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Harmless Revenge
Revenge is one of those things that everyone enjoys.People don't like to talk about it,though.Just the same,there is nothing more satisfying or more rewarding than revenge.The purpose is not to harm your victims but to let them know that you are upset about something that they are doing to you.Careful plotting can provide you with relief from bothersome co-workers,gossiping friends,or nagging family members.
Co-workers who make comments about the fact that you are always fifteen minutes late for work can be taken care of very simply.All you have to do is get up extra early one day.Before the sun comes up,drive to each coworker's house.Reach under the hood of your coworker's car and disconnect the center wire that leads to the distributor cap,the car will be unharmed,but it will not start,and your friends at work will all be late for work on the same day.If you're lucky,your boss might notice that you are the only one there and will give you a raise.
Gossiping friends at school are also perfect targets for a simple act of revenge.A way to trap either male or female friends is to leave phony messages on their lockers.If the friend that you want to get is male,leave a message that a certain girl would like him to stop by her house later that day.With any luck,her boyfriend will be there.The girl won't know what's going on,and the victim will be so embarrassed that he probably won't leave his home for a month.
When Mom and Dad and your sisters and brothers really begin to annoy you,harmless revenge may be just the way to make them quiet down for a while.The dinner table is a likely place.Just before the meal begins,throw a handful of raisins into the food.Wait about five minutes and,after everyone has begun to eat,cover your mouth with your hand and begin to make odd noises.When they ask you what the matter is, point to a raisin and yell,"Bugs!"They dump their food in the disposal,jump into the car,and head for McDonald's.That night,you'11 have your first quiet,peaceful meal in a long time.
A well-planned revenge does not have to hurt anyone.The object is simply to let other people know that they are beginning to bother you.

As a harmless revenge,you might come first and get a raise by______.
A:making your colleagues come late
B:getting up earlier than your colleagues
C:destroying your colleagues'cars
D:pleasing your boss


更多 “共用题干 Harmless RevengeRevenge is one of those things that everyone enjoys.People don't like to talk about it,though.Just the same,there is nothing more satisfying or more rewarding than revenge.The purpose is not to harm your victims but to let them know that you are upset about something that they are doing to you.Careful plotting can provide you with relief from bothersome co-workers,gossiping friends,or nagging family members.Co-workers who make comments about the fact that you are always fifteen minutes late for work can be taken care of very simply.All you have to do is get up extra early one day.Before the sun comes up,drive to each coworker's house.Reach under the hood of your coworker's car and disconnect the center wire that leads to the distributor cap,the car will be unharmed,but it will not start,and your friends at work will all be late for work on the same day.If you're lucky,your boss might notice that you are the only one there and will give you a raise.Gossiping friends at school are also perfect targets for a simple act of revenge.A way to trap either male or female friends is to leave phony messages on their lockers.If the friend that you want to get is male,leave a message that a certain girl would like him to stop by her house later that day.With any luck,her boyfriend will be there.The girl won't know what's going on,and the victim will be so embarrassed that he probably won't leave his home for a month.When Mom and Dad and your sisters and brothers really begin to annoy you,harmless revenge may be just the way to make them quiet down for a while.The dinner table is a likely place.Just before the meal begins,throw a handful of raisins into the food.Wait about five minutes and,after everyone has begun to eat,cover your mouth with your hand and begin to make odd noises.When they ask you what the matter is, point to a raisin and yell,"Bugs!"They dump their food in the disposal,jump into the car,and head for McDonald's.That night,you'11 have your first quiet,peaceful meal in a long time.A well-planned revenge does not have to hurt anyone.The object is simply to let other people know that they are beginning to bother you.As a harmless revenge,you might come first and get a raise by______.A:making your colleagues come late B:getting up earlier than your colleaguesC:destroying your colleagues'cars D:pleasing your boss” 相关考题
考题 Generation gap(代沟) has become a serious problem in our society.l read a (11) about it in the morning newspaper. It is said that some children even want to kill themselves after hav-ing quarrels(争吵) with their (12) .1 think this is because parents and children don't often (13) each other. Parents now spend more and more time in the office,(14) they don't have much time to stay with their children. As time goes by,they both feel that they don't have the (15) topic to talk about.T0 (16) this problem,parents should spend more time being with their children,getting to know them and (17) them As for children,you should show your (18) to your parents and let them (19) your thoughts.Parents are the people who love you best. They (20) un-derstand you as long as(只要) you tell them. But the point is that you should try your best to understand them,too.( )11.A.messageB.instructionC.reportD.letter

考题 共用题干 Common-cold SenseYou can't beat it,but you don't have to join it.Maybe it got the name"common cold"because it's more common in winter.The fact is,though,being cold doesn't have anything to do with getting one.Colds are caused by the spread of rhinoviruses,and,at least so far,medical science is better at telling you how to avoid getting one than how to get rid of one.Children are the most common way cold viruses are spread to adults,because they have more colds than adults-an average of about eight per year.Why do kids seem so much more easily to get colds than their parents?Simple.They haven't had the opportunity to become immune to many cold viruses.There are more than 150 different cold viruses,and you never have the same one twice.being infected by one makes you immune to it-but only it.Colds are usually spread by direct contact,not sneezing or coughing.From another person's hand to your hand and then to your nose or eyes is the most common route.The highest concentration of cold viruses anywhere is found under the thumbnails of a boy,although the viruses can survive for hours on skin or other smooth surfaces.Hygiene is your best defense.Wash your hands frequently,preferably with a disinfectant soap,especially when children in your household have colds.But even careful hygiene won't ward off every cold.So,what works when a coughing,sneezing, runny nose strikes?The old prescription of two aspirins,lots of water,and bed rest is a good place to start.But you'll also find some of the folk remedies worth trying.Hot mixtures of sugar(or honey),lemon,and water have real benefits.Children have more colds because______.A:they are usually infected about eight times each yearB:they are not immune to many cold viruses yetC:they never wash their hands so that their thumbnails are dirtyD:they don't like eating lemon

考题 共用题干 第二篇Sometimes love really can be measured in pounds and pence.It's an annual argument.Do we or do we not go on holiday?My partner says no because the boiler could go bad,or the roof fall off,and we have no savings to save us.I say that you only live once and we work hard and what's the point if you can't go on holiday.The joy of a recession means no argument next year一we just won't go.Since money is reputed to be one of the things most likely to bring a relationship to its knees, we should be grateful.For many families the recession means more than not booking a holiday. A YouGov poll of 2,000 people in May this year found 22%said they were arguing more with their partners because of concerns about money.What's less clear is whether divorce and separation rates rise in a recession一financial pressures mean couples argue more but make splitting up less affordable.A recent report from ICOR(the online Information Centre on Relationships)cited research showing arguments about money were especially damaging to couple一even more so to their children.Disputes were characterised by intense verbal aggression,tended to be repeated and not re-solved,and made men,more than women,extremely angry.So why are arguments about money so emotive?Since they seem to be so even without a recession,they have to be about more than literally pounds and pence.Kim Stephenson,an occupational psychologist,believes money is such a big deal because of what it symbolises,which may be different things to men and women."People can say the same things about money but have different conceptions of what it is for,"he explains."They will say it's to save,to spend,for security,for freedom,to show someone you love them,to keep score."He says men are more likely to see money as a way of buying status,of trying to best the man down the road who's just bought a flash car,and of showing their parents that they've achieved something. He warns that,while couples need enough money not to struggle and be unhappy,an extra £5,000 above that amount won't make them any happier."The biggest problem is that couples assume each other knows what is going on with their finances,but they don't. There seems to be more of a taboo about talking about money than talking about death.But you both need to know what you are doing,who is paying what into the joint account and how much you keep separately.In a healthy relationship,you don't have to agree about money, but you have to talk about it."Research from a wholesome organization in the U.S. called the National Healthy Marriage Resource Center says that establishing a"fair and equitable pattern of handling money early in marriage appears to be important for the quality and stability of the marriage".Admitting your incomes to each other and making budgets for your household expenses may not seem romantic but it is,in fact, the real language of love.What does the author say about vacationing?A:People enjoy it all the more during a recession.B:Few people can afford it without working hard.C:It makes all the hard work worthwhile.D: It is the chief cause of family disputes.

考题 共用题干 第二篇Sometimes love really can be measured in pounds and pence.It's an annual argument.Do we or do we not go on holiday?My partner says no because the boiler could go bad,or the roof fall off,and we have no savings to save us.I say that you only live once and we work hard and what's the point if you can't go on holiday.The joy of a recession means no argument next year一we just won't go.Since money is reputed to be one of the things most likely to bring a relationship to its knees, we should be grateful.For many families the recession means more than not booking a holiday. A YouGov poll of 2,000 people in May this year found 22%said they were arguing more with their partners because of concerns about money.What's less clear is whether divorce and separation rates rise in a recession一financial pressures mean couples argue more but make splitting up less affordable.A recent report from ICOR(the online Information Centre on Relationships)cited research showing arguments about money were especially damaging to couple一even more so to their children.Disputes were characterised by intense verbal aggression,tended to be repeated and not re-solved,and made men,more than women,extremely angry.So why are arguments about money so emotive?Since they seem to be so even without a recession,they have to be about more than literally pounds and pence.Kim Stephenson,an occupational psychologist,believes money is such a big deal because of what it symbolises,which may be different things to men and women."People can say the same things about money but have different conceptions of what it is for,"he explains."They will say it's to save,to spend,for security,for freedom,to show someone you love them,to keep score."He says men are more likely to see money as a way of buying status,of trying to best the man down the road who's just bought a flash car,and of showing their parents that they've achieved something. He warns that,while couples need enough money not to struggle and be unhappy,an extra £5,000 above that amount won't make them any happier."The biggest problem is that couples assume each other knows what is going on with their finances,but they don't. There seems to be more of a taboo about talking about money than talking about death.But you both need to know what you are doing,who is paying what into the joint account and how much you keep separately.In a healthy relationship,you don't have to agree about money, but you have to talk about it."Research from a wholesome organization in the U.S. called the National Healthy Marriage Resource Center says that establishing a"fair and equitable pattern of handling money early in marriage appears to be important for the quality and stability of the marriage".Admitting your incomes to each other and making budgets for your household expenses may not seem romantic but it is,in fact, the real language of love.The YouGov poll of 2,000 people indicates that in a recession____________.A:conflicts between couples tend to riseB:it is more expensive for couples to split upC:couples show more concern for each otherD:divorce and separation rates increase

考题 根据下面资料,回答 "Hi there. How′ s it going?" "Oh, fine. Fine. How about this weather, huh?" "Well, I guess we can always use the rain." What is that? This story? Oh, just a little look at small talk. You know, those seemingly meaningless conversations you have dozens of times a day. Maybe you′re waiting for the elevator, or in a line at the bank. It all seems pretty trivial. Idle chatter about traffic doesn′t do much more than fill the air with empty words that are quickly forgotten. But you should know that small talk actually has a big place in our lives. Pat Oliver, assistant professor on arts, says that, "Left unchecked, small talk can be an invasion. It′ s so powerful. It does something to you." "Every morning after spending an hour and a half on the freeway I start the day with small talk with my secretary," Oliver says, "If I don′t make small connection with another person, I can′ t work." What causes it? As a rule, you′re either trying to force something into your life, or you′re using conversation as an invisible force field to keep them out. You can be wanting to connect with another person, and small talk is your introduction to more meaning conversation. The way people use small talk is usually determined by where they happen to beat the time. Take the elevator, for instance. Now there′ s prime territory. Nobody knows anyone and there′ s no reason to start a conversation, but invariably, someone does. "Making conversation in such peaceful social settings," according to Oliver, "can confirm your territory. It′s a way of feeling liked and accepted." The topics of small talk don′t matter. In fact, you don′t want anything more taxing than the weather or the traffic. It′ s non-threatening talk in a threatening situation. However, the rules change quickly when you′re with lots of people doing lots of talking. Let′ s say you′ re at a party. Now it′ s time to use small talk as a way of making others feel more comfortable around you, so don′ t look silly standing by the food table alone all night. According to the author, small talk is often used _____________.A.to invade other' s private affairs B.to share a secret between intimate friends C.to open and maintain channels of communication D.to protect one' s own privacy

考题 Text 2 You would think that the young and digitally intellectual-the generation that grew up with computers at their fingertips-would be the least likely age group to fall victim of online fiaud.But the opposite is true."We've bought into stereotypes about fraud victims-they're usually seen as wlnerable and elderly,or gullible and poorly educated,"says Emma Fletcher,product manager at the BBB Institute."These stereotypes are strongly held-and they are wrong.We are all at risk,but younger and more educated individuals are actually the most likely to be deceived."Similarly,a 2016 report by Norton,the antivirus company,found that 44 per cent of millennials had been the victim of an online crime in the past year,compared with just 16 per cent ofbaby boomers.Research by Barclays this year backs this up.The Barclays Digital Safety Index highlights that almost two thirds of 18-24 year-olds had fallen prey to hackers or viruses.Yet when asked about actions taken to prevent future attacks,millennials were less likely than their older counterparts to take positive action,such as installing an anti-virus software following a computer system collapse.One reason is what is known as"optimism bias"-the idea that other people might be more One reason is what is known as"optimism bias"-the idea that other people might be more vulnerable than you and that you know better.Younger people are usually more knowledgeable about IT than those in the generations above them.But this makes them less likely to heed advice about staying safe,whereas,perhaps surprisingly,older people are more inclined to listen.But this is not the only reason.Younger people spend far more time online.They shop more there(meaning their card details are entered more ofien and stored in many more databases)and they share much more personal information online.According to Ofcom's 2016 Media Use and Attitudes Report,more than 90 pcr cent of those aged 16-34 have social-media accounts.For those aged between 55 and 64,this figure drops t0 51 per cent.For those 65 and over,it's 30 per cent.Interestingly,though,according the Office ofNational Statistics,older people are more likely to be victims ofrepeat fraud.This may be because they tend to be more trusting.Research at the University of California suggests that this isn't just because they grew up in more innocent times.Rather,age-related changes in the brain mean that as people get older,they tend to trust more and question less.28.Which of the following best conveys the mearung of"optimism bias"mentioned in Paragraph 4?A.The less one learned,the less fragile one is. B.No one else is stronger and knowing things better than you are. C.The more vulnerable one is,the more chance he accepts advices. D.Knowledgeable people sometimes do things worse.

考题 根据下面资料,回答 "Hi there. How′ s it going?" "Oh, fine. Fine. How about this weather, huh?" "Well, I guess we can always use the rain." What is that? This story? Oh, just a little look at small talk. You know, those seemingly meaningless conversations you have dozens of times a day. Maybe you′re waiting for the elevator, or in a line at the bank. It all seems pretty trivial. Idle chatter about traffic doesn′t do much more than fill the air with empty words that are quickly forgotten. But you should know that small talk actually has a big place in our lives. Pat Oliver, assistant professor on arts, says that, "Left unchecked, small talk can be an invasion. It′ s so powerful. It does something to you." "Every morning after spending an hour and a half on the freeway I start the day with small talk with my secretary," Oliver says, "If I don′t make small connection with another person, I can′ t work." What causes it? As a rule, you′re either trying to force something into your life, or you′re using conversation as an invisible force field to keep them out. You can be wanting to connect with another person, and small talk is your introduction to more meaning conversation. The way people use small talk is usually determined by where they happen to beat the time. Take the elevator, for instance. Now there′ s prime territory. Nobody knows anyone and there′ s no reason to start a conversation, but invariably, someone does. "Making conversation in such peaceful social settings," according to Oliver, "can confirm your territory. It′s a way of feeling liked and accepted." The topics of small talk don′t matter. In fact, you don′t want anything more taxing than the weather or the traffic. It′ s non-threatening talk in a threatening situation. However, the rules change quickly when you′re with lots of people doing lots of talking. Let′ s say you′ re at a party. Now it′ s time to use small talk as a way of making others feel more comfortable around you, so don′ t look silly standing by the food table alone all night. According to the author, at a big party, small talk is used with the purpose of_____________.A.making both others and yourself feel at ease B.excluding those you don't like from joining you C.keeping your voice low so only your friends can hear you D.comforting those who feel lonely

考题 根据下面资料,回答 "Hi there. How′ s it going?" "Oh, fine. Fine. How about this weather, huh?" "Well, I guess we can always use the rain." What is that? This story? Oh, just a little look at small talk. You know, those seemingly meaningless conversations you have dozens of times a day. Maybe you′re waiting for the elevator, or in a line at the bank. It all seems pretty trivial. Idle chatter about traffic doesn′t do much more than fill the air with empty words that are quickly forgotten. But you should know that small talk actually has a big place in our lives. Pat Oliver, assistant professor on arts, says that, "Left unchecked, small talk can be an invasion. It′ s so powerful. It does something to you." "Every morning after spending an hour and a half on the freeway I start the day with small talk with my secretary," Oliver says, "If I don′t make small connection with another person, I can′ t work." What causes it? As a rule, you′re either trying to force something into your life, or you′re using conversation as an invisible force field to keep them out. You can be wanting to connect with another person, and small talk is your introduction to more meaning conversation. The way people use small talk is usually determined by where they happen to beat the time. Take the elevator, for instance. Now there′ s prime territory. Nobody knows anyone and there′ s no reason to start a conversation, but invariably, someone does. "Making conversation in such peaceful social settings," according to Oliver, "can confirm your territory. It′s a way of feeling liked and accepted." The topics of small talk don′t matter. In fact, you don′t want anything more taxing than the weather or the traffic. It′ s non-threatening talk in a threatening situation. However, the rules change quickly when you′re with lots of people doing lots of talking. Let′ s say you′ re at a party. Now it′ s time to use small talk as a way of making others feel more comfortable around you, so don′ t look silly standing by the food table alone all night. "Small talk", as interpreted by the author,_____________.A.has no real function in communication at all B.is usually meaningless and therefore useless C.is not as idle as it may seem to be D.is restricted to certain topics only

考题 根据下面资料,回答 "Hi there. How′ s it going?" "Oh, fine. Fine. How about this weather, huh?" "Well, I guess we can always use the rain." What is that? This story? Oh, just a little look at small talk. You know, those seemingly meaningless conversations you have dozens of times a day. Maybe you′re waiting for the elevator, or in a line at the bank. It all seems pretty trivial. Idle chatter about traffic doesn′t do much more than fill the air with empty words that are quickly forgotten. But you should know that small talk actually has a big place in our lives. Pat Oliver, assistant professor on arts, says that, "Left unchecked, small talk can be an invasion. It′ s so powerful. It does something to you." "Every morning after spending an hour and a half on the freeway I start the day with small talk with my secretary," Oliver says, "If I don′t make small connection with another person, I can′ t work." What causes it? As a rule, you′re either trying to force something into your life, or you′re using conversation as an invisible force field to keep them out. You can be wanting to connect with another person, and small talk is your introduction to more meaning conversation. The way people use small talk is usually determined by where they happen to beat the time. Take the elevator, for instance. Now there′ s prime territory. Nobody knows anyone and there′ s no reason to start a conversation, but invariably, someone does. "Making conversation in such peaceful social settings," according to Oliver, "can confirm your territory. It′s a way of feeling liked and accepted." The topics of small talk don′t matter. In fact, you don′t want anything more taxing than the weather or the traffic. It′ s non-threatening talk in a threatening situation. However, the rules change quickly when you′re with lots of people doing lots of talking. Let′ s say you′ re at a party. Now it′ s time to use small talk as a way of making others feel more comfortable around you, so don′ t look silly standing by the food table alone all night. Why is small talk described as "non-threatening talk in a threatening situation"?A.It is used by people to encourage those who are confronted with danger. B.It is used to show that one is enthusiastic and hospitable. C.It is used to create a more friendly atmosphere and to avoid embarrassment. D.It is used by people to protect others in the threatening situation.

考题 According to the author, at a big party, small talk is used with the purpose of__________.A.making both others and yourself feel at ease B.excluding those you don't like from joining you C.keeping your voice low so only your friends can hear you D.comforting those who feel lonely

考题 Being financially secure in retirement just doesn’t happen magically It takes lots of planning time and savings Some scary facts about retirement ?More than 50% of persons do not have enough finances for retirement ?25%do not participate in their company’s retirement plan ?The average person spends 20 years in retirement Here are some tips to help you plan correctly 1. Talk to a financial professional. Every few years it’s a good idea to schedule a meeting with a financial planner to get a “check-up”. It’s just like a doctor’s visit and you should really talk about your present situation and future goals 2. Save and keep on saving. Make it a habit to save as much as you can 3. Learn your retirement needs. Retirement can be expensive. Learn from today how much you need to save for your retirement. Talk to a financial planner or find an online retirement calculator 4. Take part in your employer’s retirement plans. If your company offers one it is usually the best tool you can use. Talk to a financial professional for all your options 5. Learn about pension. If you have an employer or government pension plan learn all the details 6. Keep your retirement savings off-limits. Don’t make a withdrawal until you retire. You might incur penalties and it will be a setback for realizing your goals Which of the following is NOT true about retirement?A. More than half of people don’t have enough finances for retirement B. A quarter of people don’t take part in their company’s retirement plan C. No one can be financially secure in retirement D. The average person will spend 20 years in retirement

考题 共用题干 第二篇Harmless RevengeRevenge is one of those things that everyone enjoys.People don't like to talk about it,though.Just thesame,there is nothing more satisfying or more rewarding than revenge.The purpose is not to harm your vic-tims but to let them know that you are upset about something that they are doing to you.Careful plotting can provide you with relief from bothersome co-workers,gossiping friends,or nagging family members.Co-workers who make comments about the fact that you are always fifteen minutes late for work can be taken care of very simply.All you have to do is get up extra early one day.Before the sun comes up,drive to each coworker's house.Reach under the hood of your coworker's car and disconnect the center wire that leads to the distributor cap,the car will be unharmed,but it will not start,and your friends at work will all be late for work on the same day.If you're lucky,your boss might notice that you are the only one there and will give you a raise.Gossiping friends at school are also perfect targets for a simple act of revenge.A way to trap either male or female friends is to leave phony messages on their lockers.If the friend that you want to get is male,leave a message that a certain girl would like him to stop by her house later that day.With any luck,her boyfriend will be there.The girl won't know what's going on,and the victim will be so embarrassed that he probably won't leave his home for a month.When Mom and Dad and your sisters and brothers really begin to annoy you,harmless revenge may be just the way to make them quiet down for a while.The dinner table is a likely place.Just before the meal begins,throw a handful of raisins into the food.Wait about five minutes and,after everyone has begun to eat,cover your mouth with your hand and begin to make odd noises.When they ask you what the matter is, point to a raisin and yell,"Bugs!"They dump their food in the disposal,jump into the car,and head for McDonald'a.That night,you'll have your first quiet,peaceful meal in a long time.A well-planned revenge does not have to hurt anyone.The object is simply to let other people know thatthey are beginning to bother you.The main topic of the passage is how toA:avoid nagging family members B:silence gossiping friendsC:make a harmless revengeD:deal with bothersome coworkers

考题 共用题干 Harmless RevengeRevenge is one of those things that everyone enjoys.People don't like to talk about it,though.Just the same,there is nothing more satisfying or more rewarding than revenge.The purpose is not to harm your victims but to let them know that you are upset about something that they are doing to you.Careful plotting can provide you with relief from bothersome co-workers,gossiping friends,or nagging family members.Co-workers who make comments about the fact that you are always fifteen minutes late for work can be taken care of very simply.All you have to do is get up extra early one day.Before the sun comes up,drive to each coworker's house.Reach under the hood of your coworker's car and disconnect the center wire that leads to the distributor cap,the car will be unharmed,but it will not start,and your friends at work will all be late for work on the same day.If you're lucky,your boss might notice that you are the only one there and will give you a raise.Gossiping friends at school are also perfect targets for a simple act of revenge.A way to trap either male or female friends is to leave phony messages on their lockers.If the friend that you want to get is male,leave a message that a certain girl would like him to stop by her house later that day.With any luck,her boyfriend will be there.The girl won't know what's going on,and the victim will be so embarrassed that he probably won't leave his home for a month.When Mom and Dad and your sisters and brothers really begin to annoy you,harmless revenge may be just the way to make them quiet down for a while.The dinner table is a likely place.Just before the meal begins,throw a handful of raisins into the food.Wait about five minutes and,after everyone has begun to eat,cover your mouth with your hand and begin to make odd noises.When they ask you what the matter is, point to a raisin and yell,"Bugs!"They dump their food in the disposal,jump into the car,and head for McDonald's.That night,you'11 have your first quiet,peaceful meal in a long time.A well-planned revenge does not have to hurt anyone.The object is simply to let other people know that they are beginning to bother you.According to the passage,a harmless revenge is______.A:to amuse the victim B:to react to those who bother youC:to prevent one from disturbing others D:to hurt nobody emotionally

考题 共用题干 Harmless RevengeRevenge is one of those things that everyone enjoys.People don't like to talk about it,though.Just the same,there is nothing more satisfying or more rewarding than revenge.The purpose is not to harm your victims but to let them know that you are upset about something that they are doing to you.Careful plotting can provide you with relief from bothersome co-workers,gossiping friends,or nagging family members.Co-workers who make comments about the fact that you are always fifteen minutes late for work can be taken care of very simply.All you have to do is get up extra early one day.Before the sun comes up,drive to each coworker's house.Reach under the hood of your coworker's car and disconnect the center wire that leads to the distributor cap,the car will be unharmed,but it will not start,and your friends at work will all be late for work on the same day.If you're lucky,your boss might notice that you are the only one there and will give you a raise.Gossiping friends at school are also perfect targets for a simple act of revenge.A way to trap either male or female friends is to leave phony messages on their lockers.If the friend that you want to get is male,leave a message that a certain girl would like him to stop by her house later that day.With any luck,her boyfriend will be there.The girl won't know what's going on,and the victim will be so embarrassed that he probably won't leave his home for a month.When Mom and Dad and your sisters and brothers really begin to annoy you,harmless revenge may be just the way to make them quiet down for a while.The dinner table is a likely place.Just before the meal begins,throw a handful of raisins into the food.Wait about five minutes and,after everyone has begun to eat,cover your mouth with your hand and begin to make odd noises.When they ask you what the matter is, point to a raisin and yell,"Bugs!"They dump their food in the disposal,jump into the car,and head for McDonald's.That night,you'11 have your first quiet,peaceful meal in a long time.A well-planned revenge does not have to hurt anyone.The object is simply to let other people know that they are beginning to bother you.The family members dumped their food in the disposal because______.A:they thought their food had been spoiled B:they wanted to eat outC:they wanted to have a peaceful meal D:they didn't like the food with raisins

考题 共用题干 第二篇Harmless RevengeRevenge is one of those things that everyone enjoys.People don't like to talk about it,though.Just thesame,there is nothing more satisfying or more rewarding than revenge.The purpose is not to harm your vic-tims but to let them know that you are upset about something that they are doing to you.Careful plotting can provide you with relief from bothersome co-workers,gossiping friends,or nagging family members.Co-workers who make comments about the fact that you are always fifteen minutes late for work can be taken care of very simply.All you have to do is get up extra early one day.Before the sun comes up,drive to each coworker's house.Reach under the hood of your coworker's car and disconnect the center wire that leads to the distributor cap,the car will be unharmed,but it will not start,and your friends at work will all be late for work on the same day.If you're lucky,your boss might notice that you are the only one there and will give you a raise.Gossiping friends at school are also perfect targets for a simple act of revenge.A way to trap either male or female friends is to leave phony messages on their lockers.If the friend that you want to get is male,leave a message that a certain girl would like him to stop by her house later that day.With any luck,her boyfriend will be there.The girl won't know what's going on,and the victim will be so embarrassed that he probably won't leave his home for a month.When Mom and Dad and your sisters and brothers really begin to annoy you,harmless revenge may be just the way to make them quiet down for a while.The dinner table is a likely place.Just before the meal begins,throw a handful of raisins into the food.Wait about five minutes and,after everyone has begun to eat,cover your mouth with your hand and begin to make odd noises.When they ask you what the matter is, point to a raisin and yell,"Bugs!"They dump their food in the disposal,jump into the car,and head for McDonald'a.That night,you'll have your first quiet,peaceful meal in a long time.A well-planned revenge does not have to hurt anyone.The object is simply to let other people know thatthey are beginning to bother you.Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the second example?A:The girl received a phony message.B:The victim was invited by the girl.C:The girl managed to revenge the victim harmlessly.D:The girl wasn't expecting the victim.

考题 共用题干 第二篇Harmless RevengeRevenge is one of those things that everyone enjoys.People don't like to talk about it,though.Just thesame,there is nothing more satisfying or more rewarding than revenge.The purpose is not to harm your vic-tims but to let them know that you are upset about something that they are doing to you.Careful plotting can provide you with relief from bothersome co-workers,gossiping friends,or nagging family members.Co-workers who make comments about the fact that you are always fifteen minutes late for work can be taken care of very simply.All you have to do is get up extra early one day.Before the sun comes up,drive to each coworker's house.Reach under the hood of your coworker's car and disconnect the center wire that leads to the distributor cap,the car will be unharmed,but it will not start,and your friends at work will all be late for work on the same day.If you're lucky,your boss might notice that you are the only one there and will give you a raise.Gossiping friends at school are also perfect targets for a simple act of revenge.A way to trap either male or female friends is to leave phony messages on their lockers.If the friend that you want to get is male,leave a message that a certain girl would like him to stop by her house later that day.With any luck,her boyfriend will be there.The girl won't know what's going on,and the victim will be so embarrassed that he probably won't leave his home for a month.When Mom and Dad and your sisters and brothers really begin to annoy you,harmless revenge may be just the way to make them quiet down for a while.The dinner table is a likely place.Just before the meal begins,throw a handful of raisins into the food.Wait about five minutes and,after everyone has begun to eat,cover your mouth with your hand and begin to make odd noises.When they ask you what the matter is, point to a raisin and yell,"Bugs!"They dump their food in the disposal,jump into the car,and head for McDonald'a.That night,you'll have your first quiet,peaceful meal in a long time.A well-planned revenge does not have to hurt anyone.The object is simply to let other people know thatthey are beginning to bother you.According to the passage,a harmless revenge is________.A:to amuse the victimB:to react to those who bother youC:to prevent one from disturbing othersD:to hurt nobody emotionally

考题 共用题干 Harmless RevengeRevenge is one of those things that everyone enjoys.People don't like to talk about it,though.Just the same,there is nothing more satisfying or more rewarding than revenge.The purpose is not to harm your victims but to let them know that you are upset about something that they are doing to you.Careful plotting can provide you with relief from bothersome co-workers,gossiping friends,or nagging family members.Co-workers who make comments about the fact that you are always fifteen minutes late for work can be taken care of very simply.All you have to do is get up extra early one day.Before the sun comes up,drive to each coworker's house.Reach under the hood of your coworker's car and disconnect the center wire that leads to the distributor cap,the car will be unharmed,but it will not start,and your friends at work will all be late for work on the same day.If you're lucky,your boss might notice that you are the only one there and will give you a raise.Gossiping friends at school are also perfect targets for a simple act of revenge.A way to trap either male or female friends is to leave phony messages on their lockers.If the friend that you want to get is male,leave a message that a certain girl would like him to stop by her house later that day.With any luck,her boyfriend will be there.The girl won't know what's going on,and the victim will be so embarrassed that he probably won't leave his home for a month.When Mom and Dad and your sisters and brothers really begin to annoy you,harmless revenge may be just the way to make them quiet down for a while.The dinner table is a likely place.Just before the meal begins,throw a handful of raisins into the food.Wait about five minutes and,after everyone has begun to eat,cover your mouth with your hand and begin to make odd noises.When they ask you what the matter is, point to a raisin and yell,"Bugs!"They dump their food in the disposal,jump into the car,and head for McDonald's.That night,you'11 have your first quiet,peaceful meal in a long time.A well-planned revenge does not have to hurt anyone.The object is simply to let other people know that they are beginning to bother you.Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the second example?A:The girl received a phony message.B:The victim was invited by the girl.C:The girl managed to revenge the victim harmlessly.D:The girl wasn't expecting the victim.

考题 共用题干 第二篇Harmless RevengeRevenge is one of those things that everyone enjoys.People don't like to talk about it,though.Just thesame,there is nothing more satisfying or more rewarding than revenge.The purpose is not to harm your vic-tims but to let them know that you are upset about something that they are doing to you.Careful plotting can provide you with relief from bothersome co-workers,gossiping friends,or nagging family members.Co-workers who make comments about the fact that you are always fifteen minutes late for work can be taken care of very simply.All you have to do is get up extra early one day.Before the sun comes up,drive to each coworker's house.Reach under the hood of your coworker's car and disconnect the center wire that leads to the distributor cap,the car will be unharmed,but it will not start,and your friends at work will all be late for work on the same day.If you're lucky,your boss might notice that you are the only one there and will give you a raise.Gossiping friends at school are also perfect targets for a simple act of revenge.A way to trap either male or female friends is to leave phony messages on their lockers.If the friend that you want to get is male,leave a message that a certain girl would like him to stop by her house later that day.With any luck,her boyfriend will be there.The girl won't know what's going on,and the victim will be so embarrassed that he probably won't leave his home for a month.When Mom and Dad and your sisters and brothers really begin to annoy you,harmless revenge may be just the way to make them quiet down for a while.The dinner table is a likely place.Just before the meal begins,throw a handful of raisins into the food.Wait about five minutes and,after everyone has begun to eat,cover your mouth with your hand and begin to make odd noises.When they ask you what the matter is, point to a raisin and yell,"Bugs!"They dump their food in the disposal,jump into the car,and head for McDonald'a.That night,you'll have your first quiet,peaceful meal in a long time.A well-planned revenge does not have to hurt anyone.The object is simply to let other people know thatthey are beginning to bother you.The family members dumped their food in the disposal because________.A:they thought their food had been spoiledB:they wanted to eat outC:they wanted to have a peaceful mealD:they didn't like the food with raisins

考题 共用题干 第二篇Harmless RevengeRevenge is one of those things that everyone enjoys.People don't like to talk about it,though.Just thesame,there is nothing more satisfying or more rewarding than revenge.The purpose is not to harm your vic-tims but to let them know that you are upset about something that they are doing to you.Careful plotting can provide you with relief from bothersome co-workers,gossiping friends,or nagging family members.Co-workers who make comments about the fact that you are always fifteen minutes late for work can be taken care of very simply.All you have to do is get up extra early one day.Before the sun comes up,drive to each coworker's house.Reach under the hood of your coworker's car and disconnect the center wire that leads to the distributor cap,the car will be unharmed,but it will not start,and your friends at work will all be late for work on the same day.If you're lucky,your boss might notice that you are the only one there and will give you a raise.Gossiping friends at school are also perfect targets for a simple act of revenge.A way to trap either male or female friends is to leave phony messages on their lockers.If the friend that you want to get is male,leave a message that a certain girl would like him to stop by her house later that day.With any luck,her boyfriend will be there.The girl won't know what's going on,and the victim will be so embarrassed that he probably won't leave his home for a month.When Mom and Dad and your sisters and brothers really begin to annoy you,harmless revenge may be just the way to make them quiet down for a while.The dinner table is a likely place.Just before the meal begins,throw a handful of raisins into the food.Wait about five minutes and,after everyone has begun to eat,cover your mouth with your hand and begin to make odd noises.When they ask you what the matter is, point to a raisin and yell,"Bugs!"They dump their food in the disposal,jump into the car,and head for McDonald'a.That night,you'll have your first quiet,peaceful meal in a long time.A well-planned revenge does not have to hurt anyone.The object is simply to let other people know thatthey are beginning to bother you.As a harmless revenge,you might come first and get a raise by________.A:making your colleagues come lateB:getting up earlier than your colleaguesC:destroying your colleagues' carsD:pleasing your boss

考题 共用题干 Harmless RevengeRevenge is one of those things that everyone enjoys.People don't like to talk about it,though.Just the same,there is nothing more satisfying or more rewarding than revenge.The purpose is not to harm your victims but to let them know that you are upset about something that they are doing to you.Careful plotting can provide you with relief from bothersome co-workers,gossiping friends,or nagging family members.Co-workers who make comments about the fact that you are always fifteen minutes late for work can be taken care of very simply.All you have to do is get up extra early one day.Before the sun comes up,drive to each coworker's house.Reach under the hood of your coworker's car and disconnect the center wire that leads to the distributor cap,the car will be unharmed,but it will not start,and your friends at work will all be late for work on the same day.If you're lucky,your boss might notice that you are the only one there and will give you a raise.Gossiping friends at school are also perfect targets for a simple act of revenge.A way to trap either male or female friends is to leave phony messages on their lockers.If the friend that you want to get is male,leave a message that a certain girl would like him to stop by her house later that day.With any luck,her boyfriend will be there.The girl won't know what's going on,and the victim will be so embarrassed that he probably won't leave his home for a month.When Mom and Dad and your sisters and brothers really begin to annoy you,harmless revenge may be just the way to make them quiet down for a while.The dinner table is a likely place.Just before the meal begins,throw a handful of raisins into the food.Wait about five minutes and,after everyone has begun to eat,cover your mouth with your hand and begin to make odd noises.When they ask you what the matter is, point to a raisin and yell,"Bugs!"They dump their food in the disposal,jump into the car,and head for McDonald's.That night,you'11 have your first quiet,peaceful meal in a long time.A well-planned revenge does not have to hurt anyone.The object is simply to let other people know that they are beginning to bother you.The main topic of the passage is how to______.A:avoid nagging family members B:silence gossiping friendsC:make a harmless revenge D:deal with bothersome coworkers

考题 Passage Three Americans are well known for the strange diets they always seem to be following.It seems that Americans like to diet almost as much as they like to eat.New types of diet plans are always coming out.Usually,though,they don't stay popular for long. There are many diets on the market.It is often difficult to know which ones really work.It's also hard to believe how fast a dieter is supposed to shed pounds.A lot has been written about dieting.And some interesting facts about diets and foods have been discovered. For example,did you know that the more celery you eat,the more weight you will lose?Celery has“negative”calories.The body burns up more calories digesting a piece of celery than there are in the celery stick itself. Dieters?shun?potatoes because they think they are fattening.But they aren't.A potato has about the same number of calories as an apple.To gain a single pound,you would have to eat eleven pounds of potatoes! Some dieters even worry about getting fat from licking postage stamps.But they have nothing to worry about.The glue on an average stamp has only about one-tenth of a calorie.Maybe a diet of post-age stamps would be popular? One could conclude from this passage that______A.dieting is not a healthy practice B.everyone diets C.there is only one good way to lose weight D.dieting can be confusing

考题 Five Ways to Win Over Everyone in the Office Is it possible to like everyone in your office?Think about how tough it is to get together 15 people,much less 50,who all get along perfectly.But unlike in friendships,you need coworkers.You work with them every day and you depend on them just as they depend on you.Here are some ways that you can get the whole office on your side 41.____If you have a bone to pick with someone in your workplace,you may try stay tight-lipped around them.But you won't be helping either one of you.A Harvard Business School study found that observers consistently rated those who were frank about themselves more highly,while those who hid lost trustworthiness.The lesson is not that you should make your personal life an open book,but rather,when given the option to offer up details about yourself or painstakingly conceal them,you should just be honest.42._____Just as important as being honest about yourself is being receptive to others.We often feel the need to tell others how we feel,whether it's a concern about a project,a stray thought,or a compliment.Those are all valid,but you need to take time to hear out your coworkers,too.In fact,rushing to get your own ideas out there can cause colleagues to feel you don't value their opinions.Do your best to engage coworkers in a genuine,back-and-forth conversation,rather than prioritizing your own thoughts.43._____It's common to have a“cubicle mate"or special confidant in a work setting.But in addition to those trusted coworkers,you should expand your horizons and find out about all the people around you.Use your lunch and coffee breaks to meet up with colleagues you don't always see.Find out about their lives and interests beyond the job.It requires minimal effort and goes a long way.This will help to gTow your internal network,in addition to being a nice break in the work day.44._____Positive feedback is important for anyone to hear.And you don't have to be someone's boss to tell them they did an exceptional job on a particular project.This will help engender good will in others.But don't overdo it or be fake about it.One study found that people responded best to comments that shifted from negative to positive,possibly because it suggested they had won somebody over.45.______This one may be a bit more difficult to pull off,but it can go a long way to achieving results.Remember in dealing with any coworker what they appreciate from an interaction.Watch out for how they verbalize with others.Some people like small talk in a meeting before digging into important matters,while other are more straightforward.Jokes that work one person won't necessarily land with another,So,adapt your style accordingly to type.Consider the person that you re dealing with in advance and what will get you to your desired outcome.44选?A.Give compliments,just not too many.B.Put on a good face,always.C.Tailor your interactions.D.Spend time with everyone.E.Reveal,don't hide,information. F.Slow down and listen. G.Put yourselves in others'shoes.

考题 When your WebLogic Server solution needs to be scaled out with additional capacity and you  Don’t want to add additional hardware, which three techniques should you us?()A、Assign more than one managed server to a physical hardware that allows better CPU  utilizationB、Assign more than one application to one managed server to better utilize threads within a single JVM processC、Assign the same application to more than one managed server to load balance requests  between serversD、Assign the same heap size to the managed server across the cluster for easier control of  memory footprint  E、Create a virtualized environment with hypervisor for an easier solution

考题 单选题According to the author, at a big party, small talk is used with the purpose of ______.A making both others and yourself feel at easeB excluding those you don’t like from joining youC keeping your voice low so only your friends can hear youD comforting those who feel lonely

考题 问答题We live in a society which there is a lot of talk about science, but I would   1.______say that there are not 5 percent of the people who are equipped with schooling,including college, to understand scientific reasoning. We are more ignorant ofscience than people with comparable education in Western Europe.           ?2.______There are a lot of kids who know everything about computers — how tobuild them, how to take them apart, and how to write programs for games. So    ? ? 3.______if you ask them to explain about the principles of physics that have gone into   ? ?4.______creating the computer, you don’t have the faintest idea.             ? ? 5.______  The failure to understand science leads to such things like the neglect of   ? ?6.______human creative power. It also takes rise to blurring of the distinction between   ? 7.______science and technology. Lots of people don’t differ between the two. Science is the 8.______production of new knowledge that can be applied or not, and technology is theapplication of knowledge to the production of some products, machinery or thelike. The two are really very different, and people who have the faculty for onevery seldom have a faculty for the others.                      ?9.______Science in itself is harmless, more or less. But as soon as it can providetechnology, it is not necessarily harmful. No society has yet learned to forecast   10.______the consequences of new technology, which can be enormous.

考题 单选题Which of the following is the best way to combine sentences 2 and 3 (reproduced below)?They simply select the candidate by picking the one whose personality they like the most. They don't realize that choosing a leader is a much more serious task than that.A They don't realize that choosing a leader is more serious than that, selecting the one whose personality they like the most.B Selecting the one that has the personality they like most, they don't realize that it’s more serious than that.C Not realizing how serious a task it is to choose a leader, they simply select the candidate whose personality they like most.D Because of not realizing how serious it is choosing a leader, they simply select the candidate whose personality they like most.E Because they simply select the candidate with the personality they like the most, they don't realize that choosing a leader is more serious than that.

考题 单选题Which of the following conclusions does information in Paragraph 2 support?A Men are more susceptible to colds than women.B Women having babies are more susceptible to colds.C People who live in a cold climate have more colds than those who live in a warm one.D People who don’t have children are more susceptible to colds than those who do in their thirties or forties.