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The tourist wrote an incisive critique of what he had seen.



解析:本句意思:该游客针对他所观察到的情况写了一篇深刻的评论。incisive(褒)锐利的, 透彻的,深刻的。penetrating透彻的,深入的;inaccurate不准确的,不精确的;subtle微妙的; negative否定的,反面的。
更多 “The tourist wrote an incisive critique of what he had seen.A:inaccurate B:subtle C:negative D:penetrating” 相关考题
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考题 问答题Practice 1  Well before his death, Peter Drucker had already become a legend. Over his 95 prolific years, he had been a true Renaissance mail, and teacher of religion, philosophy and political science. But his most important contribution, clearly, is in business. What John Keynes is to economics, Drucker is to management.  In the l980s Peter Dmcker began to have grave doubts about business and even capitalism itself. He no longer saw the corporation as the ideal space to create community. In fact, he saw nearly the opposite: a place where self-interest had triumphed over the egalitarian principles he long championed. In both his writings and speeches, Drucker emerged as one of Corporate America's most important critics. When conglomerates were the rage, he preached against reckless mergers and acquisitions. When executives were engaged in empire-building,he argued against excess staff and the inefficiencies of numerous “assistants to.”  In a 1984 essay he persuasively argued that CEO pay had rocketed out of control and implored boards to hold CEO compensation to no more than 20 times what the rank and file made. He maintained that multi-million-dollar severance packages had perverted management's ability to look out anything but itself. What particularly enraged him was the tendency of corporate managers to reap massive earnings while firing thousands of their workers. “This is morally and socially unforgivable,” wrote Drucker, “and we will pay a heavy price for it.”

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