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更多 “ 吸收和隔离设备运转时产生的振动,可以防止发生()现象。A.偏差B.倾翻C.共振D.冲击 ” 相关考题
考题 内曲线液压马达在______时,可将其配油轴在周向进行微调。A.发生爬行现象B.工作压力过高C.困油产生噪声振动D.发生液压冲击

考题 设备基础的功能是()。A.稳定设备 B文明生产B.提高产品质量C.吸收和隔离设备运转时的振动

考题 密接式车钩缓冲装置的缓冲系统在列车运行过程中起()作用。 A、吸收冲击能量,缓和纵向冲击和振动B、减轻车钩撞击现象C、吸收冲击能量D、缓和纵向冲击和振动

考题 66、在鱼洗实验中,下列哪个说法是正确的? In the fish washing experiment, which of the following statements is true?A.当鱼洗器壁的振动频率越来越接近于鱼洗固有频率时,产生共振现象; Resonance phenomenon occurs when the vibration frequency of the wall of the fish washer is closer and closer to the natural frequency of the fish washer;###SXB###B.当鱼洗器壁的振动频率大于鱼洗固有频率时,产生共振现象; Resonance phenomenon occurs when the vibration frequency of the wall of the fish washer is greater than the natural frequency of the fish washer;###SXB###C.当鱼洗器壁的振动频率小于鱼洗固有频率时,产生共振现象; When the vibration frequency of the fish

考题 运输包装变频振动试验包括:A.扫频振动试验、变频重复冲击试验;B.扫频振动试验、扫频+共振试验、变频重复冲击试验;C.扫频+共振试验、变频重复冲击试验;D.扫频+共振试验;

考题 5、关于振动的叠加,以下说法正确的是:A.产生的合振动振幅时强时弱的现象称为共振;B.产生的合振动振幅时强时弱的现象称为拍频;C.合振动在1s内加强或减弱的次数称为拍;D.拍频为两分振动频率之差。

考题 变频振动试验包括:A.扫频振动试验、变频重复冲击试验;B.扫频振动试验、扫频+共振试验、变频重复冲击试验;C.扫频+共振试验、变频重复冲击试验;D.扫频+共振试验;

考题 当轴所受的外力频率与轴的自振频率一致时,运转便不稳定而发生显著振动,这种现象称为轴的振动。产生共振时的转速称为临界转速。

考题 在鱼洗实验中,下列哪个说法是正确的? In the fish washing experiment, which of the following statements is true?A.当鱼洗器壁的振动频率越来越接近于鱼洗固有频率时,产生共振现象; Resonance phenomenon occurs when the vibration frequency of the wall of the fish washer is closer and closer to the natural frequency of the fish washer;#B.当鱼洗器壁的振动频率大于鱼洗固有频率时,产生共振现象; Resonance phenomenon occurs when the vibration frequency of the wall of the fish washer is greater than the natural frequency of the fish washer;#C.当鱼洗器壁的振动频率小于鱼洗固有频率时,产生共振现象; When the vibration frequency of the fish