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英译中:We’re very sorry for the delay, sir. Your luggage/baggage was wrongly delivered to Room 608.


更多 “ 英译中:We’re very sorry for the delay, sir. Your luggage/baggage was wrongly delivered to Room 608.” 相关考题
考题 Where shall I go through the formalities if I want to store my luggage here?A.You can store your luggage in the reception desk over thereB.You can store your luggage in the information room.C.You can store your luggage in the safe box of the bank.D.Luggage can be stored in the railway station and airport.

考题 Waitress: Yes, sir, anything the matter?Customer: , but this soup is too salty.Waitress: I'm very sorry, sir. I'll change it for you.A. I can't stand itB. Sorry to do itC. I hate to complainD. Sorry to bother you

考题 We’re sorry to tell you that your remittance() yet. A、hasn’t arrivedB、won’t arriveC、doesn’t arrive

考题 We found the room very _______. A.warmB.warmlyC.coldlyD.terribly

考题 Here you are, Sir.()A. All right.B. Yes, here we are.C. Thank you very much.

考题 We find the room very ______. A warmB warmlyC terriblyD hardly

考题 We' re sorry to tell you that your remittance()yet.A. won't arriveB. hasn't arrivedC. doesn't arrive

考题 I’m sorry,sir.“我们不收美金.”汉译英是( )。A.We don’t accept RMB.B.We don’t accept pounds.C.We don’t accept dollars.D.We don’t accept yuan.

考题 As you will see in our price-list, we have offered very competitive prices, supplying you our best quality goods.We solicit that you will favor us with your orders, which shall always have our best attention.(英译中)

考题 We shall not be held responsible for any delay in shipment or non-delivery of the goods due to force majeure.(英译中)

考题 I’m sorry ,sir. Your identity card ( ).Do you have any other means of identification?A.is,too oldB.is not validC.has expiredD.looks different to you

考题 Thank you very much for your _________(invite). But I’m so sorry that I can’t come to your party tomorrow.

考题 We are very sorry for the trouble caused by the ( ) delivery. A. delaying B. delayed C. being delayed D. to delay

考题 资料:packing tips Mark your bags with a brightly colored string or ribbon to assist you in identifying your bag quickly on the baggage caroused. For security reasons, ensure you pack your bags yourself and do not at any time leave them unattended. Never carry a package or baggage for someone else unless you have completely checked the contents. Never wrap or package gifts; security personnel may need to inspet them. Keep medication and fragile items in your carry-on baggage. Keep all medication in its orginal, labelled container and carry the physician’s prescription with you. When you check your bags, make sure you get the correct number of luggage claim stubs and that each one is marked with the correct city name of your destination on your luggage tags. Malaysia Airline advisers that the following items may not be included in your baggage and liability is limited under the applicable international Convention for your damage of loss: -cash, negotiable bonds, deed, etc -jewellery, antiques or similar valuable items -any item of a fragile or brittle nature (e.g. glassware) -electrical/electronic items (e.g. computer, camera, mobile phone, audio equipment) -food or any perishable item -any item that has insufficient packaging (e.g. surfboard, bicycle, musical instrument) Which of the following items may NOT be included in your baggage advised by Malaysia Airlines?A.Papers B.Cash C.Plastic bottle D.Clothes

考题 资料:packing tips Mark your bags with a brightly colored string or ribbon to assist you in identifying your bag quickly on the baggage caroused. For security reasons, ensure you pack your bags yourself and do not at any time leave them unattended. Never carry a package or baggage for someone else unless you have completely checked the contents. Never wrap or package gifts; security personnel may need to inspet them. Keep medication and fragile items in your carry-on baggage. Keep all medication in its orginal, labelled container and carry the physician’s prescription with you. When you check your bags, make sure you get the correct number of luggage claim stubs and that each one is marked with the correct city name of your destination on your luggage tags. Malaysia Airline advisers that the following items may not be included in your baggage and liability is limited under the applicable international Convention for your damage of loss: -cash, negotiable bonds, deed, etc -jewellery, antiques or similar valuable items -any item of a fragile or brittle nature (e.g. glassware) -electrical/electronic items (e.g. computer, camera, mobile phone, audio equipment) -food or any perishable item -any item that has insufficient packaging (e.g. surfboard, bicycle, musical instrument) According to the packing tips, what should you do in order to identify your luggage more quickly?A.Rush out to the baggage carousel B.Use a grey suitcase C.Head to the Lost & Found D.Mark with a brightly colored string

考题 英译中:You can make long distance calls from your room.

考题 英译中:You’ve got three pieces of luggage/baggage. Is that right, sir?

考题 英译中:Please contact us if you have any problems, sir. We’ll do our best to help you.

考题 英译中:I’ll send them up to your room, just one moment, please.

考题 Excuse me, how can I get to the nearest supermarket? ()A、It‘s not very far from here.B、The supermarket is very large.C、The goods there are very expensiveD、Sorry, sir. I‘m a stranger here myself

考题 We have to claim for your delay in()of our order.A、shippingB、shipmentC、shipD、deliver

考题 英译中:Here’s your room. May I put your luggage/baggage here?

考题 英译中:I’m sorry to disturb you. I’m here to check the smoke detector in your room.

考题 英译中:I’m sorry, sir. I’m going to your room as soon as I finish this one.

考题 英译中:Is there a tag attached to the luggage/baggage?

考题 英译中:Your room number is 3611. Follow me please.

考题 单选题Doreen: We’ve been waiting for an hour and a half.  Trevor: Say your aunt is very ill. A doctor ought to see her at once.  Doreen: There isn’t a doctor available. They’re all busy.  Trevor: ________  Doreen: I’ve asked her over and over again. The more I ask, the longer I wait.A You’re starting to calm down now.B Ask the receptionist to hurry up.C There will be a difficult period for your aunt.D I’m sorry to hear that.