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桥位地形图(qiao wei di xing tu )topography map of bridge site


更多 “桥位地形图(qiao wei di xing tu )topography map of bridge site” 相关考题
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考题 桥位地形图比例尺一般为1500-15000。() 此题为判断题(对,错)。

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考题 桥位地形图

考题 You create a Web Form that contains a TreeView control. The TreeView control allows users to navigate within the Marketing section of your Web site. The following XML defines the site map for your site. You need to bind the TreeView control to the site map data so that users can navigate only within the Marketing section. Which three actions should you perform?()A、Add a SiteMapDataSource control to the Web Form and bind the TreeView control to it.B、Add a SiteMapPath control to the Web Form and bind the TreeView control to it.C、Embed the site map XML within the SiteMap node of a Web.sitemap file.D、Embed the site map XML within the AppSettings node of a Web.config file.E、Set the StartingNodeUrl property of the SiteMapDataSource control to ~/Marketing.aspx.F、Set the SkipLinkText property of the SiteMapPath control to Sales.

考题 单选题Where should known problem areas in the site survey be documented?()A nowhere (but should be discussed with the customer)B on the site survey map and within the site survey textC on the customers blueprintsD in the Cisco WCS Planning Tool

考题 名词解释题桥面净空(qiao mian jing kong)clearance above bridge deck

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考题 名词解释题桥位地形图

考题 多选题You create a Web Form that contains a TreeView control. The TreeView control allows users to navigate within the Marketing section of your Web site. The following XML defines the site map for your site. You need to bind the TreeView control to the site map data so that users can navigate only within the Marketing section. Which three actions should you perform?()AAdd a SiteMapDataSource control to the Web Form and bind the TreeView control to it.BAdd a SiteMapPath control to the Web Form and bind the TreeView control to it.CEmbed the site map XML within the SiteMap node of a Web.sitemap file.DEmbed the site map XML within the AppSettings node of a Web.config file.ESet the StartingNodeUrl property of the SiteMapDataSource control to ~/Marketing.aspx.FSet the SkipLinkText property of the SiteMapPath control to Sales.

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考题 名词解释题桥位地形图(qiao wei di xing tu )topography map of bridge site

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