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It's()the driest summers we have ever known.

  • A、all
  • B、of
  • C、both
  • D、one of


更多 “It's()the driest summers we have ever known.A、allB、ofC、bothD、one of” 相关考题
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考题 - What if he still doesn't pay up -() A、If it's a small amount we write it off as bad debt. For larger sums we…B、I've got to hurry.C、I have already done that.

考题 - We’ll have the sales meeting at 2:00 tomorrow afternoon, won’t we -() A、Yes. After the meeting, we’ll leave for Shanghai.B、It’s said the meeting is important.C、No. After the meeting, we’ll leave for Shanghai.

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考题 AHello,everyone! It's that time of year again! Hualin's fantastic sale! You name it, and we have it at a very good price. Do you like them at low prices? We have sweat-ers in all colors at 50 yuan each! Do you need a bag for sports or school? We have great .bags for just 6 yuan! For young boys and girls, we have T-shirts in red, green,yellow, orange, blue and black for only 15 yuan! And socks in all colors for just 1yuan! And that-s not all. Can-t you believe it? Come down to Hualin and see by your-self!( )21. This passage is_________A. a storyB. an advertisement(广告)C. about familyD. about buying and selling

考题 AI have two friends. They are Tom and Jim. We go to school at seven o'clock. We go home at five in the afternoon. We go to bed at about nine thirty.I have a clock. I put it on the desk. Tom has an old watch and Jim has a new watch. Well, what's the time now? It-s about four twenty-five. It's time to play games. We go to bed at 9:30.( )31.I have _______.A. an old watchB. two friendsC. a clockD. Both B and C

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考题 单选题—Can we please get a new air conditioner for our bedroom?  — ______  —Can’t you see that it’s not working right?A Do you have to repair it?B It is not very hot in this season.C I also think we should buy a new one.D What’s wrong with the one we have now?

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考题 单选题We ______ pay to get into the concert. It’s free.A can’tB mustn’tC might notD don’t have to

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考题 单选题It's()the driest summers we have ever known.A allB ofC bothD one of

考题 单选题We have lodged a claim()the seller for the shortage of shipment()S.S.DONGFENG.A against,exB with,underC on,asperD with,to

考题 单选题Now that we have lost all the money, it's no use to turn on me and saying it's all my fault.A Now thatB have lostC to turn onD it's all

考题 单选题Let's not waste time on matters of no important.We have other vital problems to deal with.A Let's notB matters of no importantC vitalD deal with

考题 单选题Don't you think it's the most worst film we have seen since we came here ten years ago?A Don't youB the most worst filmC have seenD since