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Can animals be made to work for us?Some scientists think that one day animals may be trained to do a number of simple jobs that are now done by human beings.
They point out that at a circus,for example,we may see elephants,monkeys,dogs and other animals doing quite skillful things.Perhaps you have seen them on the television or in a film.If you watch closely,you may notice that the trainer always gives the animal a piece of candy or a piece of fruit as a reward.The scientists say that many different animals may be trained to do a number of simple jobs if they know they will get a reward for doing them.
Of course,as we know,dogs can be used to guard a house,and soldiers in both old and modem times have used geese to give warning by making a lot of noise when a stranger or an enemy comes near.But it may be possible to train animals to work in factories.In Russia,for example,pigeons which are birds with good eyesight,are being used to watch out for faults in small steel balls that are being made in one factory.When the pigeon sees a ball which looks different from others,it touches a steel plate with its beak.This turns on a light to warn people in the factory.At the same time a few seeds are given as a reward.It takes three to five weeks to train a pigeon to do this and one pigeon can inspect 3 000 to 4 000 balls an hour.
Apes have been used in America in helping to make cars,and scientists believe that these large monkeys may be one day gather crops and even drive trains.

What made scientists think animal can be made to work for us one day?

A.Animals are very skillful at a circu
B.They are big and stron
C.Some animals are as clever as human being
D.Animals can be trained because they like to get something as a rewar


解析:参见句子:They point out that at a circus,for example,we may see elephants,monkeys,dogs and other animals doing quite skillful things.句中they指的就是scientists。
更多 “Can animals be made to work for us?Some scientists think that one day animals may be trained to do a number of simple jobs that are now done by human beings. They point out that at a circus,for example,we may see elephants,monkeys,dogs and other animals doing quite skillful things.Perhaps you have seen them on the television or in a film.If you watch closely,you may notice that the trainer always gives the animal a piece of candy or a piece of fruit as a reward.The scientists say that many different animals may be trained to do a number of simple jobs if they know they will get a reward for doing them. Of course,as we know,dogs can be used to guard a house,and soldiers in both old and modem times have used geese to give warning by making a lot of noise when a stranger or an enemy comes near.But it may be possible to train animals to work in factories.In Russia,for example,pigeons which are birds with good eyesight,are being used to watch out for faults in small steel balls that are being made in one factory.When the pigeon sees a ball which looks different from others,it touches a steel plate with its beak.This turns on a light to warn people in the factory.At the same time a few seeds are given as a reward.It takes three to five weeks to train a pigeon to do this and one pigeon can inspect 3 000 to 4 000 balls an hour. Apes have been used in America in helping to make cars,and scientists believe that these large monkeys may be one day gather crops and even drive trains. What made scientists think animal can be made to work for us one day?A.Animals are very skillful at a circu B.They are big and stron C.Some animals are as clever as human being D.Animals can be trained because they like to get something as a rewar” 相关考题
考题 Many intelligent animals can be trained to understand human speech.A good _______ is the pet dog. A. styleB. riseC. in pointD. case in point

考题 What can we infer from the last paragraph?[A] Monkeys can be trained to develop social emotions.[B] Human indignation evolved from an uncertain source.[C] Animals usually show their feelings openly as humans do.[D] Cooperation among monkeys remains stable only in the wild.

考题 AThe undersea world is very beautiful. Now more and more people want to dive in the water to find the secrets there. Scuba diving is a new sport today. It can take you into a wonder-ful undersea world.You will find many strange animals in the sea. Some are as large as a school bus. Many sea animals give out light in the dark and some have sharp teeth.During the day, there is enough light. Here, under the sea, everything is blue and green.When fish swim nearby, you can catch them with your hands. When you have bottles of air on your back, you can stay in deep water for a long time. However, you can-t dive too deep. And you must be very careful when you dive in deep water.The deep sea is not an easy place to live in. It-s cold, and it,s dark, too. The deeper it is, the less sunlight there is. At about 3,000 feet, there is no light at all. It is very dark in the sea. Many fishes have no eyes. Some have big eyes. A few have eyes on one side. Besides the cold and the darkness, deep-sea animals face a third danger-other animals.Animals eat! They must find food to eat. Many animals eat plants. However, some am-mals eat meat. This means these sea animals have two big jobs. They need to find animals as food, and they have to try not to become other animals' meal.( )21. Why do people want to dive in the sea? Because ________ .A.they want to catch fishB. they want to find the secrets of the undersea worldC. the sea is deepD, there are all kinds of plants in the sea

考题 CWe have met the enemy, and he is ours. We bought him at a pet shop. When monkey-pox, a disease usually found in the African rain forest, suddenly turns up in children in the American Midwest, it’s hard not to wonder if the disease that comes from foreign animals is homing in on human beings. “Most of the infections (感染) we think of as human infections started in other animals,” says Stephen Morse, director of the Center for Public Health Preparedness at Columbia University.It’s not just that we’re going to where the animals are; we’re also bringing them closer to us. Popular foreign pets have brought a whole new disease to this country. A strange illness killed Isaksen’s pets, and she now thinks that keeping foreign pets is a bad idea. “I don’t think it’s fair to have them as pets when we have such a limited knowledge of them,” says Isaksen.“Laws allowing these animals to be brought in from deep forest areas without stricter control need changing,” says Peter Schantz. Monkey-pox may be the wake-up call. Researchers believe infected animals may infect their owners. We know very little about these new diseases. A new bug (病毒) may be kind at first. But it may develop into something harmful (有害的). Monkey-pox doesn’t look a major infectious disease. But it is not impossible to pass the disease from person to person.64. We learn from Paragraph 1 that the pet sold at the shop may _________.A. come from ColumbiaB. prevent us from being infectedC. enjoy being with children D. suffer from monkey-pox

考题 Peppeberg’s work with Alex was intended to prove that animals .A. do have thoughtsB. can learn to speakC. can become man's friendsD. do live long lives

考题 We may conclude from the text that .[A] human cloning will not succeed unless the technique is more efficient[B] scientists are optimistic about cloning technique[C] many people are against the idea of human cloning[D] cloned animals are more favored by owners even if they are weaker

考题 Passage ThreeEducation is not an end, but a means to an end. In other words, we do not educate children only for the purpose of educating them; our purpose is to prepare them for life. As soon as we realize this fact, we will understand that it is very important to choose a system of education which will really prepare children for life. It is not enough just to choose the first system of education one finds, or to continue with one's old system of education without examining it to see whether it is in fact suitable or not.In many modern countries, it has for some time been fashionable to think that by free education for all—whether rich or poor, clever or stupid—one can solve all the problems of society and build a perfect nation. But we can already see that free education for all is not enough; we find in such countries a far larger number of people with university degrees than there are jobs for them to fill. Because of their degrees, they refuse to do what they consider "low" work; and, in fact, work with the hands is thought to be dirty and shameful in such countries.But we have only to think a moment to understand that the work of a completely uneducated farmer is far more important than that of a professor. We can live without education, but we will die if we have no food. If no one cleaned our streets and took the rubbish away from our houses, we would have terrible diseases in our towns. In countries where there are no servants because everyone is ashamed to do such work, scientists have to waste much of their time doing housework.In fact, when we say that all of us must be educated to prepare for life, it means that we must be educated in such a way that, firstly, each of us can do whatever job is suited to his brain and ability, and secondly, we can realize that all jobs are necessary to society, and it is very bad to be ashamed of one's work, or to scorn someone else's. Only such a type of education can be called valuable to society.44. Education is______.A. a purposeB. a meansC. fashionableD. the first system

考题 Passage OneAnimals have different ways of protecting themselves against wintertime weather. Some animals grow heavy coats of fur or feathers, while others dig into the ground to find a warm wintertime home.Some animals spend the winter in a deep sleep because by going to sleep they avoid the time of the year when food is scarce and the temperatures are low. Their sleep is known as hibernation.There is much about hibernation that puzzles scientists. For example, they are wondering how hibernation came into being. Some scientists have explored the possibility that animals release a chemical that starts them hibernating.One thing that scientists are certain about is that animals hibernate only when it is cold. Hibernation is a seasonal practice.Some animals that fall into a wintertime sleep are not true hibernators because they spend only a part of the cold season asleep. Bears, for example, can easily be awakened from their winter nap. They are not true hibernators.Sometimes it is difficult to determine whether a particular animal is a true hibernator. For example, some mice hibernate, but others do not. The same is true of bats. Some of them hibernate. Others do not.36. Hibernation is a seasonal practice. This means it ______.A. takes place only during a particular seasonB. occurs only during the nightC. is a daily practiceD. only happens when a species becomes over-populated

考题 The main idea of this passage is ______.A. many animals die during hibernationB. hibernation protects animals during the wintertimeC. scientists feel puzzled about hibernationD. some bats hibernate and others do not

考题 Passage TwoQuestions 26 to 30 are based on the following passage.Scientists have established that influenza viruses taken from man can cause the disease in animals. In addition,man can catch the disease from animals. In fact,a great number of wild birds seem to carry the virus without showing any evidence of illness. Some scientists conclude that a large family of influenza viruses may have evolved in the bird kingdom,a group that has been on the earth 100 million years and is able to carry the virus without contracting the disease. These are even convincing evidence to show that virus strains are transmitted from place to place and from continent to continent by migrating birds.It is known that two influenza viruses can recombine when both are present in an animal at the same time. The result of such recombinations is a great variety of strains constraining different H and N spikes. This raises the possibility that a human influenza virus can recombine with an influenza virus form. a lower animal to produce an entirely new spike.Research is underway to determine if that is the way that major new strains come into being. Another possibility is that two animal influenza strains may recombine in a pig,for example,to produce a new strain which is transmitted to man.According to the passage,scientists have discovered that influenza viruses______.A. cause ill health in wild birdsB. do not always cause symptoms in birdsC. are rarely present in wild birdsD. change when transferred from animals to man

考题 Animals other than humans have not developed communications comparable to human language. But is it possible that other animals have the capacity to learn a language if they are adequately taught? Obviously, this is a fascination notion. The idea of communicating directly with another species has long been a part of human folklore and children’s fantasies. But on a scientific level, the question of whether animals can learn a language is important primarily because it relates to the controversy()between the cognitive and the learning approaches to language. If language is dependent on and is actually an outgrowth of the intellectual structure of the human mind, there is the strong supposition that only humans are capable of using language. Therefore, Noam Chomsky and other psycholinguists have argued that only humans can learn a language, while most behaviorists feel that with sufficient patience it should be possible to teach an animal some sort of language. Although the two schools of thought clearly differ on this point, it is not really a crucial test of the two theories. If a chimpanzee can master a simple language all it would mean is that the chimp’s intellectual capacity and brain structure are more similar to ours than we thought. It would not necessarily imply that our intellectual structure is unimportant in our own mastery of language. Thus, teaching an animal language is an impressive demonstration of the power of learning techniques, but it is not evidence that language is developed entirely through learning.On the other hand, the question of whether other animals can learn a language is fascination in its own right, aside from its value as a test of the two theories of language development. Accordingly, whatever one’s position on the theoretical dispute, we must consider training an animal to use language a dramatic accomplishment.36.Which of the following statements is the view of psycholinguists?A. The cognitive view of language learning says that only human beings can learn language because it is an outgrowth of the structure of the human mind.B. Other animals simply could master a language.C. The animals intellectual capacity is much better than human beings.D. Language is developed by learning.37.The behaviorists’ view is that __________.A. language is actually an outgrowth of intellectual structure of the animal’s mindB. animals have not developed communications systemC. given enough patience, a man should be able to teach an animal some sort of languageD. only human beings can learn language38.That an animal can master a simple language means that __________.A. human’s intellectual structure is not importantB. animals’ intellectual capacity and brain structure are more similar to the humans’C. the learning techniques are much more importantD. language is developed completely by learning39.The main idea of paragraph two is ___________.A. teaching a chimp language is not crucial test of the two theoriesB. their brain structure is not similar to humanC. using various methods to let the chimp master a languageD. training a nonhuman to use language is an amazing accomplishment40.The best title for this passage would be _________.A. Animals’ languageB. Human’s languageC. Teaching Animals’ LanguageD. Can Other Animals Acquire Language?

考题 If cloned animals could be used as organ donors, ().A、people don’t have to worry about cloning twins for transplantsB、raising animals such as pigs can help solve the problemC、the human body attacks and destroys tissue from other speciesD、it may be more efficient to produce such animals by cloning than by cur

考题 Part CDirections: Read the following text carefully and then translate the underlined segments into Chinese. Your translation should be written clearly on ANSWER SHEET II. ( 10 points)Do animals have rights.'? This is how the question is usually put. It sounds like a useful, ground clearing way to start. 46) Actually, it isn't, because it assumes that there is an agreed account of human rights, which is something the world does not have.On one view of rights, to be sure, it necessarily follows that animals have none. 47) Some philosophers argue that rights exist only within a social contract, as part of an exchange of duties and entitlements. Therefore, animals cannot have rights. The idea of punishing a tiger that kills somebody is absurd, for exactly the same reason, so is the idea that tigers have rights. However, this is only one account, and by no means an uncontested one. It denies rights not only to animals but also to some people—4or instance to infants, the mentally incapable and future generations.In addition, it is unclear what force a contract can have for people who never consented to it, how do you reply to somebody who says "I don' t like this contract" ?The point is this: without agreement on the rights of people, arguing about the rights of animals is fruitless. 48 ) It leads the discussion to extremes at the outset: it invites you to think that animals should be treated either with the consider- ation humans extend to other humans, or with no consideration at all. This is a false choice. Better to start with another, more fundamental, question: is the way we treat animals a moral issue at all?Many deny it. 49) Arguing from the view that humans are different from animals in every relevant respect, extremists of this kind think that animals lie outside the area of moral choice.Any regard for the suffering of animals is seen as a mistake—a sentimental displacement of feeling that should properly be directed to other humans.This view which holds that torturing a monkey is morally equivalent to chopping wood, may seem bravely "logical". In fact it is simply shallow: the confused center is right to reject it. The most elementary form. of moral reasoning—the ethical equivalent of learning to crawl—is to weigh others' interests against one's own. This in turn requires sympathy and imagination: without there is no capacity for moral thought. To see an animal in pain is enough, for most, to engage sympathy. 50)When that happens, it is not a mistake: it is mankind' s instinct for moral reasoning in action, an instinct that should be encouraged rather than laughed at.46.____________________

考题 根据内容,回答下面问题:We have met the enemy, and he is ours. We bought him at a pet shop. When monkey-pox, a disease usually found in the African rain forest, suddenly turns up in children in the American Midwest, it’s hard not to wonder if the disease that comes from foreign animals is homing in on human beings.“Most of the infections(感染)we think of as human infections started in other animals.”says Stephen Morse, director of the Center for Public Health Preparedness at Columbia University.It’s not just that we’re going to where the animals are; we’re also bringing them closer to us. Popular foreign pets have brought a whole new disease to this country. A strange illness killed Isaksen’s pets, and she now thinks that keeping foreign pets is a bad idea.“I don’t think it’s fair to have them as pets when we have such a limited knowledge of them,”says Isaksen.“Laws allowing these animals to be brought in from deep forest areas without stricter control need changing,”says Peter Schantz. Monkey-pox may be the wake-up call. Researchers believe infected animals may infect their owners. We know very little about these new diseases. A new bug(病毒)may be kind at first. But some strains(变异体)may become harmful. Monkey-pox doesn’t look a major infectious disease. But it is not impossible to pass the disease from person to person.第9题:We learn from Paragraph I that the pet sold at the shop may____ .A.come from ColumbiaB.enjoy being with childrenC.prevent us from being infectedD.suffer from monkey-pox

考题 共用题干 第一篇Almost Human?Scientists are racing to build the world's first thinking robot.This is not science fiction: some say they will have made it by the year 2020.Carol Packer reports.Machines that walk,speak and feel are no longer science fiction.Kismet is the name of an android(机器人)which scientists have built at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology(MIT).Kismet is different from the traditional robot because it can show human emotions.Its eyes,ears and lips move to show when it feels happy,sad or bored. Kismet is one of the first of a new generation of androids一robots that look like human beings一which can imitate human feelings.Cog,another android invented by the MIT, imitates the action of a mother. However,scientists admit that so far Cog has the mental ability of a two-year-old.The optimists(乐观主义者)say that by the year 2020 we will have created humanoids (机器人)with brains similar to those of an adult human being. These robots will be designed to look like people to make them more attractive and easier to sell to the public. What kind of jobs will they do?In the future,robots like Robonaut,a humanoid invented by NASA,Will be doing dangerous jobs,like repairing space stations.They will also be doing more and more of the household work for us.In Japan,scientists are designing androids that will entertain us by dancing and playing the piano.Some people worry about what the future holds:will robots become monsters(怪物)? Will people themselves become increasingly like robots?Experts predict that more and morepeople will be wearing micro-computers,connected to the Internet,in the future.People will have micro-chips in various parts of their body,which will connect them to a wide variety of gadgets(小装置).Perhaps we should not exaggerate(夸大)the importance of technology,but one wonders whether,in years to come,we will still be falling in love, and whether we will still feel pain.Who knows?In about 1 5 years' time from now,robotsA:will become space designers. B:will look like monsters.C:will behave like animals. D:will think like humans.

考题 共用题干 第二篇Exercise and BrainJust as exercise strengthens the heart and lungs,bones and muscles,it may also power up the brain.A succession of scientific studies of animals implies that physical activity has a positive effect on mental functioning."It's clear that the brain benefits from exercise,"says brain scientist William Greenough of the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.His studies with rats have demonstrated two primary effects of activity:Vigorous physical exercise provides the brain with more fuel,and skill-based ex-ercise increases the formation of connections in the brain, which, according to the proposals of some scientists,may make the brain better able to process information.In one experiment,laboratory rats were separated into three groups.One group was exercised by running inside an automatic wheel,a second group improved their skills in a complicated obstacle course,and a third group was inactive."The animals that learned to go through the obstacle course exhibited a greater number of brain connections than the animals in the exercised or inactive groups,"Greenough said."In contrast, the animals that exercised inside the automatic wheel possessed a greater density of blood vessels in the brain than did either of the other two groups of animals."Learning a new dance step may boost the brain in the same way that learning a language can, he says.And if the dance is a good physical exercise as well,the benefits multiply.Young brains may be especially able to boost brain power through exercise,suggested another of Greenough's experiments that showed the most significant changes in the brain occurred among rats that had been exercised when very young.And while animals aren't people,he says it is logical to make the inference that an effect found in rats may also apply to humans.Human studies have focused primarily on older adults and suggest that regular exercise can improve the speed with which the brain processes information.Measurements made by Arthur Kramer at the University of Illinois demonstrated that inactive adults,aged 63 to 82,could hit buttons faster in response to a tone after they went through a 10-week water exercise course.A corresponding control group that didn't exercise showed no improvement.Vigorous physical exercise can________.A:provide the brain with more fuelB:increase the formation of connections in the brainC:make the brain better able to process informationD:do nothing good to our brain

考题 共用题干 第二篇Exercise and BrainJust as exercise strengthens the heart and lungs,bones and muscles,it may also power up the brain.A succession of scientific studies of animals implies that physical activity has a positive effect on mental functioning."It's clear that the brain benefits from exercise,"says brain scientist William Greenough of the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.His studies with rats have demonstrated two primary effects of activity:Vigorous physical exercise provides the brain with more fuel,and skill-based ex-ercise increases the formation of connections in the brain, which, according to the proposals of some scientists,may make the brain better able to process information.In one experiment,laboratory rats were separated into three groups.One group was exercised by running inside an automatic wheel,a second group improved their skills in a complicated obstacle course,and a third group was inactive."The animals that learned to go through the obstacle course exhibited a greater number of brain connections than the animals in the exercised or inactive groups,"Greenough said."In contrast, the animals that exercised inside the automatic wheel possessed a greater density of blood vessels in the brain than did either of the other two groups of animals."Learning a new dance step may boost the brain in the same way that learning a language can, he says.And if the dance is a good physical exercise as well,the benefits multiply.Young brains may be especially able to boost brain power through exercise,suggested another of Greenough's experiments that showed the most significant changes in the brain occurred among rats that had been exercised when very young.And while animals aren't people,he says it is logical to make the inference that an effect found in rats may also apply to humans.Human studies have focused primarily on older adults and suggest that regular exercise can improve the speed with which the brain processes information.Measurements made by Arthur Kramer at the University of Illinois demonstrated that inactive adults,aged 63 to 82,could hit buttons faster in response to a tone after they went through a 10-week water exercise course.A corresponding control group that didn't exercise showed no improvement.According to the passage what is not the advantage of physical exercises?A:do good to our mental health. B:strengthen our hearts and lungs.C:strengthen our bones and muscles. D:help us lose weight.

考题 共用题干 第二篇Exercise and BrainJust as exercise strengthens the heart and lungs,bones and muscles,it may also power up the brain.A succession of scientific studies of animals implies that physical activity has a positive effect on mental functioning."It's clear that the brain benefits from exercise,"says brain scientist William Greenough of the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.His studies with rats have demonstrated two primary effects of activity:Vigorous physical exercise provides the brain with more fuel,and skill-based ex-ercise increases the formation of connections in the brain, which, according to the proposals of some scientists,may make the brain better able to process information.In one experiment,laboratory rats were separated into three groups.One group was exercised by running inside an automatic wheel,a second group improved their skills in a complicated obstacle course,and a third group was inactive."The animals that learned to go through the obstacle course exhibited a greater number of brain connections than the animals in the exercised or inactive groups,"Greenough said."In contrast, the animals that exercised inside the automatic wheel possessed a greater density of blood vessels in the brain than did either of the other two groups of animals."Learning a new dance step may boost the brain in the same way that learning a language can, he says.And if the dance is a good physical exercise as well,the benefits multiply.Young brains may be especially able to boost brain power through exercise,suggested another of Greenough's experiments that showed the most significant changes in the brain occurred among rats that had been exercised when very young.And while animals aren't people,he says it is logical to make the inference that an effect found in rats may also apply to humans.Human studies have focused primarily on older adults and suggest that regular exercise can improve the speed with which the brain processes information.Measurements made by Arthur Kramer at the University of Illinois demonstrated that inactive adults,aged 63 to 82,could hit buttons faster in response to a tone after they went through a 10-week water exercise course.A corresponding control group that didn't exercise showed no improvement.Which statement about the experiment of lttboratory rats is correct?A:One group was exercised by running circles inside.B:One group was exercised in a complicated obstacle course outside.C:The animals that learned to go through the obstacle course exhibited a greater number of brain cells than the animals in the exercised or inactive groups.D:The animals that exercised inside the automatic wheel possessed a greater density of blood vessels in the brain than did either of the other two groups of animals.

考题 Can animals be made to work for us?Some scientists think that one day animals may be trained to do a number of simple jobs that are now done by human beings. They point out that at a circus,for example,we may see elephants,monkeys,dogs and other animals doing quite skillful things.Perhaps you have seen them on the television or in a film.If you watch closely,you may notice that the trainer always gives the animal a piece of candy or a piece of fruit as a reward.The scientists say that many different animals may be trained to do a number of simple jobs if they know they will get a reward for doing them. Of course,as we know,dogs can be used to guard a house,and soldiers in both old and modem times have used geese to give warning by making a lot of noise when a stranger or an enemy comes near.But it may be possible to train animals to work in factories.In Russia,for example,pigeons which are birds with good eyesight,are being used to watch out for faults in small steel balls that are being made in one factory.When the pigeon sees a ball which looks different from others,it touches a steel plate with its beak.This turns on a light to warn people in the factory.At the same time a few seeds are given as a reward.It takes three to five weeks to train a pigeon to do this and one pigeon can inspect 3 000 to 4 000 balls an hour. Apes have been used in America in helping to make cars,and scientists believe that these large monkeys may be one day gather crops and even drive trains. The trainer usually gives the animal a piece of candy or fruit__.A.when it is hungry B.before it plays a trick C.when it starts to play a trick D.after it has done the trick

考题 Can animals be made to work for us?Some scientists think that one day animals may be trained to do a number of simple jobs that are now done by human beings. They point out that at a circus,for example,we may see elephants,monkeys,dogs and other animals doing quite skillful things.Perhaps you have seen them on the television or in a film.If you watch closely,you may notice that the trainer always gives the animal a piece of candy or a piece of fruit as a reward.The scientists say that many different animals may be trained to do a number of simple jobs if they know they will get a reward for doing them. Of course,as we know,dogs can be used to guard a house,and soldiers in both old and modem times have used geese to give warning by making a lot of noise when a stranger or an enemy comes near.But it may be possible to train animals to work in factories.In Russia,for example,pigeons which are birds with good eyesight,are being used to watch out for faults in small steel balls that are being made in one factory.When the pigeon sees a ball which looks different from others,it touches a steel plate with its beak.This turns on a light to warn people in the factory.At the same time a few seeds are given as a reward.It takes three to five weeks to train a pigeon to do this and one pigeon can inspect 3 000 to 4 000 balls an hour. Apes have been used in America in helping to make cars,and scientists believe that these large monkeys may be one day gather crops and even drive trains. Many animals may be trained to do simple jobs if they know__.A.who their trainers are B.they will be praised by theft trainers C.they will get a reward D.something dangerous will happen to them

考题 Can animals be made to work for us?Some scientists think that one day animals may be trained to do a number of simple jobs that are now done by human beings. They point out that at a circus,for example,we may see elephants,monkeys,dogs and other animals doing quite skillful things.Perhaps you have seen them on the television or in a film.If you watch closely,you may notice that the trainer always gives the animal a piece of candy or a piece of fruit as a reward.The scientists say that many different animals may be trained to do a number of simple jobs if they know they will get a reward for doing them. Of course,as we know,dogs can be used to guard a house,and soldiers in both old and modem times have used geese to give warning by making a lot of noise when a stranger or an enemy comes near.But it may be possible to train animals to work in factories.In Russia,for example,pigeons which are birds with good eyesight,are being used to watch out for faults in small steel balls that are being made in one factory.When the pigeon sees a ball which looks different from others,it touches a steel plate with its beak.This turns on a light to warn people in the factory.At the same time a few seeds are given as a reward.It takes three to five weeks to train a pigeon to do this and one pigeon can inspect 3 000 to 4 000 balls an hour. Apes have been used in America in helping to make cars,and scientists believe that these large monkeys may be one day gather crops and even drive trains. Which of the following is not true?A.Scientists consider apes may drive trains some da B.Apes have worked in some factorie C.Apes may one day be used to gather crop D.An ape is not a large monke

考题 Most of us entirely value human life,____________ some people think of animals as being equally important.A.and B.or C.but D.unless

考题 Can animals be made to work for us?Some scientists think that one day animals may be trained?to do a number of simple jobs that are now done by human beings. They point out that at a circus,for example,we may see elephants,monkeys,dogs and other ani-mals doing quite skillful things.Perhaps you have seen them on the television or in a film.If you?watch closely,you may notice that the trainer always gives the animal a piece of candy or a piece of?fruit as a reward.The scientists say that many different animals may be trained to do a number of?simple jobs if they know they will get a reward for doing them. Of course,as we know,dogs can be used to guard a house,and soldiers in both old and modern?times have used geese to give warning by making a lot of noise when a stranger or an enemy comes?near.But it may be possible to train animals to work in factories.In Russia,for example,pigeons?which are birds with good eyesight,are being nsed to watch out for faults in small steel balls that are?being made in one factory.When the pigeon sees a ball which looks different from others,it touches a?steel plate with its beak.This turns on a light to warn people in the factory.At the same time a few?seeds are given as a reward.It takes three to five weeks to train a pigeon to do this and one pigeon?can inspect 3,000 to 4,000 balls an hour. Apes have been used in America in helping to make cars,and scientists believe that these large?monkeys may be one day gather crops and even drive trains. Which of the following is NOT true?A.Scientists consider apes may drive trains some day. B.Apes have worked in some factories. C.Apes may one day be used to gather crops. D.An ape is not a large monkey.

考题 Can animals be made to work for us?Some scientists think that one day animals may be trained?to do a number of simple jobs that are now done by human beings. They point out that at a circus,for example,we may see elephants,monkeys,dogs and other ani-mals doing quite skillful things.Perhaps you have seen them on the television or in a film.If you?watch closely,you may notice that the trainer always gives the animal a piece of candy or a piece of?fruit as a reward.The scientists say that many different animals may be trained to do a number of?simple jobs if they know they will get a reward for doing them. Of course,as we know,dogs can be used to guard a house,and soldiers in both old and modern?times have used geese to give warning by making a lot of noise when a stranger or an enemy comes?near.But it may be possible to train animals to work in factories.In Russia,for example,pigeons?which are birds with good eyesight,are being nsed to watch out for faults in small steel balls that are?being made in one factory.When the pigeon sees a ball which looks different from others,it touches a?steel plate with its beak.This turns on a light to warn people in the factory.At the same time a few?seeds are given as a reward.It takes three to five weeks to train a pigeon to do this and one pigeon?can inspect 3,000 to 4,000 balls an hour. Apes have been used in America in helping to make cars,and scientists believe that these large?monkeys may be one day gather crops and even drive trains. The trainer usually gives the animal a piece of candy or fruit__________.A.when it is hungry B.before it plays a trick C.when it starts to play a trick D.after it has done the trick

考题 Can animals be made to work for us?Some scientists think that one day animals may be trained?to do a number of simple jobs that are now done by human beings. They point out that at a circus,for example,we may see elephants,monkeys,dogs and other ani-mals doing quite skillful things.Perhaps you have seen them on the television or in a film.If you?watch closely,you may notice that the trainer always gives the animal a piece of candy or a piece of?fruit as a reward.The scientists say that many different animals may be trained to do a number of?simple jobs if they know they will get a reward for doing them. Of course,as we know,dogs can be used to guard a house,and soldiers in both old and modern?times have used geese to give warning by making a lot of noise when a stranger or an enemy comes?near.But it may be possible to train animals to work in factories.In Russia,for example,pigeons?which are birds with good eyesight,are being nsed to watch out for faults in small steel balls that are?being made in one factory.When the pigeon sees a ball which looks different from others,it touches a?steel plate with its beak.This turns on a light to warn people in the factory.At the same time a few?seeds are given as a reward.It takes three to five weeks to train a pigeon to do this and one pigeon?can inspect 3,000 to 4,000 balls an hour. Apes have been used in America in helping to make cars,and scientists believe that these large?monkeys may be one day gather crops and even drive trains. What made scientists think animal can be made to work for us one day?A.Animals are very skillful at a circus. B.They are big and strong. C.Some animals are as clever as human beings. D.Animals carl be trained because they like to get something as a reward.

考题 Can animals be made to work for us?Some scientists think that one day animals may be trained?to do a number of simple jobs that are now done by human beings. They point out that at a circus,for example,we may see elephants,monkeys,dogs and other ani-mals doing quite skillful things.Perhaps you have seen them on the television or in a film.If you?watch closely,you may notice that the trainer always gives the animal a piece of candy or a piece of?fruit as a reward.The scientists say that many different animals may be trained to do a number of?simple jobs if they know they will get a reward for doing them. Of course,as we know,dogs can be used to guard a house,and soldiers in both old and modern?times have used geese to give warning by making a lot of noise when a stranger or an enemy comes?near.But it may be possible to train animals to work in factories.In Russia,for example,pigeons?which are birds with good eyesight,are being nsed to watch out for faults in small steel balls that are?being made in one factory.When the pigeon sees a ball which looks different from others,it touches a?steel plate with its beak.This turns on a light to warn people in the factory.At the same time a few?seeds are given as a reward.It takes three to five weeks to train a pigeon to do this and one pigeon?can inspect 3,000 to 4,000 balls an hour. Apes have been used in America in helping to make cars,and scientists believe that these large?monkeys may be one day gather crops and even drive trains. Many animals may be trained to do simple jobs if they know__________.A.who their trainers are B.they will be praised by their trainers C.they will get a reward D.something dangerous will happen to them

考题 问答题Animal rights are a controversial topic right now. Actually, the debate is focused mainly on animal testing. The following are opinions from both sides. Read the excerpts carefully and write your response in about 300 words, in which you should:  1. summarize briefly the opinions from both sides, and then  2. give your comment.  Marks will be awarded for content relevance, content sufficiency, organization and language quality. Failure to follow the above instructions may result in a loss of marks.  Animals are used for research in a variety of settings, including tests to determine the safety of drugs, cosmetics and other substances. Whether or not humans should use animals for testing purposes, however, is a controversial subject.  Dr. Bob Miller, a medical researcher from Michigan State University, states that one of the primary advantages of animal testing is that it allows researchers to develop new medications and treatments, advancing the field of medicine and enhancing the health of society. For instance, many drugs used to treat or prevent cancer, HIV, diabetes, infections and other medical maladies have resulted from tests performed on animals.  Moreover, animal testing enables scientists and researchers to test the safety of medications and other substances with which humans have regular contact. Drugs, for instance, may pose significant risks to humans, so testing them on animals fast gives researchers a chance to determine drugs’ safety before human trials are performed. While scientists are cognizant of the differences between humans and animals, the similarities are considered significant enough to produce relevant, useful data that they can then apply to humans. Thus, animal testing reduces harm to humans and saves lives.  However, Prof. Abhay Shina, a leading critic of animal testing, points out that the major disadvantage to animal testing is that a significant number of animals are harmed or die as a result of experiments and testing. Unfortunately, many of the substances used on animal subjects never receive approval for human use or consumption. Humans receive no direct benefits as a result of the deaths of these animals. He also argues that animals are dissimilar enough from humans to make the results of animal tests unreliable. A related criticism is that testing induces stress in the animals, meaning that the subjects do not react to experimental substances in the same way that they might in more natural circumstances, making the results of experiments less valid.  Using animals as research subjects is also expensive, because the animals require food, shelter, care and treatment in addition to the costs of experimental substances. Long-term or multi-phase tests can increase the costs of the practice as well. The actual price paid for the animals is also worth consideration; there are companies that breed and sell animals specifically for testing purposes.