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When executing a SQL workload, you choose to generate execution plans only, without collecting execution statistics. Which two statements describe the implications of this? ()(Choose two.)

A. It produces less accurate results of the comparison analysis.

B. It automatically calls the SQL Tuning Advisor for recommendations.

C. It shortens the time of execution and reduces the impact on system resources.

D. Only the changes in the execution plan, and not performance regression, are detected.


更多 “ When executing a SQL workload, you choose to generate execution plans only, without collecting execution statistics. Which two statements describe the implications of this? ()(Choose two.) A. It produces less accurate results of the comparison analysis.B. It automatically calls the SQL Tuning Advisor for recommendations.C. It shortens the time of execution and reduces the impact on system resources.D. Only the changes in the execution plan, and not performance regression, are detected. ” 相关考题
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