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( ):The capability provided to the consumer is to use the provider’s applications runningon a cloud infrastructure,The applications are accessible from various client devicesthrough either a thin client interface, such as a web browser (e.g.,web-based E-mail),or a program interface.






更多 “ ( ):The capability provided to the consumer is to use the provider’s applications runningon a cloud infrastructure,The applications are accessible from various client devicesthrough either a thin client interface, such as a web browser (e.g.,web-based E-mail),or a program interface.A.laaSB.PaaSC.SaaSD.DaaS ” 相关考题
考题 The Americans and the British not only speak the same language but also ____ a large number of social customs. A. produceB. shareC. provideD. copy

考题 [A] provided[B] since[C] whereas[D] though

考题 We need a volunteer to () the relief supplies to the victims.A、distributeB、allocateC、provideD、supply

考题 She and Mary not only look alike but also ______ the same tastes and interests A. produceB. shareC. provideD. copy

考题 YouareusingResourceManagertomanagesystemresources.Whilecreatinganewdatabaseuser,youobservethattheuserisamemberofDEFAULT_CONSUMER_GROUPbydefault.Whatwouldbetheimplicationsofthis?() A.TheResourceManagerplandoesnotaffecttheuser.B.Theremustbeaplandirectiveinanyoftheplansofthegrouptocontroltheresources.C.ThemembersofthegroupDEFAULT_CONSUMER_GROUPalwayshaveresourcerestrictions.D.ThemembersofDEFAULT_CONSUMER_GROUParerestrainedfromaccessingthesystemtables.E.Themembersofthisgroupcanchangetheirgroupwithoutthedatabaseadministrator’sintervention.

考题 The SMS should provide for specific measures aimed at promoting the of equipment or systems, the sudden operational failure of which may result in hazardous situations.A.visibilityB.abilityC.reliabilityD.capability

考题 The visitors are impressed by the hospitality of the local people.A.friendlinessB.banquetC.presentD.capability

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考题 The five general electronic commerce categories are business-to-consumer,business-to-business,business processes,consumer-to-______,and business-to-government.A.consumer B.government C.business D.customers

考题 The company has the right to end his employment at any time.A:offer B:stop C:provide D:continue