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  • A、CaseCruncher Alpha
  • B、Sophia
  • C、AlphaGo Master
  • D、Robo Master


更多 “下面选项中()是战胜柯洁的机器人。A、CaseCruncher AlphaB、SophiaC、AlphaGo MasterD、Robo Master” 相关考题
考题 Orders of the Master to the officer of the watch which is he must comply with are ______.A.Night ordersB.Standing ordersC.Commands by masterD.Requirements by master

考题 Refer to STCW 95: Despite the duties and obligations of pilots,their presence on board does not relieve______in charge of the navigational watch from their duties and obligations for the safety of the ship.A.the masterB.the master or officerC.quarter masterD.Helmsman

考题 Youhaveamasterpagecustom.master...ucreateanested.masterpageusingit...andthenuhavecontentpagethatusesthenested.masterasitsmasterpage...togetastringpropfromcustom.masterintoalabelincontentpagethecodeuwuduse()A.master.masterB.parent.masterC.this.masterD.unknown

考题 如果在主板的一个IDE插口上同时接上硬盘和光驱,硬盘应该设置 A.Master SlaveB.Master MasterC.Slave MasterD.Slave Slave

考题 At ______ an occasional survey has been carried out.A.the remind of the masterB.the refer of the masterC.the render of the masterD.the request of the master

考题 Orders of the Master to the officer of the watch which s / he must comply with are ______.A.Night ordersB.Standing ordersC.Commands by masterD.Requirements by master

考题 2016年3月,在一场举世关注的人机对弈围棋比赛中,被称为AlphaGo(阿尔法围棋)的机器人最终击败了世界围棋高手。AlphaGo主要采用的技术是()。 A.人工智能 B.虚拟现实 C.仿真技术 D.多媒体技术

考题 2017年,战胜围棋选手柯洁的机器人的名称是?()。A、AlphaGoB、ASIMOC、WatsonD、Bigdog

考题 下面机器人()是将棋子位置作为特征来进行训练的。A、AlphaGo FanB、AlphaGo LeeC、AlphaGo ZeroD、AlphaGo Master

考题 下面选项中()是通过使用人为设定的特征,学习人的下棋方式进行训练。A、AlphaGo ZeroB、AlphaGo FanC、AlphaGo LeeD、AlphaGo Master

考题 Alphago是第一个在()比赛中,战胜了世界冠军的人工智能。A、军棋B、围棋C、象棋D、飞行棋

考题 阿尔法狗系列机器人曾与()出战过围棋比赛。A、李世石B、柯洁C、樊麾D、以上都是

考题 You have a master page custom.master ... u create a nested.master page using it ... and then u have content page that uses the nested.master as its master page ...  to get a string prop from custom.master into a label in content page the code u wud use()A、master.masterB、parent.masterC、this.masterD、unknown

考题 战胜李世石的谷歌AlphaGo,是()的典型代表。A、低人工智能B、强人工智能C、超强人工智能D、弱人工智能

考题 应用于1588v2中TC设备模型的端口状态为()。A、 PassiveB、 SlaverC、 MasterD、 Slaver + Master

考题 如果在主板的一个IDE插口上同时接上硬盘和光驱,硬盘应该设置A、Master SlaveB、Master MasterC、Slave MasterD、Slave Slave

考题 You are decommissioning domain controllers that hold all forest-wide operations master roles.  You need to transfer all forest-wide operations master roles to another domain controller.  Which two roles should you transfer()A、RID masterB、PDC emulatorC、Schema masterD、Infrastructure masterE、Domain naming master

考题 You need to test your disaster recovery solution. Which role should you transfer to the disaster recovery location during the test?()A、RID masterB、Schema masterC、PDC emulator masterD、Domain naming master

考题 You are decommissioning domain controllers that hold forest-wide operations master roles. You need to transfer all forest-wide operations master roles to another domain controller. Which two roles should you transfer?()A、RID masterB、PDC emulatorC、Schema masterD、Infrastructure masterE、Domain naming master

考题 You are decommissioning one of the domain controllers in a child domain. You need to transfer  all domain operations master roles within the child domain to a newly installed domain controller  in the same child domain.     Which three domain operations master roles should you transfer()A、RID masterB、PDC emulatorC、Schema masterD、Infrastructure masterE、Domain naming master

考题 在()年,AlphaGo战胜世界围棋冠军李世石。A、2006B、2012C、2016D、2017

考题 单选题下面选项中()是战胜柯洁的机器人。A CaseCruncher AlphaB SophiaC AlphaGo MasterD Robo Master

考题 单选题下面机器人()是将棋子位置作为特征来进行训练的。A AlphaGo FanB AlphaGo LeeC AlphaGo ZeroD AlphaGo Master

考题 单选题在()年,AlphaGo战胜世界围棋冠军李世石。A 2006B 2012C 2016D 2017

考题 单选题Alphago是第一个在()比赛中,战胜了世界冠军的人工智能。A 军棋B 围棋C 象棋D 飞行棋

考题 单选题阿尔法狗系列机器人曾与()出战过围棋比赛。A 李世石B 柯洁C 樊麾D 以上都是

考题 多选题下面选项中()是通过使用人为设定的特征,学习人的下棋方式进行训练。AAlphaGo ZeroBAlphaGo FanCAlphaGo LeeDAlphaGo Master