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The largest river in Ireland is()

  • A、the Liffey River
  • B、the Dodder River
  • C、the Shannon River
  • D、the Lough Derg


更多 “The largest river in Ireland is()A、the Liffey RiverB、the Dodder RiverC、the Shannon RiverD、the Lough Derg” 相关考题
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考题 34.A.skyB.mountainC.riverD.tree

考题 The moment the author got down to the river bank he saw__________.A.the calf was about to fall into the riverB.Ma Shwe was placing the calf on the rockC.the calf was washed away by the rising waterD.Ma Shwe was holding the calf against the rushing water

考题 The mometn the author got down to the river bank he saw .A.the calf was about to fall into the riverB.Ma Shwe was placing the calf on the rockC.the calf was washed away by the rising water

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考题 The largest river in Ireland is ____________. A.the Shannon RiverB.Liffey RiverC.Macgillicuddy's ReekD.Carrantuohill

考题 The largest lake in Britain is _____. A.the Lough NeageB.Windermere WaterC.Coniston WaterD.the Lake District

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考题 共用题干 Irish Dolphins May Have a Unique DialectIrish scientists monitoring dolphins living in a river estuary in the southwest of the country believe they may have developed a unique dialect to communicate with each other.The Shannon Dolphin and Wildlife Foundation(SDWF)has been studying a group of up to 120 bottle- nose dolphins in the River Shannon using vocalizations(发声)collected on a computer in a cow shed near the River Shannon.As part of a research project,student Ronan Hickey digitized and analyzed a total of 1,882 whistles from the Irish dolphins and those from the Welsh dolphins on a computer and separated theni into six fundamental whistle types and 32 different categories.Of the categories,he found most were used by both sets of dol-phins一but eight were only heard from the Irish dolphins."We are building up a catalogue of the different whistle types they use and trying to associate them withbehavior like foraging(觅食),resting, socializing and the communications of grown.ups with calves (幼 仔),"project leader Simon Berrow said.“Essentially we are building up what is like a dictionary of wordsthey use or sounds they mnake."Berrow,a marine biologist,said the dolphins'clicks are used to find their way around and locate prey.The whistles are communications."They do a whole range 0f other sounds like barks.groans and a kind of gunshot," he said. "The gunshot is an intense pulse(脉冲)of sound. Sperm whales use it to stun(击昏)their prey.”"When I first heard it I was surprised as I thought sperm whales were the onlyh species who used it. Wecan speculate the dolphins are using it for the same reason as the sperm whales,"Berrow said.References in local legend indicate there have been dolphins in the Shannon estuary for generations and they may even have been residents there as far back as the 6th century.They are regularly seen by passengers on the Shannon ferry and an estimated 25.000 tourists every year take special sightseeing tours on local boats to visit them.As early as the 6th century,Irish fishermen started raising dolphins in the Shannon estuary.A:RightB:WrongC:Not mentioned

考题 共用题干 Irish Dolphins May Have a Unique DialectIrish scientists monitoring dolphins living in a river estuary in the southwest of the country believe they may have developed a unique dialect to communicate with each other.The Shannon Dolphin and Wildlife Foundation(SDWF)has been studying a group of up to 120 bottle- nose dolphins in the River Shannon using vocalizations(发声)collected on a computer in a cow shed near the River Shannon.As part of a research project,student Ronan Hickey digitized and analyzed a total of 1,882 whistles from the Irish dolphins and those from the Welsh dolphins on a computer and separated theni into six fundamental whistle types and 32 different categories.Of the categories,he found most were used by both sets of dol-phins一but eight were only heard from the Irish dolphins."We are building up a catalogue of the different whistle types they use and trying to associate them withbehavior like foraging(觅食),resting, socializing and the communications of grown.ups with calves (幼 仔),"project leader Simon Berrow said.“Essentially we are building up what is like a dictionary of wordsthey use or sounds they mnake."Berrow,a marine biologist,said the dolphins'clicks are used to find their way around and locate prey.The whistles are communications."They do a whole range 0f other sounds like barks.groans and a kind of gunshot," he said. "The gunshot is an intense pulse(脉冲)of sound. Sperm whales use it to stun(击昏)their prey.”"When I first heard it I was surprised as I thought sperm whales were the onlyh species who used it. Wecan speculate the dolphins are using it for the same reason as the sperm whales,"Berrow said.References in local legend indicate there have been dolphins in the Shannon estuary for generations and they may even have been residents there as far back as the 6th century.They are regularly seen by passengers on the Shannon ferry and an estimated 25.000 tourists every year take special sightseeing tours on local boats to visit them.Sperm whales were the only species that can use pulses of sound to stun their prey.A:RightB:WrongC:Not mentioned

考题 共用题干 Irish Dolphins May Have a Unique DialectIrish scientists monitoring dolphins living in a river estuary in the southwest of the country believe they may have developed a unique dialect to communicate with each other.The Shannon Dolphin and Wildlife Foundation(SDWF)has been studying a group of up to 120 bottle- nose dolphins in the River Shannon using vocalizations(发声)collected on a computer in a cow shed near the River Shannon.As part of a research project,student Ronan Hickey digitized and analyzed a total of 1,882 whistles from the Irish dolphins and those from the Welsh dolphins on a computer and separated theni into six fundamental whistle types and 32 different categories.Of the categories,he found most were used by both sets of dol-phins一but eight were only heard from the Irish dolphins."We are building up a catalogue of the different whistle types they use and trying to associate them withbehavior like foraging(觅食),resting, socializing and the communications of grown.ups with calves (幼 仔),"project leader Simon Berrow said.“Essentially we are building up what is like a dictionary of wordsthey use or sounds they mnake."Berrow,a marine biologist,said the dolphins'clicks are used to find their way around and locate prey.The whistles are communications."They do a whole range 0f other sounds like barks.groans and a kind of gunshot," he said. "The gunshot is an intense pulse(脉冲)of sound. Sperm whales use it to stun(击昏)their prey.”"When I first heard it I was surprised as I thought sperm whales were the onlyh species who used it. Wecan speculate the dolphins are using it for the same reason as the sperm whales,"Berrow said.References in local legend indicate there have been dolphins in the Shannon estuary for generations and they may even have been residents there as far back as the 6th century.They are regularly seen by passengers on the Shannon ferry and an estimated 25.000 tourists every year take special sightseeing tours on local boats to visit them.Irish dolphins attract tourists and over 25,000 people come to see them every year.A:RightB:WrongC:Not mentioned

考题 Ireland is divided into two political parts:().ANorthern Ireland and Southern IrelandBSouthern Ireland and the Republic of IrelandCThe Republic of Ireland and Northern IrelandDNorthern Ireland and Britain

考题 The largest river in Ireland is()Athe Liffey RiverBthe Dodder RiverCthe Shannon RiverDthe Lough Derg

考题 ()is the largest of the minor parties in Ireland after the 1987 election.AThe Irish Labour PartyBThe Progressive DemocratsCThe Workers'PartyDThe Democratic Socialists

考题 The locality in Mark Twain.s works was usually somewhere along()A、the Hudson RiverB、the Mississippi RiverC、the Missouri RiverD、the transcontinental railway

考题 ()is the largest of the minor parties in Ireland after the 1987 election.A、The Irish Labour PartyB、The Progressive DemocratsC、The Workers'PartyD、The Democratic Socialists

考题 Ireland is divided into two political parts:().A、Northern Ireland and Southern IrelandB、Southern Ireland and the Republic of IrelandC、The Republic of Ireland and Northern IrelandD、Northern Ireland and Britain

考题 The longest river in New Zealand is()A、the Clutha RiverB、the WanganuiC、the RangitataD、the Waikato

考题 Belfast Lough and Lough Neagh lie in()

考题 单选题Ireland is divided into two political parts:().A Northern Ireland and Southern IrelandB Southern Ireland and the Republic of IrelandC The Republic of Ireland and Northern IrelandD Northern Ireland and Britain

考题 单选题The largest river in the United Kingdom is the _____.A Thames RiverB Severn RiverC Clyde RiverD Tyne River

考题 填空题Belfast Lough and Lough Neagh lie in()

考题 单选题The largest river in Ireland is()A the Liffey RiverB the Dodder RiverC the Shannon RiverD the Lough Derg

考题 单选题()is the largest of the minor parties in Ireland after the 1987 election.A The Irish Labour PartyB The Progressive DemocratsC The Workers'PartyD The Democratic Socialists