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更多 “SOD” 相关考题
考题 It's __________ windy day. Let's stay indoors. A.a suchB.such aC.a soD.so a

考题 Dick was a sailor on a big ship. It went to Japan and Australia, __21__ Dick was often on the ship for several months at a time. When he woke up in the morning and looked out, he only saw the sea, __22__ sometimes a port.When he was twenty-four, Dick __23__ and bought a small house with a garden in his wife's town. It was far away fromthe sea. Then he had to go back to his ship, and he __24__ home for two months. He went from the port to the town by bus, and was very happy to see his wife again.The next morning he slept until 9 o'clock. Then he woke up suddenly and looked out of the window. There were trees a few feet __25__. He was very frightened and jumped out ofbed, shouting, "We've hit land!"21.A.orB.did not comeC.soD.got marriedE.away22.A.orB.did not comeC.soD.got marriedE.away23.A.orB.did not comeC.soD.got marriedE.away24.A.orB.did not comeC.soD.got marriedE.away25.A.orB.did not comeC.soD.got marriedE.away

考题 —Doyoulikeplayingtennis?—No,____Ilikesports.IplayfootballeverySundayA.andB.butC.soD.or

考题 某女士在收入比较低时购买大宝SOD蜜作为化妆品,而在收入提高时,则去购买欧莱雅,大宝SOD蜜对这些人来说是( )A.吉芬商品B.低档商品C.正常品D.生活必需品

考题 When you drive home, you can’t be ______ careful.A tooB veryC soD only

考题 部分家族性ALS患者存在哪种基因异常 A、Cu/Mn SOD1B、Cu/Zn SOD1C、Cu/Mn SOD2D、Cu/Zn SOD2E、SOD

考题 20.A.andB.butC.soD.becaue

考题 第34空的正确答案是A.tooB.muchC.soD.such

考题 :( )A.asB.becauseC.soD.but

考题 20.A.YetB.StillC.SoD.But

考题 SOD对酪氨酸酶有抑制作用,具有俘获( )的功能。

考题 The heart is ___________ intelligent than the stomach, for they are both controlled by the brain.A.no more B.not much C.not so D.much more

考题 第52题答案是__________A.For B.As C.So D.Though

考题 属于大气中的二次污染物是( )A.HS B.CO C.SO D.CO E.SO

考题 综合反映室内空气质量的指标是A.CO B.CO C.SO D.NO E.B(a)P

考题 正常胰液中最主要的阴离子是A.HCO B.HPO C.SO D.Cl E.F

考题 SOD主要清除()A超氧阴离子BOH-CNODH202ELO.

考题 螺旋藻能大量增加人体皮肤SOD,被视为SOD的巨大来源,SOD具有显著消除皮肤表面氧()的功能,可防止皮肤衰老、祛除色斑和皮炎。

考题 SOD是过氧化物歧化酶,有预防衰老等功效,被广泛用于化装品中。如SOD蜜等。SOD除植物中含有外,动物也含有,主要存在于血细胞中的()中。A、红细胞B、白细胞C、血小板D、都含有

考题 因辅基不同,存在于胞液中SOD为(),存在于线粒体中的SOD为Mn-SOD,两者均可消除体内产生的超氧离子。

考题 厌氧微生物的细胞内往往缺乏SOD,而好氧微生物和耐氧微生物的细胞内往往都含有SOD。

考题 超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)

考题 判断题厌氧微生物的细胞内往往缺乏SOD,而好氧微生物和耐氧微生物的细胞内往往都含有SOD。A 对B 错

考题 填空题因辅基不同,存在于胞液中SOD为(),存在于线粒体中的SOD为Mn-SOD,两者均可消除体内产生的超氧离子。