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The InnoDB engine has a feature known as clustered indexes.Which three statements are true about clustered indexes as used in InnoDB?()

A.A primary key must exist for creation of a clustered index

B.A clustered index allows fulltext searching within InnoDB

C.The first unique index is always used as a clustered index and not a primary key

D.A clustered index provides direct access to a page containing row data

E.If no indexes exist, a hidden clustered index is generated based on row IDs

F.A primary key is used as a clustered index

G.A clustered index is a grouping of indexes from different tables into a global index for faster searching


更多 “ The InnoDB engine has a feature known as clustered indexes.Which three statements are true about clustered indexes as used in InnoDB?() A.A primary key must exist for creation of a clustered indexB.A clustered index allows fulltext searching within InnoDBC.The first unique index is always used as a clustered index and not a primary keyD.A clustered index provides direct access to a page containing row dataE.If no indexes exist, a hidden clustered index is generated based on row IDsF.A primary key is used as a clustered indexG.A clustered index is a grouping of indexes from different tables into a global index for faster searching ” 相关考题
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考题 关于innoDB锁,下面描述正确的是A.InnoDB通过对索引项加锁实现行锁.B.InnoDB锁能够避免并发更新造成更新丢失.C.InnoDB中一个正在执行的事务中更新了多行记录,已经更新了的行上锁会自动释放.D.InnoDB中select for update操作和update操作所加的锁不同.

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考题 关于InnoDB存储引擎,下面说法错误的是A.InnoDB表为索引组织表,数据是以主键排序的,如果表中没有主键,那么表是堆表B.InnoDB表数据页默认大小和Oracle默认大小一样,都是8KC.InnoDB数据修改前一定会写事务日志,事务提交时会将数据以及日志刷到磁盘D.InnoDB锁包含记录锁以及间隙锁,间隙锁是指锁住索引区间,避免插入

考题 关于InnoDB存储引擎,下面说法正确的是:A.InnoDB存储引擎中的update操作,一定是先写事务日志,再修改数据内容.B.InnoDB存储引擎可以通过配置,牺牲持久化安全,提高性能.C.InnoDB存储引擎不会出现脏读.D.InnoDB存储引擎持久化的时候,每个commit必须将日志先刷到磁盘.