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Given two different character sets (A and B), which of the following must be true for A to be considered a strict superset of B?()

A. A must contain all of the characters defined in B

B. A must be Unicode

C. The encoded values in A must match the encoded values in B for all characters defined in B

D. A must be a multibyte character set

E. The encoded values in A must match the encoded values in B for all numeric and alphabetic characters in B


更多 “ Given two different character sets (A and B), which of the following must be true for A to be considered a strict superset of B?() A. A must contain all of the characters defined in BB. A must be UnicodeC. The encoded values in A must match the encoded values in B for all characters defined in BD. A must be a multibyte character setE. The encoded values in A must match the encoded values in B for all numeric and alphabetic characters in B ” 相关考题
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考题 下列复选框构造方法,错误的是()。A.setLayout(newGridLayout(3,1));B.add(newCheckbox("one",null,true));C.add(newCheckbox("tWO");D.add(newCheckbox("one",true);

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