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解析:SAL又称无菌保证水平,是评价灭菌效果的质控指标之-指最终无菌产 品的微生物存活概率。100 万个制品中只允许有一个制品染菌,才达到可靠的灭菌效果。
更多 “SAL” 相关考题
考题 以下语句错误的是( )A.select sal+1 from emp;B.select sal*10,sal*deptno from emp;C.不能使用运算符号D.select sal*10,deptno*10 from emp;

考题 以下语句不正确的是( )A.select * from emp;B.select ename,hiredate,sal from emp;C.select * from emp order deptno;D.select * from where deptno=1 and sal

考题 以下说法错误的是( )A.SELECT max(sal),deptno,job FROM EMP group by sal;B.SELECT max(sal),deptno,job FROM EMP group by deptno;C.SELECT max(sal),deptno,job FROM EMP;D.SELECT max(sal),deptno,job FROM EMP group by job;

考题 Examine the following commands and their output:SQL SELECT ename, sal FROM emp WHERE ename=‘JAMES‘; ENAME SAL JAMES 1050QL UPDATE emp SET sal=sal+sal*1.2 WHERE ename=‘JAMES‘;1 row updated.SQL SELECT ename, sal FROM emp WHERE ename=‘JAMES‘; ENAME SAL JAMES 2310View the exhibit and examine the Flashback Version Query that was executed after the preceding commands.What could be the possible cause for the query not displaying any row?()A. Flashback logging is not enabled for the database.B. The changes made to the table are not committed.C. Supplemental logging is not enabled for the database.D. The database is not configured in ARCHIVELOG mode.

考题 emp表是雇员信息表,sal字段存放是的雇员的月薪,以下哪个变量可以存放sal类型的值() A.v_sal emp%rowtype;B.v_sal emp.sal%type;C.v_sal emp.sal.%type;D.v_sal %type(emp.sal);E.v_sal (emp.sal)%type;

考题 取出工资在2000到3000元(包括上下限)之间的员工() A.select * from emp wher sal in (2000,3000);B.select * from emp wher sal like (2000,3000);C.select * from emp wher sal = (2000,3000);D.select * from emp wher sal between 2000 and 3000;


考题 以下查询语句合法的是哪三项?() A.selectempno ,sum(sal) from scott.emp group by deptnoB.select*fromscott.empC.selectsum(sal)fromscott.empgroupbydeptnoD.selectcount(empno) from scott.emp

考题 SAL是()指令;SHR是()指令。

考题 请查看以下IF语句:DECLARESalNUMBER:=500;BeginIFSal100thenComm:=0:ELSIFSal600thenComm:=sal*0.1;ELSIFsal1ooothenComm:=sal*0.15;ELSEComm:=sal*0.2:ENDIF;END;当执行了以上语句之后,变量COMM的结果为()。A、0B、50C、75D、100

考题 国际水陆路包裹英文简称SAL包裹。

考题 国际邮件中盲人读物航空或SAL方式寄递时,应付()或SAL运费。A、挂号费B、航空费C、平常信件邮费D、保价费

考题 带符号数乘以2操作用()移位指令实现。A、SAL AL,1B、SAL AL,2C、SHR AL,1D、ROL AL,2

考题 对于雇员表(EMP)中的员工薪水(SAL)进行分级,3000元以上的为A级,2000元以上到3000元为B级,2000元及以下为C级,以下哪此操作能实现以上要求()A、select sal,decode(sal3000,'A',sal2000,'B','C') grade from emp;B、select sal,decode(sal,3000,'A',2000,'B','C') grade from emp;C、select sal,(case when sal3000 then 'A' when sal2000 then 'B' else 'C' end) grade from emp;D、select sal,(if sal3000 then 'A' elsif sal2000 then 'B' else 'C' end if) grade from emp;

考题 Evaluate this SQL statement: SELECT ename, sal, 12* sal+100 FROM emp; The SAL column stores the monthly salary of the employee. Which change must be made to the above syntax to calculate the annual compensation as "monthly salary plus a monthly bonus of $100, multiplied by 12"? ()A、No change is required to achieve the desired results.B、SELECT ename, sal, 12* (sal+100) FROM emp;C、SELECT ename, sal, (12* sal)+100 FROM emp;D、SELECT ename, sal +100,*12 FROM emp;


考题 Examine the structure of the EMPLOYEES table: EMPLOYEE_ID NUMBER NOT NULL EMP_NAME VARCHAR2(30) JOB_ID VARCHAR2(20) DEFAULT 'SA_REP' SAL NUMBER COMM_PCT NUMBER MGR_ID NUMBER DEPARTMENT_ID NUMBER You need to update the records of employees 103 and 115. The UPDATE statement you specify should update the rows with the values specified below: JOB_ID: Default value specified for this column definition. SAL: Maximum salary earned for the job ID SA_REP. COMM_PCT: Default value specified for this commission percentage column, if any. If no default value is specified for the column, the value should be NULL. DEPARTMENT_ID: Supplied by the user during run time through substitution variable. Which UPDATE statement meets the requirements?()A、UPDATE employees SET job_id = DEFAULT AND Sal = (SELECT MAX(sal) FROM employees WHERE job_id = 'SA_REP') AND comm_pct = DEFAULT AND department_id = did WHERE employee_id IN (103,115);B、UPDATE employees SET job_id = DEFAULT AND Sal = MAX(sal) AND comm_pct = DEFAULT OR NULL AND department_id = did WHERE employee_id IN (103,115) AND job_id = 'SA_REP';C、UPDATE employeesC.UPDATE employees SET job_id = DEFAULT, Sal = (SELECT MAX(sal) FROM employees WHERE job_id = 'SA_REP'), comm_pct = DEFAULT, department_id = did WHERE employee_id IN (103,115);D、UPDATE employeesD.UPDATE employees SET job_id = DEFAULT, Sal = MAX(sal), comm_pct = DEFAULT, department_id = did WHERE employee_id IN (103,115) AND job_id = 'SA_REP';E、UPDATE employees SET job_id = DEFAULT, Sal = (SELECT MAX(sal) FROM employees WHERE job_id = 'SA_REP'), comm_pct = DEFAULT OR NULL, department_id = did WHERE employee_id IN (103,115);

考题 You execute the following piece of code with appropriate privileges: User SCOTT has been granted theCREATE SESSION privilege and the MGR role.Which two statements are true when a session logged in as SCOTT queries the SAL column in the viewand the table?()A、Data is redacted for the EMP.SAL column only if the SCOTT session does not have the MGR role set.B、Data is redacted for EMP.SAL column only if the SCOTT session has the MGR role set.C、Data is never redacted for the EMP_V.SAL column.D、Data is redacted for the EMP_V.SAL column only if the SCOTT session has the MGR role set.E、Data is redacted for the EMP_V.SAL column only if the SCOTT session does not have the MGR role set.

考题 取出工资在2000到3000元(包括上下限)之间的员工()A、select * from emp wher sal in (2000,3000);B、select * from emp wher sal like (2000,3000);C、select * from emp wher sal = (2000,3000);D、select * from emp wher sal between 2000 and 3000;

考题 User SCOTT executes the following command on the EMP table but has not issued COMMIT, ROLLBACK, orany data definition language (DDL) command: SQL SELECT ename FROM emp WHERE job=’CLERK’ FOR UPDATE OF empno; SCOTT has opened another session to work with the database instance.  Which three operations would waitwhen issued in SCOTT’s second session()A、LOCK TABLE emp IN SHARE MODE;B、LOCK TABLE emp IN EXCLUSIVE MODE;C、UPDATE emp SET sal=sal*1.2 WHERE job=ANAGER?UPDATE emp SET sal=sal*1.2 WHERE job=?ANAGER?D、INSERT INTO emp(empno,ename) VALUES (1289,’Harry’);E、SELECT ename FROM emp WHERE job=’CLERK’ FOR UPDATE OF empno

考题 Examine the structure of the EMPLOYEES table: EMPLOYEE_ID NUMBER NOT NULL EMP_NAME VARCHAR2(30) JOB_ID VARCHAR2(20) DEFAULT 'SA_REP' SAL NUMBER COMM_PCT NUMBER MGR_ID NUMBER DEPARTMENT_ID NUMBER You need to update the records of employees 103 and 115. The UPDATE statement you specify should update the rows with the values specified below: JOB_ID: Default value specified for this column definition. SAL: Maximum salary earned for the job ID SA_REP. COMM_PCT: Default value specified for this commission percentage column, if any. If no default value is specified for the column, the value should be NULL. DEPARTMENT_ID: Supplied by the user during run time through substitution variable. Which UPDATE statement meets the requirements?()A、UPDATE employees SET job_id = DEFAULT AND Sal = (SELECT MAX(sal) FROM employees WHERE job_id = 'SA_REP') AND comm_pct = DEFAULT AND department_id = did WHERE employee _id IN (103,115);B、UPDATE employees SET job_id = DEFAULT AND Sal = MAX(sal) AND comm_pct = DEFAULT OR NULL AND department_id = did WHERE employee_id IN (103,115) AND job _ id = 'SA_ REP';C、UPDATE employees SET job_id = DEFAULT, Sal = (SELECT MAX(sal) FROM employees WHERE job_id = 'SA_REP'), comm_pct = DEFAULT, department_id = did WHERE employee_id IN (103,115);D、UPDATE employees SET job_id = DEFAULT, Sal = MAX(sal), comm_pct = DEFAULT, department_id = did WHERE employee_id IN (103,115) AND job _ id = 'SA_ REP';E、UPDATE employees SET job_id = DEFAULT, Sal = (SELECT MAX(sal) FROM employees WHERE job_id = 'SA_REP') comm_pct = DEFAULT OR NULL, department_id = did WHERE employee_id IN (103,115);

考题 多选题You execute the following piece of code with appropriate privileges: User SCOTT has been granted theCREATE SESSION privilege and the MGR role.Which two statements are true when a session logged in as SCOTT queries the SAL column in the viewand the table?()AData is redacted for the EMP.SAL column only if the SCOTT session does not have the MGR role set.BData is redacted for EMP.SAL column only if the SCOTT session has the MGR role set.CData is never redacted for the EMP_V.SAL column.DData is redacted for the EMP_V.SAL column only if the SCOTT session has the MGR role set.EData is redacted for the EMP_V.SAL column only if the SCOTT session does not have the MGR role set.

考题 多选题Which two statements complete a transaction?()ADELETE employees;BDESCRIBE employees;CROLLBACK TO SAVE POINT C;DGRANT SELECT ON employees TO SCOTHEALTER TABLE employees SET UNUSED COLUMN sal;FSelect MAX(sal) FROM employees WHERE department _ id 20;

考题 填空题SAL是()指令;SHR是()指令。

考题 单选题Whom should the application form be sent to if you want to apply for SAL FFP Membership?A SAL FFP Club.B The SAL ticket office.C The SAL headquarters.D SAL Customer Service Center.

考题 单选题国际邮件中盲人读物航空或SAL方式寄递时,应付()或SAL运费。A 挂号费B 航空费C 平常信件邮费D 保价费

考题 ( 难度:中等)以下哪些Mysql语句是正确的?A.select * from emp; B.select ename,hiredate,sal from emp;  C.select * from emp order deptno;  D.select * from where deptno=1 and sal<300;E.select * from where deptno=1 group by sal;