网友您好, 请在下方输入框内输入要搜索的题目:
OPtions {
directory '/var/named';
zone '.' {
type hint;
file 'named.ca';
zone 'localhost' IN {
file "localhost.zone" allow-update{none;};
zone '0.0.127.in-addr.arpa'{
type master;
file 'named.local';
zone 'test.com'{
file 'test.com';
zone '40.35.222.in-addr.arpa'{
type master;
file '40.35.222';
include "/etc/rndc.key";
更多 “ 请在(7)、(8)、(9)处填写恰当的内容。在Linux系统中设置域名解析服务器,已知该域名服务器上文件named.conf的部分内容如下:OPtions {directory '/var/named';};zone '.' {type hint;file 'named.ca';}zone 'localhost' IN {file "localhost.zone" allow-update{none;};};zone '0.0.127.in-addr.arpa'{type master;file 'named.local';};zone 'test.com'{type(7);file 'test.com';};zone '40.35.222.in-addr.arpa'{type master;file '40.35.222';};include "/etc/rndc.key";该服务器是域test.com的主服务器,该域对应的网络地址是(8),正向域名转换数据文件存放在(9)目录中。 ” 相关考题
应用题必须用蓝、黑色钢笔或圆珠笔写在答题纸的相应位置上,否则无效。在设置域名解析服务器时,已知该文件服务器上文件named.boot的内容,回答【问题1】~【问题4】。named.boot文件为:Directory/var/namedCache named.rootPrimary 0.0.127 in-addr.arpa named.localPrimarynet.com.cn net.com.cn.hostsPrimary 58.112.202.in-addr.arpa net.com.cn.revSecondary com.cn com.cn.2nd。Forward【问题1】给出域名解析的两种方案。
●在一台PC服务器上,安装Linux并配置DNS服务,对服务器的测试与检查如下。通过 (53) 命令测试DNS,发现DNS工作正常。检查本级的DNS解析配置文件 (54) ,发现内容为:Domain pku.due.cnnameserver检查DNS服务的配置文件,文件内容中有"zone pku.edu.cn{type slave;file dB.pku.edu.cn;master in("");}",则表明该DNS服务器进程工作于 (55) 状态。(53) A.resolvB.pingC.nslookupD.testdns(54) A./ctc/resolv.confB./etc/nameD.confC./etc/dns.confD./var/named(55) A.解析服务器B.缓冲服务器C.主域名服务器D.备份域名服务器
阅读以下Linux系统中关于IP地址和主机名转换的技术说明,根据要求回答问题1~问题4。【说明】计算机用户通常使用主机名来访问网络中的结点,而采用TCP/IP协议的网络是以IP地址来标记网络结点的,因此需要一种将主机名转换为IP地址的机制。某台IP地址为222.35.40.1的服务器安装了Red Hat Linux操作系统,并使用BIND软件建立域名解析服务。该域名服务器上文件named.conf的部分配置内容如下。options {directory'/var/named';};zone '.' {type hint;file 'named.ca';};zone 'localhost' IN {file'localhost.zone'allow-update{none; };};zone 0.0.127.in-addr.arpa' {type master;file 'named.local';};zone 'test.com'{type master;file 'test.com';};zone '40.35.222.in-addr. arpa'{type master;file '40.35.222';};include "/etc/rndc.key";DNS是应用最广泛的主机名和IP地址的转换机制,它使用(1)来处理网络中成千上万个主机和IP地址的转换。在Linux中,DNS是由BIND软件来实现的。BIND是一个(2)系统,其中的resolver程序负责产生域名信息的查询,一个称为(3)的守护进程负责回答查询,该请求—应答过程称为域名解析。(1) A.集中式数据库 B.分布式数据库(2) A.C/S B.B/S(3) A.named B.bind C.nameserver D.httpd
阅读以下说明,回答问题1~4,将答案填入对应的解答栏内。某公司的域名为xyz.edu.cn,所使用的网络地址为222.78.68.0/24,共有两台服务器,一台IP地址是222.78.68.10,名字是server1,它用作域名服务器、电子邮件服务器,另一台IP地址是222.78.68.11,名字是server2,它用作Web服务器。下面是服务器server1中的三个文件。/etc/named.conf文件的内容:options {directory"/var/named";};zone"."IN {type (1) ;file"named.ca";};zone"0.0.127.in-addr.arpa"IN{type master;file"named.local";allow-update{none;};};zone"xyz.edu.cn"IN{type master;file"named.hosts";allow-update{none;};};zone"(2)"IN{type master;file"named.rev";allow-update{none;};};/var/named/named.hosts文件的内容:$TTL 86400@ IN SOA server1.xyz.edu.cn. root.xyz.edu.cn.(2001110600;serial28800;refresh14400;retry3600000;expire86400;minimum)IN NS server1.xyz.edu.cn.IN MS 10 server1.xyz.edu.cn.localhost.IN A IN A IN A IN (3)/var/named/named.rev文件的内容:$TTL 86400@ IN SOA server1.xyz.edu.cn.root.xyz.edu.cn.(2001110600;serial28800;refresh14400;retry3600000;expire86400;minimum)IN NS xyz.edu.cn.10 IN (4)11 IN PTR server2.xyz.edu.cn.
请在(7)~(9)处填写恰当的内容。在Linux系统中配置域名服务器,该服务器上文件named.conf的部分内容如下:options {directory '/var/named';};zone ',' {type hint;file 'named.ca';}zone 'localhost' IN {file "localhost.zone"allow-update{none;};};zone '0.0.127.in-addr.arpa'{type master;file 'named.local';};zone 'test.com'{type (7);file 'test.com';};zone '40.35.222.in-addr.arpa'{type master;file '40.35.222';};include "/etc/rndc.key";填写文件中空(7)处的内容。该服务器是域test.com的主域名服务器,该域对应的网络地址是(8),正向域名转换数据文件存放在(9)目录中。
在RHEL5系统中构建BIND域名服务器,以下是named.conf文件的部分配置:Zone ”adc.edu.cn” {type slave;file“slaves/adc.edu.cn.zone”;masters {;};};则根据这部分内容来看,该服务器是 “adc.edu.cn” 域的 ()
A. 主域名服务器B.缓存域名服务器C.从域名服务器D. 根域名服务器
阅读以下说明,回答问题1~4,将答案填入答题纸对应的解答栏内。某公司的域名为xyz.edu.cn,所使用的网络地址为222.78.68.0/24,共有两台服务器,一台IP地址是222.78.68.10,名字是scrver1,它用作域名服务器、电子邮件服务器,另一台IP地址是222.78.68.11,名字是server2,它用作Web服务器。下面是服务器scrver1中的三个文件。[/etc/named.conf文件的内容]options{directory"/var/named";};};zone"."IN{type (1) ;file"named.ca";};zone"0.0.127.in-addr.arpa"IN{type master;file"named.local";allow-update{none;};};zone"xyz.edu.cn"IN{type master;file"named.hosts";allow-update{none;};};zone" (2) "IN{type master;file"named.rev";allow-update{none;};};[/var/named/named.hosts文件的内容]$TTL 86400@IN SOA serverl.xyz.edu.cn. root.xyz.edu.cn.(2001110600;serial28800;refresh14400;retry3600000;expire86400;minimum)IN NS server1.xyz.edu.cn.IN MX 10 serverl.xyz.edu.cn.localhost. IN A IN A IN A IN (3)[/var/named/named.rev文件的内容]$TTL 86400@ IN SOA server1. xyz.edu.cn. root.xyz.edu.cn. (2001110600;serial28800;refresh14400;retry3600000;expire86400;minimum)IN NS xyz.edu.cn.10 IN (4)11 IN PTR server2.xyz.edu.cn.该服务器是一个什么类型的域名服务器?
某公司新配置了一台linux服务器,网络管理员要配置DNS服务器时发现系统中没有/etc/named.conf文件,但在另一台使用相同操作系统的linux服务器上有该文件。则他应在原有linux服务器上执行()命令,来查找/etc/named.conf文件属于哪个软件包,然后在新服务器上安装相应软件包,配置DNS服务器。A、rpm -qaB、rpm -qf /etc/named.confC、rpm -qi /etc/named.confD、rpm -ql /etc/named.conf
Bind域名服务器的主配置文件是()。A、/etc/ named.confB、/var/ named/ named.caC、/var/ named/ named.localD、/var/ named/ named.conf
在一台linux系统中访问另一台samba服务器上的共享资源,如果已经以mary用户的身份连接到samba服务器的共享目录上,则应使用()命令将本机当前目录中的file.local文件上传到服务器上,并将服务器当前目录中的所有后缀为.server的文件下载到本机当前目录下。A、put file.localB、mput file.localC、get .serverD、get *.serverE、mget *.server
Which type of zone is used by traffic transiting the device?()A、transit zoneB、default zoneC、security zoneD、functional zone
若设置域名解析服务器,已知该文件服务器上文件/etc/named.conf的部分内容如下: options { directory /var/named; }; ……. zone “linux.com” IN { type master; file “linux.com.zone”; }; zone “2.169.192.in-addr.arpa” IN { type master; file “192.169.2.zone”; }; …..(到此结束) 使用DNS服务器时,该服务器是哪个域名的主服务器?该域对应的网络IP是多少?如何验证其是否工作正常?写出操作命令。
What is the last step in setting up a Primary Domain Name Server?()A、Start the named daemonB、Create the cache fileC、Create the name zone fileD、Create the local IP zone file
In a DNS environment, the zone file that maps hostnames to IP address (sometimes called the named.hosts file), is created on which of the following servers?()A、CacheB、PrimaryC、SecondaryD、Primary and secondary
What is the first step in setting up a Primary Domain Name Server?()A、Create the cache fileB、Create the IP zone fileC、Create the named.boot fileD、Create the name zone file
Your company has an Active Directory domain. The main office has a DNS server named DNS1 that is configured with Active Directory-integrated DNS. The branch office has a DNS server named DNS2 that contains a secondary copy of the zone file from DNS1. The two offices are connected with an unreliable WAN link. You add a new server to the main office. Five minutes after adding the server, a user from the branch office reports they are unable to connect to the new server. You need to ensure that the user is able to connect to the new server. What should you do()A、Clear the cache on DNS2.B、Reload the zone on DNS1.C、Refresh the zone on DNS2.D、Export the zone from DNS1 and import the zone to DNS2
Your network consists of a single Active Directory domain. All servers run Windows Server 2003 Service Pack 2 (SP2). You have a DNS server named Server1 that hosts a primary zone for the domain. You have a DNS server named Server 2 that hosts a secondary zone for the domain. You discover that the resource records on Server2 are different from the resource records on Server1. You need to ensure that the resource records are the same on Server1 and Server2. What should you do?()A、On Server2, select Reload in the DNS zone.B、On Server2, select Reload from Master in the DNS zone.C、On Server1, select Update Server Data File in the DNS zone.D、On Server1, deselect the Fail on load if bad zone data option.
You have a DNS server named Server1 that hosts a primary zone for the domain. You have a DNS server named Server 2 that hosts a secondary zone for the domain.You discover that the resource records on Server2 are different from the resource records on Server1. You need to ensure that the resource records are the same on Server1 and Server2. What should you do?()A、On Server2, select Reload in the DNS zone. B、On Server2, select Reload from Master in the DNS zone. C、On Server1, select Update Server Data File in the DNS zone. D、On Server1, deselect the Fail on load if bad zone data option.
Your network consists of a single Active Directory domain. All domain controllers run Windows Server 2008 R2 and are configured as DNS servers. A domain controller named DC1 has a standard primary zone for contoso.com. A domain controller named DC2 has a standard secondary zone for contoso.com. You need to ensure that the replication of the contoso.com zone is encrypted. You must not lose any zone data. What should you do()A、On both servers, modify the interface that the DNS server listens on.B、Convert the primary zone into an Active Directory-integrated zone. Delete the secondary zone.C、Convert the primary zone into an Active Directory-integrated stub zone. Delete the secondary zone.D、Configure the zone transfer settings of the standard primary zone. Modify the Master Servers lists on the secondary
Your network contains an Active Directory domain named contoso.com. The domain contains two sites named Site1 and Site2. The servers for the sites are configured as shown in the following table.Server name Server role Site name Server1 Domain controller, DNS Site1 Server2 DNS Site2 Server1 hosts a standard primary zone for contoso.com. Server2 hosts a secondary zone for contoso.com.You need to ensure that all DNS replication traffic between Server1 and Server2 is encrypted.What should you do?()A、On Server1, configure DNSSEC for the contoso.com zone.B、On Server1, convert the contoso.com zone to an Active Directory-integrated zone.C、On each server, create connection security rules.D、On each server, enable Encrypting File System (EFS) encryption for the contoso.com.dns file.
Your network consists of a single Active Directory domain. All domain controllers run Windows Server 2008 and are configured as DNS servers. A domain controller named DC1 has a standard primary zone for contoso,com. A domain controller named DC2 has a standard secondary zone for contoso,com. You need to ensure that the replication of the contoso,com zone is encrypted. You must not lose any zone data. What should you do()A、On both servers, modify the interface that the DNS server listens on.B、Convert the primary zone into an Active Directory-integrated zone. Delete the secondary zone.C、Convert the primary zone into an Active Directory-integrated stub zone. Delete the secondary zone.D、Configure the zone transfer settings of the standard primary zone. Modify the Master Servers lists on the secondary zone.
/etc/ named.confB
/var/ named/ named.caC
/var/ named/ named.localD
/var/ named/ named.conf
单选题Your network consists of a single Active Directory domain. All domain controllers run Windows Server 2008 R2 and are configured as DNS servers. A domain controller named DC1 has a standard primary Zone for contoso.com. A domain controller named DC2 has a standard secondary zone for contoso.com. You need to ensure that the replication of the contoso.com zone is encrypted. You must not lose any zone data. What should you do()A
On both servers, modify the interface that the DNS server listens on.B
Convert the primary zone into an Active Directory-integrated zone. Delete the secondary zone. C
Convert the primary zone into an Active Directory-integrated stub zone. Delete the secondary zone.D
Configure the zone transfer settings of the standard primary zone. Modify the Master Servers lists on the secondary zone.
单选题Your network consists of a single Active Directory domain. All servers run Windows Server 2003 Service Pack 2 (SP2). You have a DNS server named Server1 that hosts a primary zone for the domain. You have a DNS server named Server 2 that hosts a secondary zone for the domain. You discover that the resource records on Server2 are different from the resource records on Server1. You need to ensure that the resource records are the same on Server1 and Server2. What should you do?()A
On Server2, select Reload in the DNS zone.B
On Server2, select Reload from Master in the DNS zone.C
On Server1, select Update Server Data File in the DNS zone.D
On Server1, deselect the Fail on load if bad zone data option.