.That would be hard to do if that sibling came from a completely different generation.Working life would also be affected,especially if the retirement age was lifted.More people would stay in work for longer.That would give us the benefits of age-skill,wisdom and good judgment.On the other hand,more people working for longer would create greater competition for jobs.It would make it more difficult for younger people to find a job.Top posts would be dominated by the same few individuals,making career progress more difficult.And how easily would a 25 -year-old employee be able to communicate with a 1 25 -year-old boss?Young people would be a smaller part of a society in which people lived to 140.It may be that such a society would place less importance on guiding and educating young people,and more on making life comfortable for the old.And society would feel very different if more of its members were older.There would be more wisdom, but less energy.Young people like to move about.Old people like to sit still.Young people tend to act without thinking.Old people tend to think without acting.Young people are curious and like to cxperience different things.Old people are less enthusiastic about change.In fact,they are less,enthusiastic about everything.The effect of anti一ageing technology is deeper than we might think.But as the science advances,we need to think about these changes now."If this could ever happen,then we'd better ask what kind of society we want to get,"says Daniel Callahan."We had better not go anywhere near it until we have figure those problems out." Which of the following best describes Callahan's attitude to anti一ageing technology?A:Optimistic. B:Pessimistic.C:Reserved. D:Negative.

考题 共用题干 第一篇If your doctor could give you a drug that would let you live a healthy life for twice as long, would you take it?The good news is that we may be drawing near to that date.Scientists have already extended the lives of flies,worms and mice in laboratories. Many now think that using genetic treatments we will soon be able to extend human life to at least 140 years.This seems a great idea. Think of how much more time we could spend chasing our dreams,spending time with our loved ones,watching our families grow and have families of their own."Longer life would give us a chance to recover from our mistakes and promote long term thinking,"says Dr Gregory Stock of the University of California School of Public Health."It would also raise productivity by adding to the year we can work."Longer lives don't just affect the people who live them. They also affect society as a whole. "We have war,poverty,all sorts of issues around,and I don't think any of them would be at all helped by having people live longer,"says US bioethicist Daniel Callahan,"The question is what we will get as a society?I suspect it won't be a better society."It would certainly be a very different society. People are already finding it more difficult to stay married. Divorce rates are rising. What would happen to marriage in a society where people lived for 140 years? And what would happen to family life if 9 or 10 generations of the same family were all alive at the same time?Research into ageing may enable women to remain fertile for longer. And that raises the prospect of having 100-year-old parents,or brothers and sisters born 50 years apart. We think of an elder sibling as someone who can protect us and offer help and advice. That would be hard to do if that sibling came from a completely different generation.Working life would also be affected,especially if the retirement age was lifted.More people would stay in work for longer. That would give us the benefits of age一skill,wisdom and good judgment.On the other hand,more people working for longer would create greater competition for jobs. It would make it more difficult for younger people to find a job. Top posts would be dominated by the same few individuals,making career progress more difficult. And how easily would a 25-year-old employee be able to communicate with a 125-year-old boss?Young people would be a smaller part of a society in which people lived to 140.It may be that such a society would place less importance on guiding and educating young people,and more on making life comfortable for the old.And society would feel very different if more of its members were older. There would be more wisdom,but less energy.Young people like to move about. Old people like to sit still.Young people tend to act without thinking.Old people tend to think without acting.Young people are curious and like to experience different things.Old people are less enthusiastic about change.In fact,they are less enthusiastic about everything.The effect of anti-ageing technology is deeper than we might think.But as the science advances,we need to think about these changes now."If this could ever happen,then we'd better ask what kind of society we want to get,"says Daniel Callahan."We had better not go anywhere near it until we have figure those problems out."All of the following are possible effects living longer might have on working life EXCEPT_________.A:communication between employers and employees would be more difficultB:more money would be used by employees in payment of their employeesC:the job market would be more competitiveD:it would be more difficult for young people to be promoted to top positions

考题 共用题干 Who Want to Live Forever?If your doctor could give you a drug that would let you live a healthy life for twice as long,would you take it?The good news is that we may be drawing near to that date.Scientists have already extended the lives of flies,worms and mice in laboratories.Many now think that using genetic treatments we will soon be able to extend human life to at least 140 years.This seems a great idea.Think of how much more time we could spend chasing our dreams,spending time with our loved ones,watching our families grow and have families of their own."Longer life would give us a chance to recover from our mistakes and promote long term thinking," says Dr.Gregory Stock of the University of California School of Public Health."It would also raise productivity by adding to the year we can work."Longer lives don't just affect the people who live them.They also affect society as a whole."We have war,poverty,all sorts of issues around,and I don't think any of them would be at all helped by having people live longer,"says US bioethicist Daniel Callahan."The question is‘What will we get as a society?'I suspect it won't be a better society."It would certainly be a very different society.People are already finding it more difficult to stay married.Divorce rates are rising.What would happen to marriage in a society where people lived for 140 years?And what would happen to family life if 9 or 10 generations of the same family were all alive at the same time? Research into ageing may enable women to remain fertile for longer.And that raises the prospect of having 100-year-old parents,or brothers and sisters born 50 years apart.We think of an elder sibling as someone who can protect us and offer help and advice.That would be hard to do if that sibling came from a completely different generation.Working life would also be affected,especially if the retirement age was lifted.More people would stay in work for longer.That would give us the benefits of age-skill,wisdom and good judgment.On the other hand,more people working for longer would create greater competition for jobs.It would make it more difficult for younger people to find a job.Top posts would be dominated by the same few individuals,making career progress more difficult.And how easily would a 25 -year-old employee be able to communicate with a 1 25 -year-old boss?Young people would be a smaller part of a society in which people lived to 140.It may be that such a society would place less importance on guiding and educating young people,and more on making life comfortable for the old.And society would feel very different if more of its members were older.There would be more wisdom, but less energy.Young people like to move about.Old people like to sit still.Young people tend to act without thinking.Old people tend to think without acting.Young people are curious and like to cxperience different things.Old people are less enthusiastic about change.In fact,they are less,enthusiastic about everything.The effect of anti一ageing technology is deeper than we might think.But as the science advances,we need to think about these changes now."If this could ever happen,then we'd better ask what kind of society we want to get,"says Daniel Callahan."We had better not go anywhere near it until we have figure those problems out." Which of the.following is NOT mentioned as one of the things that living longer might enable an individual to do?A:Spending more time with his family. B:Having more education.C:Realizing more dreams. D:Working longer.

考题 Among the most popular books being written today are those which are usually classified as science fiction. Hundreds of titles are published every year and are read by all kinds of people. Furthermore, some of the most successful films in recent years have been based on science fiction stories. It is often thought that science fiction is a fairly new development in literature, but it can be found in books written hundreds of years ago. These books were often concerned with the presentation of some form of ideal society, a theme which is still often found in modern stories. Most of the classics of science fiction, however, have been written within the last hundred years. Books by writers such as Jules Verne and H.G. Wells, to mention just two well-known authors, have been translated into many languages. Modern science fiction writers don't write about men from Mars or space adventure stories. They are more interested in predicting the results of technical developments on society and the human mind; or in imagining future world which are a reflection of the world which we live in now. Because of this their writing has obviously political undertones. In an age where science fact frequently overtakes science fiction, the writers may find it difficult to keep ahead of scientific advances. Those who are sufficiently clear-sighted to see the way we are going, however, may provide a valuable lesson on how to deal with the problems which society will inevitably face as it tries to master its new technology. The underlined word “overtakes”in the last paragraph means查看材料A.takes the place of B.is more meaningful than C.develops more quickly than D.develops more slowly than

考题 Among the most popular books being written today are those which are usually classified as science fiction. Hundreds of titles are published every year and are read by all kinds of people. Furthermore, some of the most successful films in recent years have been based on science fiction stories. It is often thought that science fiction is a fairly new development in literature, but it can be found in books written hundreds of years ago. These books were often concerned with the presentation of some form of ideal society, a theme which is still often found in modern stories. Most of the classics of science fiction, however, have been written within the last hundred years. Books by writers such as Jules Verne and H.G. Wells, to mention just two well-known authors, have been translated into many languages. Modern science fiction writers don't write about men from Mars or space adventure stories. They are more interested in predicting the results of technical developments on society and the human mind; or in imagining future world which are a reflection of the world which we live in now. Because of this their writing has obviously political undertones. In an age where science fact frequently overtakes science fiction, the writers may find it difficult to keep ahead of scientific advances. Those who are sufficiently clear-sighted to see the way we are going, however, may provide a valuable lesson on how to deal with the problems which society will inevitably face as it tries to master its new technology. Which of the following statements can't prove that science fiction is very popular today 查看材料A.Hundreds of titles are published every year. B.All kinds of people love it. C.Some of the most successful films of recent years have been based on science fiction stories. D.Science fiction can be found in books written hundreds of years ago.

考题 Among the most popular books being written today are those which are usually classified as science fiction. Hundreds of titles are published every year and are read by all kinds of people. Furthermore, some of the most successful films in recent years have been based on science fiction stories. It is often thought that science fiction is a fairly new development in literature, but it can be found in books written hundreds of years ago. These books were often concerned with the presentation of some form of ideal society, a theme which is still often found in modern stories. Most of the classics of science fiction, however, have been written within the last hundred years. Books by writers such as Jules Verne and H.G. Wells, to mention just two well-known authors, have been translated into many languages. Modern science fiction writers don't write about men from Mars or space adventure stories. They are more interested in predicting the results of technical developments on society and the human mind; or in imagining future world which are a reflection of the world which we live in now. Because of this their writing has obviously political undertones. In an age where science fact frequently overtakes science fiction, the writers may find it difficult to keep ahead of scientific advances. Those who are sufficiently clear-sighted to see the way we are going, however, may provide a valuable lesson on how to deal with the problems which society will inevitably face as it tries to master its new technology. The best title of the passage may probably be查看材料A.Science Fiction B.The Popularity of Science Fiction C.The Origin of Science Fiction D.The Themes of Science Fiction

考题 Among the most popular books being written today are those which are usually classified as science fiction. Hundreds of titles are published every year and are read by all kinds of people. Furthermore, some of the most successful films in recent years have been based on science fiction stories. It is often thought that science fiction is a fairly new development in literature, but it can be found in books written hundreds of years ago. These books were often concerned with the presentation of some form of ideal society, a theme which is still often found in modern stories. Most of the classics of science fiction, however, have been written within the last hundred years. Books by writers such as Jules Verne and H.G. Wells, to mention just two well-known authors, have been translated into many languages. Modern science fiction writers don't write about men from Mars or space adventure stories. They are more interested in predicting the results of technical developments on society and the human mind; or in imagining future world which are a reflection of the world which we live in now. Because of this their writing has obviously political undertones. In an age where science fact frequently overtakes science fiction, the writers may find it difficult to keep ahead of scientific advances. Those who are sufficiently clear-sighted to see the way we are going, however, may provide a valuable lesson on how to deal with the problems which society will inevitably face as it tries to master its new technology. According to the passage, we know that查看材料A.science fiction is a fairly new development in literature B.the history of science fiction is less than a hundred years C.the science fiction in the past is more popular than modern science fiction D.modern science fiction usually has obviously political undertones

考题 单选题We need to know something about the structure and operation of science because _____.A it is not easy to understand the things that excite and frustrate scienceB science affects almost every aspect of our lifeC scientists live in a specific substructureD it is easier to understand general characteristics of science

考题 问答题We live in a society which there is a lot of talk about science, but I would   1.______say that there are not 5 percent of the people who are equipped with schooling,including college, to understand scientific reasoning. We are more ignorant ofscience than people with comparable education in Western Europe.           ?2.______There are a lot of kids who know everything about computers — how tobuild them, how to take them apart, and how to write programs for games. So    ? ? 3.______if you ask them to explain about the principles of physics that have gone into   ? ?4.______creating the computer, you don’t have the faintest idea.             ? ? 5.______  The failure to understand science leads to such things like the neglect of   ? ?6.______human creative power. It also takes rise to blurring of the distinction between   ? 7.______science and technology. Lots of people don’t differ between the two. Science is the 8.______production of new knowledge that can be applied or not, and technology is theapplication of knowledge to the production of some products, machinery or thelike. The two are really very different, and people who have the faculty for onevery seldom have a faculty for the others.                      ?9.______Science in itself is harmless, more or less. But as soon as it can providetechnology, it is not necessarily harmful. No society has yet learned to forecast   10.______the consequences of new technology, which can be enormous.

考题 问答题We live in a society which there is a lot of talk about science, but I would   1._______say that there are not 5 percent of the people who are equipped with schooling,including college, to understand scientific reasoning. We are more ignorant ofscience as people with comparable education in Western Europe.         2._______  There are a lot of kids who know everything about computers — how tobuild them, how to take them apart, and bow to write programs for games. So    3._______if you ask them to explain about the principles of physics that have gone into   4._______creating the computer, you don’t have the faintest idea.             5._______  The failure to understand science leads to such things like the neglect of   6._______human creative power. It also takes rise to blurring of the distinction between   7._______science and technology. Lots of people don’t differ between the two. Science is the8._______production of new knowledge that can be applied or not, and technology is theapplication of knowledge to the production of some products, machinery or thelike. The two are really very different, and people who have the faculty for onevery seldom have a faculty for the others.                      9._______  Science in itself is harmless, more or less. But as soon as it can providetechnology, it is not necessarily harmful. No society has yet learned to forecast 10._______the consequences of new technology, which can be enormous.