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STCW公约(International Convention on Standards of Training,Certification And Watchkeeping for Seafarers)最初通过的时间为()。

  • A、1978年7月7日
  • B、1973年7月7日
  • C、1975年7月7日
  • D、1984年4月28日


更多 “STCW公约(International Convention on Standards of Training,Certification And Watchkeeping for Seafarers)最初通过的时间为()。A、1978年7月7日B、1973年7月7日C、1975年7月7日D、1984年4月28日” 相关考题
考题 (b) International Standards on Auditing (ISAs); and (5 marks)

考题 STCW78/95 Convention describes that _____ are laid down for the certification of engineer officers in charge of a watch in a traditionally manned engine room, or the designated engineer in a periodically unmanned engine room.A.available minimum requirementsB.available maximum requirementsC.mandatory minimum requirementsD.mandatory maximum requirements

考题 IMO通过()公约要求各主管机关为了防止疲劳应制定和实施值班人员的休息时间。A.MARPOLB.SOLASC.STCW

考题 下列关于STCW95公约的说法中,正确的是______。Ⅰ、STCW公约包括公约正文、附则、STCW规则;Ⅱ、STCW公约分为A、B两部分;Ⅲ、STCW规则分为A、B两部分;Ⅳ、A部分是强制性标准,与附则的章节一一对应。A.Ⅰ+Ⅱ+ⅣB.Ⅰ+Ⅲ+ⅣC.Ⅱ+Ⅲ+ⅣD.Ⅰ+Ⅱ+Ⅲ

考题 下列关于STCW78/95公约的说法中,正确的是_。A.STCW78/95公约主要包括公约正文、规则、STCW规则B.STCW78/95公约分为A、B两部分C.STCW78/95规则分为A、B两部分D.STCW78/95规则为强制性标准

考题 "Insufficiency of manning or insufficiency of certification of seafarers" is an identification of aA.substandard shipB.standard shipC.over-standard shipD.reference ship

考题 STCW 78/95 Convention shall apply to seafarers _____ on board seagoing ships entitled to fly the flag of a Party.A.servedB.servingC.surveyedD.surveying

考题 SOLAS Stands for the International ConventionA.for the Safety of the Life at SeaB.for the Prevention from shipsC.on Standards of Training, Certification and Watchkeeping for SeafarersD.for the Control and Management of Ship's Ballast Water and Sediments

考题 The______Convention is the first to establish basic requirements on training, certification and watch-keeping for seafarers on an international level.A.STCW78B.STCW95C.SOLAS74D.SOLAS88

考题 STCW shall apply to seafarers ______on board seagoing ships entitled to fly the flag of a Party.A.servedB.servingC.surveyedD.surveying

考题 材料:The 1978 STCW Convention was the first to establish basic requirements on training, certification and watch-keeping for seafarers on an international level. Previously the standards of training, certification and watch-keeping of officers and ratings were established by individual governments, usually without reference to practices in other countries. As a result standards and procedures varied widely, even though shipping is the most international of all industries.The Convention prescribes minimum standards relating to training, certification and watch-keeping for seafarers which countries are obliged to meet or exceed.The Convention did not deal with manning levels: IMO provisions in this area are covered by regulation 13 of Chapter V of the International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS), 1974, whose requirements are backed up by resolution A.890(21) Principles of safe manning, adopted by the IMO Assembly in 1999, which replaced an earlier resolution A.481(XII) adopted in 1981.The Articles of the Convention include requirements relating to issues surrounding certification and Port State Control.One especially important feature of the Convention is that it applies to ships of non-party States when visiting ports of States which are Parties to the Convention. Article X requires Parties to apply the control measures to ships of all flags to the extent necessary to ensure that no more favorable treatment is given to ships entitled to fly the flag of a State which is not a Party than is given to ships entitled to fly the flag of a State that is a Party.The difficulties which could arise for ships of States which are not Parties to the Convention is one reason why the Convention has received such wide acceptance. By December 2000, the STCW Convention had 135 Parties, representing 97.53 percent of world shipping tonnage.问题:Before the establish of the STCW78, the standards of training, certification and watch-keeping of seafarers _____.A.were established by IMOB.were established by a famous organizationC.were established by individual governments with reference to practices in other countriesD.varied widely among countriesThe regulation 13 of Chapter V of the SOLAS 1974 covered _____.A.the manning of shipsB.the standards of training certificationC.the standards of trainingD.the standards of watch-keepingOne especially important feature of the STCW Convention is _____.A.the adoption of the policy “ more favorable treatment”B.“ no more favorable treatment” to Non-parties of the conventionC.the adoption of the minimum standardsD.the adoption of the obligatory standardsOne reason why the Convention has received such wide acceptance is _____.A.that it is only the minimum standardsB.that it is the obligatory standardsC.that it is established by IMOD.difficulties could arise for ships entitled to fly the flag of a Non-Party State请帮忙给出每个问题的正确答案和分析,谢谢!

考题 The international body responsible for drafting the convention prohibiting marine pollution (MARPOL) is the ______.A.Maritime Advisory CouncilB.International Maritime OrganizationC.International Association of ShippingD.Association of Seafaring Nations

考题 In medical training standards,seafarers are not required to demonstrate their ability ______.A.to provide medical first aid on boardB.to take charge of medical care on board shipsC.to take immediate effective action in the case of accidents or illness likely to occur on board shipD.to improve cardiac function after transplantation of autologous bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells

考题 海上人命安全公约英文简写为:()A、SOLAS公约B、MARPOL公约C、STCW公约D、MLC公约

考题 STCW公约(International Convention on Strndards of Training,Certification and Watchkeeping for Seafarers)生效日期为()。A、1978年7月7日B、1980年6月8日C、1984年4月28日D、1983年6月1日

考题 电子电气员(ETO)职位的规定,出现在哪个STCW公约中()。A、1978年STCW公约B、STCW78/95公约C、STCW公约马尼拉修正案D、STCW公约2010修正案

考题 单选题The SOLAS Convention is the main international convention()A about marine pollution preventionB covering safety of lifeC about marineD about ship and port security

考题 单选题We cannot comment on whether _____ international standards should be developed under this convention.A bindingB windingC decayingD cunning

考题 单选题STCW78/95 Convention describes that () are laid down for the certification of engineer officers in charge of a watch in a traditionally manned engine room, or the designated engineer in a periodically unmanned engine room.A available minimum requirementsB available maximum requirementsC mandatory minimum requirementsD mandatory maximum requirements

考题 单选题Ships do not permitted to the TBT paint after 2008,It is required by()A the International Convention for the Safety of the Life at SeaB the International Convention for the Prevention from shipsC the International Convention on control of harmful anti-fouling system on shipsD the International Convention for the Control and Management of Ship’s Ballast Water and Sediments

考题 单选题The MARPOL Convention is the main international convention()A about marine pollution preventionB covering marine protection of lifeC about marineD about ship and port security

考题 单选题The Convention is the first to establish basic requirements on training certification and watch-keeping for seafarers on an international level()A STCW78B STCW95C SOLAS74D SOLAS88

考题 单选题SOLAS stands for()A the International Convention for the Safety of the Life at SeaB the International Convention for the Prevention from shipsC the International Convention on Standards of Training, Certification and Watch keeping for SeafarersD the International Convention for the Control and Management of Ship’s Ballast Water and Sediments

考题 单选题以下关于STCW95公约的说法中,正确的是() ①STCW公约包括正文、附则、STCW规则 ②STCW公约分为AB两部分 ③STCW规则分为AB两部分 ④公约与附则的章节一一对应A ①②④B ①②③C ①③④D ②③④

考题 单选题According to Maritime Labour Convention, 2006, the minimum age at the time of the initial entry into force of this Convention is 16 years Night work of seafarers under the age of ()shall be prohibited.A 18B 16C 22D 20

考题 单选题Which of the following measures has iMOVE taken to guarantee its high standards?A Offering different language courses.B Providing modern training facilities.C Starting training courses overseas.D Developing quality standards.

考题 单选题“Insufficiency of manning or insufficiency of certification of seafarers ” is an identification of a ()A substandard shipB standard shipC over-standard shipD reference ship