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The revelation of his past led to his resignation.

B. confirmation
D. disclosure


更多 “The revelation of his past led to his resignation.A.imagination B. confirmation C.recall D. disclosure” 相关考题
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考题 共用题干 Man of Few WordsEveryone chases success,but not all of us want to be famous.South African writer John Maxwell Coetzee is _______(51)for keeping to himself. When the 63-year-old man was named the 2003 Nobel Prize winner for literature,reporters were warned that they would find him"particularly difficult to_________(52)".Coetzee lives in Australia but spends part of the year teaching at the, University of Chicago.He seemed _________(53)by the news that he won the US $1.3 million prize."It came as a complete surprise.I wasn't even aware they were due to make the announcement,"he said. His_________(54)of privacy led to doubts as to whether Coetzee will attend prize-giving in Stockholm,Sweden,on December 10.But despite being described as_______(55)to track down,the critics agree that his writing is easy to get to know.Born in Cape Town,South Africa,to an English-speakingfamily,Coetzee_______(56)his break-through in 1980 with the novel"Waiting for the Barbarians".He__________(57)hisplace among the world's leading writers with two Booker prize victories,Britain's highest honour for novels.He first _______(58)in 1983 for the Life and Times of Michael K and his second title came in 1999 for Disgrace.A major theme in his work is South Africa's former apartheid system,which divided whites from blacks. _______(59)with the problems of violence,crime and racial division that still exist in the country,his books have enabled ordinary people to understand apartheid_________(60)within."I have always been more interested in the past than the future,"he said in a rare interview."The past________(61)its shadow over the present.I hope I have made one or two people think _______(62)about whether they want to forget the past completely."In fact this purity in his writing seems to be_________(63)in his personal life.Coetzee is a vegetarian,a cyclist rather than a motorist and he doesn't drink alcohol.But what he has________(64)to literature,culture and the people of South Africa is far greater than the things he has given up."In looking at weakness and failure in life,"the Nobel prize judging panel said,"Coetzee's work_________(65)the divine spark in man."_________(61)A:covers B:puts C:spreads D:casts

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考题 单选题Mr.Joe has worked very hard in the past two years and has paid all his debts_________ the last penny.A byB toC untilD with