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A user reports that they are getting an error when trying to save a video file to a share on a server running Windows Server 2003. The administrator looks at the file and finds that it is 5GB. The administrator checks the server and finds that the server has 100GB of free space. This file needs to be saved on the server.Which of the following should the administrator do to accomplish this?()

A. Convert the filesystem to EXT3.

B. Convert the filesystem to VMFS.

C. Convert the filesystem to NTFS.

D. Convert the filesystem to FAT32.


更多 “ A user reports that they are getting an error when trying to save a video file to a share on a server running Windows Server 2003. The administrator looks at the file and finds that it is 5GB. The administrator checks the server and finds that the server has 100GB of free space. This file needs to be saved on the server.Which of the following should the administrator do to accomplish this?()A. Convert the filesystem to EXT3.B. Convert the filesystem to VMFS.C. Convert the filesystem to NTFS.D. Convert the filesystem to FAT32. ” 相关考题
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