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Poor health and lack of money may both be to educational progress roadblocks.

A: restraints
B: stains
C: scarcities
D: barriers


解析:句意:健康状况欠佳与经济困难都是教育发展的障碍。restraint意为“抑制”;stain意为“染色、着色”; scarcity意为“缺少、不足”; barrier意为“障碍”,最符合题意。因此选D项。
更多 “ Poor health and lack of money may both be to educational progress roadblocks.A: restraints B: stains C: scarcities D: barriers” 相关考题
考题 Which of the following factors has historically been the greatest contributor to project failure?A.Planning performed by a planning group.B.Poor financial estimates.C.Lack of sufficient management reserve.D.Lack of management support.E.Not using an automated tracking tool.

考题 A deficiency in characteristics that render the quality of the material/service unacceptable is usually referred to as:A defectiveB defectC non-conformanceD poor workmanshipE lack of fitness for use

考题 ● Which of the following factors has historically been the greatest contributor to project failure?A Planning performed by a planning group.B Poor financial estimates.C Lack of sufficient management reserve.D Lack of management support.E Not using an automated tracking tool.

考题 His poor health ()him to resign from his job. A、compelledB、treasuredC、transplantedD、trimmed

考题 ___________A.health B.money C.dream D.table

考题 Money is less important than health to us.(改为同义句)Health is__________ important __________ money to us.

考题 The experiment ended in failure ______the lack of money.A. asB. byC. forD. with

考题 他的不合作态度使这个项目进展十分缓慢。() A.His incooperation makes the project progress very slowly.B.The project is making slow progress due to his lack of cooperation.C.The project makes less progress because of his uncooperation.D.The slowdown of the project is caused by his uncooprativeness.

考题 His health is ( ). A、poor as his sister’s if not poorB、as poor, if not poorer than, his sisterC、as poor, if not poorer than sister’sD、as poor as, if not poorer than, his sister’s

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考题 He tried to join the army, but was ______ because of poor health. A、 returnedB、 rejectedC、 avoidD、 failed

考题 L.A.Unified has made the rule about homework mainly because poor students_____.[A]tend to have moderate expectations for their education[B]have asked for a different educational standard[C]may have problems finishing their homework[D]have voiced their complaints about homework

考题 A suitable title for this text could be______.[A]Wrong Interpretation of an Educational Policy[B]A Welcomed Policy for Poor Students[C]Thorny Questions about Homework[D]A Faulty Approach to Homework

考题 共用题干 第一篇U. S. States Do Poorly in Women's HealthNot a single U. S. state meets basic federal goals for women's health,and the nation as a whole fails except in two areas一mammograms(乳腺X光照片)and dental(牙齿的) check-ups一researchers said on Thursday.Millions of women lack health insurance,and states make it difficult to enroll(加入)in Medicaid,the state-federal health insurance plan for the poor,according to the report.And few states are doing anywhere near enough to help women quit smoking一the leading cause of death in the United States."The nation as a whole and the individual states fall short of meeting national goals," reads the report,put together by the National Women's Law Center and the Oregon Health&Science University."These health goals provide a road map for assessing the status of women's health."Of 27 measures examined by the group,from screening for diseases to actually treating them,the nation passes on only two,the researchers said."The nation is so far from the health goals that it receives an overall grade of'unsatisfactory',"they wrote.The problem seems to be a lack among states of an overall plan for health in general, the NWLC said." State policy makers' piecemeal(一件一件做的)approach to our health care crisis has resulted in a complex and ineffective system that fails to meet the health care needs of women,"Judy Waxman,NWLC Vice President for Health,said in a statement."Lawmakers need to take a comprehensive,long-term approach to meeting women's health needs and tackle this serious problem that troubles so many families." Medicaid is a program aimed at helpingA:women. B:the poor.C:the old. D:children.

考题 Lack of money will have an adverse effect on our research programme.A:diverse B:quick C:positive D:unfavorable

考题 Poor health and lack of money may both be roadblocks to educational progress.A:restraints B:stains C:scarcities D:barriers

考题 When countries develop economically,people live longer lives.Development experts have long Delieved this is because having more money expands lifespan,but a massive new study suggests that education may play a bigger role.The finding has huge implications for public health spending.Back in 1975,economists plotted rising life expectancies against countries'wealth,and concluded that wealth itself increases longevity.It seemed self-evident:everything people need to be health from food to medical care--costs money But soon it emerged that the data didn't always fit that theory.Economic upturns didn’t always mean longer lives.In addition,for reasons that weren't clear,a given gain in gross domestic product(GDP)caused increasingly higher gains in life expectancy over time,as though it was becoming cheaper to add years of life.Me moreover,in the 1980s researchers found ga ins in literacy were associated with greater increases in life expectancy than gains in wealth were Finally,the more educated people in any country tend to live longer than their less educated compatriots.But such people also tend to be wealthier,so it has been difficult to untangle which factor is increasing lifespan Permanent change Wolfgang Lutz of the International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis in Vienna and colleagues have now done that by compiling average data on GDP per person,lifespans,and years of education from 174 countries,dating from 1970 to 2010 They found that,Just as in 1975,wealth correlated with longevity.But the correlation between longevity and years of schooling was closer,with a direct relationship that did not change over time way wealth does When the team put both these factors into the same mathematical model,they found that differences in education closely predicted differences in life expectancy,while changes in wealth barely mattered Lutz argues that because schooling happens many years before a person has attained their life expectancy,this correlation reflects cause:better education drives longer life.It also tends to lead to more wealh,which is why wealth and longevity are also correlated.But what is important,says Lutz,is that wealth does not seem to be driving longevity,as experts thought-in fact,education is driving both of them Lifestyle choices Some medical professionals may not like these findings,"says Lutz,as they suggest schools may be a better health investment than high-tech hospitals.But RudigerKrech at the World Health Organization welcomes the study."It confirms education as a major social determinant of health,"he says-aconcept WHO actively promotes.But if medical health experts welcome the findings,economists are less comfortable Sangheon Lee,at the UN International Labour Organisation in Geneva,Switzerland agrees education affects lifespan but doubts that simple models like Lutz's can fully resolve cause and effect."It's a very difficult econometric problem,"he says,with health,wealth and education all affecting each other But Lutz says that extreme examples are telling.Cuba is dead poor but has a higher life expectancy than the US because it is well educated.Meanwhile in oil-rich but poorly-educated Equatorial Guinea,people rarely reach 60 The case of Cuba in the last paragraph is used toA.demonstrate that Cuba is a developing country with long life expectancy B.show Cuba is a developing country and is often depicted as a very poor count C.show that it ranks much better than most countries in Latin America in education D.illustrate more education is what makes people live longer,not more money

考题 Poor grades are usually the result of___________.A.poor sleeping habit B.laziness C.lack of sleep D.inability to form good study habits

考题 共用题干 Retirement Brings Most a Big Health BoostThe self-reported health of the newly retired improves so much that most feel eight years younger,a new European study suggests.This happy news was true of almost everyone except a small minority一only 2 percent一who had experi- enced"ideal"conditions in their working life,anyway."The results really say three things:that work puts an extra burden on the health of older workers,that the effects of this extra burden are largely relieved by retirement and,finally,that both the extra burden and the relief are larger when working conditions are poor,"said Hugo Westerlund,lead author of a study pub- lished online Nov. 9 in The Lancet(柳叶刀)." This indicates that there is need to provide opportunities for older workers to decrease the demands in their work out of concern for their health and well-being."But of course,added Westerlund,who is head of epidemiology at the Stress Research Institute at Stockholm University in Sweden,"not all older workers suffer from poor perceived health.Many are indeed remarkably healthy and fit for work.But sooner or later,everyone has to slow down because of old age catch-ing up."Last week,the same group of researchers reported that workers slept better after retirement than before. "Sleep improves at retirement,which suggests that sleeping could be a mediator between work and perception of poor health,"Westerlund said.This study looked at what the same 15,000 French workers,and most of them had to say about their own health up to seven years pre-retirement and up to seven years post-retirement.As participants got closer to retirement age,their perception of their own health declined,but went upagain during the first year of retirement.Those who reported being in poorer health declined from 19.2 percent in the year prior to retirement to 14.3 percent by the end of the first year after retiring. According to the researchers,that means post-retire- ment levels of poor health fell to levels last seen eight years previously.The changes were seen in both men and women,across different occupations,and lasted through the first seven years of not punching the clock.Workers who felt worse before retirement and had lower working conditions reported greater improve- ments as soon as they retired,the team found.The study analyzed the participants'perception of their own health in a certain period.A:RightB:WrongC:Not mentioned

考题 The paragraph 8 suggests that young Japanese may support( ) A.higher tax rates B.higher health-care budget C.receiving more money from their parents D.higher salaries

考题 问答题Practice 10  Every British citizen who is employed (or self-employed) is obliged to pay a weekly contribution to the national insurance and health schemes. An employer also makes a contribution for each of his employees, and the Government too pays a certain amount. This plan was brought into being in 1948. Its aim is to prevent anyone from going without medical services, if he needs them, however poor he may be; to ensure that a person who is out of work shall receive a weekly sum of money to subsist on; and to provide a small pension for those who have reached the age of retirement.  Everyone can register with a doctor of his choice and if he is ill he can consult the doctor without having to pay for the doctor's service, although he has to pay a small charge for medicines. The doctor may, if necessary, send a patient to a specialist, or to hospital~ in both cases treatment will be given without any fees being payable. Those who wish may become private patients, paying for their treatment, but they must still pay their contributions to the national insurance and health schemes.

考题 问答题Passage 1  There was a time 1 parents who wanted an educational present for their children would buy a typewriter, a globe or an encyclopedia set.  Now those 2 seem hopelessly old-fashioned: this Christmas, there were a lot of personal computers under the tree. Convinced that computers are their key 3 success, parents are also frantically insisting that children 4 taught to use them on school as early as possible.  The problem for schools is that when 5 comes to computers, parents don't always know best. Many schools are yielding to parental impatience and are purchasing hardware 6 sound educational planning so they can say, "OK, we've moved into the computer age." Teachers found themselves 7 in the middle of the problem--between parent pressure and wise educational decisions.  Educators do not even agree 8 how computers should be used. A lot of money is going for computerized educational materials that research has shown can be taught just as well 9 pencil and paper. Even those 10 believe that all children should have access to computers warn of potential dangers to the very young.  The temptation remains strong largely because young children adapt so well 11 computers. First graders have been seen willing to work for two hours on math skills. Some have an attention span of 20 minutes.  Not every school, 12 , can afford to go into computing, and that 13 yet another problem: a division between the haves and have-nots. Very few parents ask 14 computer instructions in poor school districts, in 15 there may be barely enough money to pay the teacher.

考题 单选题Americans in general believe that _____.A more money spent on health care may not result in better healthB medicine may provide an effective cure for various health problemsC health problems caused by bad habits can hardly be solved by medicineD higher birthrate can better solve the problem of aging society than medicine

考题 问答题Practice 3  Read the following text(s) and write an essay to  1) summarize the main points of the text(s),  2) make clear your own viewpoint, and  3) justify your stand.  In your essay, make full use of the information provided in the text(s). If you use more than three consecutive words from the text(s), use quotation marks (“ ”).  You should write 160—200 words on the ANSWER SHEET.  Poverty today is a major global issue. Although there are all kinds of definitions used to explain it, in simple words, it means the inability of a person to even get his basic needs of food. shelter, clothing, safe drinking water, health and education. Poverty can be found in each and every corner of the world, although the causes may differ from country to country. Given below are the main causes of poverty in the world today.  Overpopulation is one of the main causes behind the threatening of poverty on an individual level as well as a social level. This is simple math. If there are more mouths to feed and less income, definitely much will remain poor.  Another theory which is used as an explanation for poverty is lack of education. If you look at any of the underdeveloped countries, you will find that the level of education there is very low. Lack of education means lack of employment opportunities, thus leading to unemployment coupled with poverty in the future.  Moving away from one’s own homeland to another city or country in search of employment leads to poverty too. It may take these people a lot of time to find jobs. Meanwhile they live in bad conditions. The cost of living in the city or country is most of the time too high for them.  There may be other causes of poverty like the change in business. For example, in America, a couple of decades ago, heavy industry flourished, which employed a lot of African-American people. But now, the focus is more on information technology and health care, both of which employ only skilled and trained people. This has led to unemployment among African-Americans.  Poverty has many ill effects on society. That’s why steps should be taken to get rid of it!

考题 单选题Which of the following is NOT a reason why health care investment fails to bring a longer life?A Drug reaction due to improper use of drugs.B Imbalanced distribution of health care money.C Soaring prices of both drugs and new therapies.D Failure of many highly-evaluated medical treatments.

考题 单选题Which of the following may be the most original reason for the problem of undergraduates’ mental-health?A Colleges are tough and many students couldn’t adjust themselves to it well.B There is the lack of enough counseling service to help troubled students out.C They think they’ll be labelled as the crazy kids because of their mental difficulty.D The overwhelming majority of troubled students are no threat to anyone but themselves.

考题 问答题The lack of progress in international relations reveals that governments must study the art of diplomacy much closer.                   A                      B       C        DNo error  E

考题 单选题Why do they want to raise money?A To build schools.B To help poor children go to school.C To buy books for poor students.D To hold the charity show