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A technician is dispatched to install additional RAM in a computer. The technician unplugs thesystem from the power source, and removes the cover of the PC. Which of the following shouldthe technician do NEXT?()

A. Update the BIOS for compatibility.

B. Put on an ESD strap.

C. Use an anti-static bag to hold the RAM while installing.

D. Clean out the PC with compressed air.


更多 “ A technician is dispatched to install additional RAM in a computer. The technician unplugs thesystem from the power source, and removes the cover of the PC. Which of the following shouldthe technician do NEXT?()A. Update the BIOS for compatibility.B. Put on an ESD strap.C. Use an anti-static bag to hold the RAM while installing.D. Clean out the PC with compressed air. ” 相关考题
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