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Please distribute books among the students.



解析:本句意思是:请把书分给学生们。句中distribute意为“分发”,例如: Students shouted slogans and distributed leaflets.学生们喊着口号,分发着传单。四个选项中:allocate意为“分配”,例如:Local authorities have to learn to allocate resources efficiently.地方政府必须学会有效地分配资源。deliver意为“运送”,例如:We were told the pizza would be delivered in 20 minutes.我们被告知比萨饼20分钟后送到。withdraw意为“后退”,例如:All foreign forces would withdraw as soon as the crisis ended.随着危机的结束,所有的外国军队都将撤离。 pass意为“经过”。只有选项A同句中画线单词含义接近。
更多 “ Please distribute books among the students.A:allocate B:deliver C:withdraw D:pass” 相关考题
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考题 Which of the following statements about a money market is NOT true according to this passage?A.Money market does not exist in planned economies.B.Money market has been established in some socialist countries.C.Money market encourages open competition among bulk suppliers of funds.D.Money market relies upon market processes to distribute funds to final users.

考题 执行()命令操作,元器件按垂直均匀分布。A.VerticallyB.Distribute VerticallyC.Center VerticallyD.Distribute

考题 9. —Boys and girls, please bring________ books to school.—OK,Mrs Li.A.a lotB.a lots ofC.lot ofD.lots of

考题 We shared the books ( ) ourselves. A、inB、forC、betweenD、among

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考题 The government()schools.Asupply free books withBsupplies free books toCsupplies freebooks withDsupply free books to

考题 策略中心普通文件分发策略,文件分发之前要先将文件上传到服务器。默认的存放目录是()。A、VRV/RegionManage/Distribute/PathB、VRV/RegionManage/Distribute/SoftwareC、VRV/VRVEIS/Distribute/patchD、VRV/VRVEIS/Distribute/Software

考题 What is the order of preference for these commands when all of them are applied to one neighbor in theBGP inbound filter direction?()A、prefix-list, route-map, filter-list, distribute listB、route-map, filter-list, prefix-list, distribute-listC、route-map, distribute-list, prefix-list, filter-listD、filter-list, prefix list, route-map, distribute listE、distribute list, prefix-list, route-map, fitter list

考题 How can swap file performance in Windows 2000 Professional be increased?()A、limit the Swap File to one physical diskB、distribute the Swap File among multiple physical disksC、distribute the Swap File over multiple partitions on the same physical diskD、limit the size of the Swap File to the amount of RAM + 2 MB

考题 策略中心普通文件分发策略,文件分发之前要将文件上传到服务器。默认文件上传到服务器()目录下。A、VRV/RegionManage/Distribute/patch目录下B、VRV/RegionManage/Distribute/Software目录下C、VRV/VRVEIS/Distribute/patch目录下D、VRV/VRVEIS/Distribute/Software目录下

考题 In IBM Maximo Asset Management V6.2, what does the Purchase Orders applications Distribute Costs action do?()A、 Distribute the line item cost among all lines.B、 Distribute the line item cost among all direct issue lines.C、 Distribute the line item cost among multiple GL accounts.D、 Distribute the purchase order cost among multiple GL accounts.

考题 You are designing the Active Directory infrastructure to meet the business and technical requirements. You run ADSizer, and find that it provides a solution that contains only one domain controller for Amsterdam.  What should you do?()A、 Place at least two domain controllers in Amsterdam.B、 Configure the domain controller as a bridgehead server.C、 Configure the domain controller as a global catalog server.D、 Distribute the users among sites in ADSizer and recalculate the number of domain controllers.

考题 “请上车”用英文表达为()。A、Please hold onB、Please get upC、Please keep itD、Please get on the car

考题 单选题You can take anything from the shelf and read, but please______the books when you've finished with them.A put onB put downC put backD put off

考题 单选题In IBM Maximo Asset Management V6.2, what does the Purchase Orders applications Distribute Costs action do?()A  Distribute the line item cost among all lines.B  Distribute the line item cost among all direct issue lines.C  Distribute the line item cost among multiple GL accounts.D  Distribute the purchase order cost among multiple GL accounts.

考题 单选题Would you please _____ these books to your classmates?A hand outB hand downC hand inD hand over

考题 单选题Putting the bottles, boxes and books back where they belong, please. Don't leave them on the desk.A PuttingB whereC belongD leave

考题 单选题The government()schools.A supply free books withB supplies free books toC supplies freebooks withD supply free books to

考题 问答题Passage 4  ● Read the memo and the request below.  ● Complete the form on the following page.  ● Write a word, phrase or number in spaces 41-45 on your book.  Memo  To: Charles Murphy@yahoo.com  From: Robert James@sohu.com  Subject: Books Not Delivered  Message:  April 8, 2005  Charles,  You were going to send the books on International Trade and Multi-cultural Communication to me by yesterday. They have not arrived. Please get in touch with me ASAP. We need these books for tomorrow afternoon’s meeting.Thanks,Rnbert  A Request for the Books Ordered  The person who received the message:    (41)______  What happened:               (42)______  When were the books due to arrive:     (43)______  The name of the book:           (44)______  When will the book be used:        (45)______

考题 单选题What is the order of preference for these commands when all of them are applied to one neighbor in theBGP inbound filter direction?()A prefix-list, route-map, filter-list, distribute listB route-map, filter-list, prefix-list, distribute-listC route-map, distribute-list, prefix-list, filter-listD filter-list, prefix list, route-map, distribute listE distribute list, prefix-list, route-map, fitter list

考题 问答题Since a particular bookstore happens to resemble a supermarket anyway, the inescapable, though perhaps unintended, message is that books are consumable items, meant to be devoured and forgotten, like potatoes or pizza. The implied inclusion of books among the world’s perishable goods is hardly made more agreeable by the reflection that increasing numbers of books these days do seem to be written with just such consumption in mind, and that most bookstores have become little more than news stands for hard cover publications of this sort, which are merchandised for a few weeks—sometimes only as long as they remain on the best-seller lists—and are then retired to discount store (those jumbled graveyards of books, so saddening to the hearts of authors)shortly before dropping out of print altogether. Books that are planned for rapid oblivion probably make some kind of economic sense to publishing houses, but as contribution to literature they amount to a contradiction in terms.

考题 单选题A: Could I trouble you to return these two books for me?  B: _______A It’s no trouble at all.B Yes, please.C Why didn’t you go to the library yourself?D Sure, I’ll be glad to.

考题 问答题Some people believe that a college or university education should be available to all students. Others believe that higher education should be available only to good students. Which view do you agree with and why?