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Which three statements are true regarding the Network Time Protocol (NTP) in JUNOS platforms?()

A.MD5 authentication is supported.

B.A client always synchronizes to a server even when the difference between the server clock and the local clock differs by a large amount.

C.JUNOS software can provide a primary time reference.

D.The boot-server configuration allows a router to synchronize its clock when it boots up, regardless of the offset between the NTP clock source and its internal clock.

E.It is useful to correlate timestamps on log files and other events for troubleshooting and forensics.


更多 “ Which three statements are true regarding the Network Time Protocol (NTP) in JUNOS platforms?() A.MD5 authentication is supported.B.A client always synchronizes to a server even when the difference between the server clock and the local clock differs by a large amount.C.JUNOS software can provide a primary time reference.D.The boot-server configuration allows a router to synchronize its clock when it boots up, regardless of the offset between the NTP clock source and its internal clock.E.It is useful to correlate timestamps on log files and other events for troubleshooting and forensics. ” 相关考题
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