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机械式传播(mechanical transmissin)


更多 “机械式传播(mechanical transmissin)” 相关考题

考题 机械性传播(mechanical transmission)

考题 grammar practice is usually divided into two categories, _______________. A. meaningful drilling and communicative drillingB. mechanical drilling and meaningful drillingC. mechanical practice and meaningful practiceD. meaningful practice and communicative practice

考题 grammar pratice is usually dividied into two categories:_________________. A、mechanical drilling and meaningful drillingB、mechanical practice and meaningful practiceC、meaningful drilling and communcative drillingD、meaningful practice and communicative practice

考题 In Wordsworth’s view,“habits” is characterized by beingA.casual.B.familiar.C.mechanical.D.changeable.

考题 The main objective of mechanical practice is to help students learn by heart the of a language item.__________ A.meaning B.function C.context D.form

考题 She married a man () in mechanical engineering.A.sociable B.skillfull C.specializing D.social

考题 汽车上普遍采用()传动系。A、机械式B、液力机械式C、全自动机械式D、半自动机械式

考题 在现代涡轮发动机中,哪种型式的燃油控制器用的较多()A、电子机械式B、机械式C、液压机械式和电子式D、气动机械式

考题 调节系统有机械式和半机械式。

考题 生物式传播(biological transmissin)

考题 城市人口机械增长率mechanical growth rate of population


考题 机械沉积作用(mechanical sedimentation)

考题 机械式密封和填料密封相比,机械式密封损失较大。

考题 机械式传动较液力机械式传动的传动效率高。

考题 机械性损伤(mechanical injury)

考题 机械式盾构中,当地层土质较差时采用()。A、闭胸机械式盾构B、开明机械式盾构C、半机械式盾构D、挤压式盾构

考题 燃油加油机发展到20世纪40~50年代,加油机()A、仍为机械式单泵、单枪结构B、为机械式机械式单泵、双枪结构C、为机械式双泵、双枪结构D、为机械式双泵、单枪结构

考题 目前汽车上普遍采用的传动系为()A、静液式、机械式B、电力是、机械式C、液力机械式、静液式D、机械式、液力机械式

考题 排烟器具分为机械式和非机械式排烟设备。

考题 单选题机械式盾构中,当地层土质较差时采用()。A 闭胸机械式盾构B 开明机械式盾构C 半机械式盾构D 挤压式盾构

考题 名词解释题机械性损伤(mechanical injury)

考题 单选题Cooling () the engine metals retain their mechanical properties.A forcesB enablesC makesD is able to

考题 单选题The essential part of the diesel engine, whose function is to convert the heat energy into the mechanical power, is the ().A crankshaftB pistonC connecting rodD bearing

考题 单选题A centrifugal pump produces flow with a resulting discharge head by energy conversionIt is typical for the energy conversion to follow the order of ().A mechanical energy to kinetic energy to potential energyB mechanical energy to potential energy to kinetic energyC potential energy to mechanical energy to kinetic energyD kinetic energy to mechanical energy to potential energy

考题 单选题Mechanical energy in transition is referred to as ().A horsepowerB workC heatD velocity