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Some of the larger birds can remain stationary in the air for several minutes.
更多 “Some of the larger birds can remain stationary in the air for several minutes.A:motionless B:silent C:seated D:true” 相关考题
Which is TRUE according to the passage?A.The Muses invented music.B.Music can bring people some feelings.C.Music was from a Greek village.D.Everyone is interested in pop music.
Ladies and gentlemen, please remain __________ until the plane has come to a complete stop.A. seated B. seating C. to seat D. seat
According to the passage which of the following is true?[A] A fixed star refers a star that is always stationary on the sky.[B] Scientists can tell the motion of the earth from the motions of other five planets.[C] Ancient people had scanty knowledge about the movement of the stars.[D] All the stars on the sky can be seen all the year around.
Ventilation ().A、is a system for moving fresh airB、can cut indoor pollution to a safe levelC、can cause some diseasesD、is better done through air-conditioning
Most animals have little connection with animals of different kind, unless they hunt them for food. Sometimes, however, two kinds of animals come together in a partnership ( 伙伴关系 ) which does good to both of them. You may have noticed some birds sitting on the backs of sheep. This is not because they want a ride, but because they find easy food in the parasites (寄生虫 ) on sheep. The sheep allow the birds to do so because they remove the cause of discomfort. So although they can manage without each other, they do better together.Sometimes an animal has a plant partner. The relationship develops until the two partners cannot manage without each other. This is so in the corals ( 珊瑚 ) of the sea. In their skins they have tiny plants act as "dustman", taking some of the waste products form. the corals and giving in return oxygen which the animal needs to breathe. If the plants are killed, or are ever prevented from lighting so that they cannot live normally, the corals will die.1、Some birds like to sit on a sheep because ( ).A、they can eat its parasitesB、 they depend on the sheep for existenceC、 they enjoy traveling with the sheepD、 they find the position most comfortable2、The underlined word "they" in the last sentence of the first paragraph refers to ( ).A、birds and parasitesB、birds and sheepC、parasites and sheepD、sheep, birds and parasites3、What does the second paragraph mainly discuss? ( )A、Some animals and plants depend on each other for existence.B、 Some animals and plants develop their relationship easily.C、 Some plants depend on each other for fooD、 Some animals live better together.4、What does this article talk about? ( )A、Two kinds of animals for a partnership.B、Most animals only have connection with animals.C、The connection between the living things.D、Corals have some connection with plants.
What is the influence of team spirit?
A、It can help a team to get larger and larger.B、It can prevent a team from breaking a record.C、It can help a team to increase the chances of winning.D、It can change any team into a famous team.
Which of the following is NOT true about the gravity disc?
A.The location of the interface can be changed by exchanging the diameter of the gravity discB.A.larger diameter of gravity disc can cause the interface is far away from bow centerC.disc should not break the The diameter of gravity water sealD.In practice, the use of nomogram is the best oA530 operation
Which of the following statements is true according to the passage?A.Qigong can cure some diseases.B.Qigong can not cure any disease.C.Qigong can cure all kinds of incurable diseases.D.Qigong can cure some patients from danger.
Which of the following statements is NOT true?A.Qigong can cure some patients miles away.B.Qigong can travel the oceans.C.Qigong alter the course of ballistic missiles.D.All of the above.
According to this passage, which of the following statements is true?A.In boiler and machinery spaces, there is the air conditioning.B.In the boiler rooms the requirement of air volume should meet 25-50% of combustion requirement.C.To maintain the comfort zone in the separate control room the air conditioning plant should be fitted.D.The comfort conditions can be maintained in the engine room all the time.
__________ can fly very high in __________ sky.
A.The birds ... the
B.The birds ... /
C.Birds ... the
D.Birds ... /
Some of the larger birds can remain stationary in the air for several minutes.A:silent
Operation MigrationIf you look up at the sky in the early fall in the northern part of North America,you may see groups of birds.These birds are flying south to places where they can find food and warmth for the winter.They are migrating(迁徙).The young birds usually learn to migrate from their parents.They follow their parents south.In one unusual case,however,the young birds are following something very different.These birds are young whooping cranes,and they are following an airplane!The whooping crane is the largest bird that is native to North America.These birds al-most disappeared in the 1800s.By 1941,there were only about 20 cranes alive.In the 1970s, people were worried that these creatures were in danger of disappearing completely.As a result,the United States indentified whooping cranes as an endangered species that they needed to protect.Some researchers tried to help.They began to breed whooping cranes in special parks to increase the number of birds.This plan was successful.There were a lot of new baby birds.As the birds became older,the researchers wanted to return them to nature.However,there was a problem:These young birds did not know how to migrate.They needed human help.In 2001,some people had a creative idea.They formed an organization called Operation Migration.This group decided to use very light airplanes,instead of birds,to lead the young whooping cranes on their first trip south.They painted each airplane to look like a whooping crane.Even the pilots wore special clothing to make them look like cranes.The cranes began to trust the airplanes,and the plan worked.Today,planes still lead birds across approximately 1,200 miles(1,931 kilometers), from the United States-Canadian border to the Gulf of Mexico.They leave the birds at differ-ent sites.If a trip is successful,the birds can travel on their own in the future.Then,when these birds become parents,they will teach their young to migrate.The people of Operation Migration think this is the only way to maintain the whooping crane population.Operation Migration works with several other organizations and government institutes.Together,they assist hundreds of cranes each year.However,some experts predict that soon,this won't be necessary.Thanks to Operation Migration and its partners,the crane population will continue to migrate.Hopefully,they won't need human help any more.The distance covered by the young whooping cranes on their trip south is______.A:120 milesB:1,931 milesC:1,200 milesD:2,000 miles
第三篇Operation MigrationIf you look up at the sky in the early fall in the northern part of North America,you may see groups of birds.These birds are flying south to places where they can find food and warmth for the winter. They are migrating(迁徙).The young birds usually learn to migrate from their parents. They follow their parents south.In one unusual case,however,the young birds are following something very different.These birds are young whooping cranes and they are following an airplane!The whooping crane is the largest bird that is native to North America.These birds almost disappeared in the 1 800s.By 1941,there were only about 20 cranes alive.In the 1970s,people were worried that these creatures were in danger of disappearing completely.As a result,the United States identified whooping cranes as an endangered species that they needed to protect.Some researchers tired to help.They began to breed whooping cranes in special parks to increase the number of birds.This plan was successful,There were a lot of new baby birds.As the birds became older, the researchers wanted to return them to nature.However,there was a problem:these young birds did not know how to migrate,They needed human help.In 2001,some people had a creative idea.They formed an organization called Operation Migration. This group decided to use very light airplanes,instead of birds,to lead the young whooping cranes on their first trip south.They painted each airplane to look like a whooping crane.Even the pilots wore special clothing to make them look like cranes.The cranes began to trust the airplanes,and the plan worked.Today,planes still lead birds across approxlmately 1,200 mniles(1,931 kilometers),from the United States-Canadian border to the Gulf of Mexico.They leave the birds at different sites.If a trip is successful, the birds can travel on their own in the future.Then,when these birds become parents,they will teach their young to migrate.The people of Operation Migration think this is the only way to maintain the whloopingcrane population.Operation Migration works with several other organizations and government institutes.Together,they as- sist hundreds of cranes each year. However,some experts predict that soon this won't be necessary.Thanks to Operation Migration and its partners,the crane population will continue to migrate.Hopefully,they won'tneed human help any more.Operation Migration aims to____________.A:lead young cranes on their first trip south B:teach adult cranes how to flyC:breed cranes in special parksD:transport cranes to the North
Some of the larger birds can remain stationary in the air for several minutes.A:silent
A:Something important has come up.() B:Can it wait? I’ll be through in ten minutes.A、Canyouspareaminute?B、Canitwait?C、Sorrytointerrupt.D、Doyoumind?
当机长决定不撤离时,发布的口令是()A、旅客留在原位!旅客留在原位!Passengers remain seated!Passengers remain seated!B、乘务员各就各位!乘务员各就各位!Cabin crew at stations!Cabin crew at stations!C、撤离!撤离!Evacuate!Evacuate!D、以上都错
单选题The fresh air coming in through the inner air ports, is compressed by() to a higher pressure.A
the cylinder headB
the cross-headC
the moving pistonD
the stationary piston
单选题The skulls and pelvic bones of some species of dinosaur share characteristics with the skulls and pelvic bones of all modern birds. Even though not all dinosaurs have these characteristics, there are scientists who claim that all animals that do have these characteristics are dinosaurs. If the statements above and the claim of the scientists are true, which of the following must also be true?A
Birds share more characteristics with dinosaurs than they do with other animals.B
Some ancient dinosaurs were indistinguishable from modern birds.C
All animals whose skulls share the characteristics of those of modern birds also have pelvic bones that are similar to those of modern birds.D
Modern birds are dinosaurs.E
All dinosaurs are birds.
单选题The structures designed by Ralph C. Harris were fifteen-and seventeen-story buildings, and for their time, were some of the larger and more luxurious hotels and residences in existence.A
time, were some of the larger and more luxurious hotels and residencesB
era, they were some of the larger and more luxurious hotels and residencesC
era, were some of the largest and more luxurious hotels and residencesD
time, they were some of the largest and most luxurious hotels and residencesE
era, were some of the largely and more luxuriously hotels and residences
单选题In boilers, besides maintaining the burner atomizers, air diffuser vanes, fuel temperature, forced draft fan, fuel pump and other hardware in good condition, there are some adjustments on the ()that can produce a good flame for the most efficient operation.A
fuel-air ratioB
compression ratioC
fuel rackD
viscosity index
单选题Some () lying in the starting air lines will give rise to corrosion and can cause water hammer.A
cooling waterD
单选题The volute pump is one in which the impeller ().A
discharges into a gradually widening channelB
has stationary diffuser vanesC
produces no kinetic energyD
All of the above are true
单选题Some of the larger birds can remain stationary in the air for several minutes.()A