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更多 “ 只要熟练、合理地运用,即使是简单的线条,也具有极强的表现力。() 此题为判断题(对,错)。 ” 相关考题
考题 吴道子的作品设色风格被称为“吴装”,原因是 Wu Daozi's use of color is called "Wu's pattern" becauseA.吴道子的线条的表现力极强,怕过多的填色反而阻碍了线条的表达 Wu Daozi's lines are so expressive that too much color filling will undermine their expressiveness.#B.吴装是吴人的装束 Wu's pattern means the clothes of the Wu people#C.吴装是吴道子比较常用的服装样式 Wu's pattern was a sartorial type that Wu Daozi often wore when he was alive.#D.吴道子的线条的表现力极强,要用非常浓郁的填色来配合画面表达 Wu Daozi's lines are so expressive that only heavy use of color in filling can match the effect.

考题 【单选题】影视广告动画具有极强的表现力,动画本身具有独特的()。A.美术性B.夸张性C.音乐性

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考题 6、立体构成中的线具有极强的表现力,它能决定形的造型 ,其不同组合方式,可构成千变万化的空间形态。

考题 服务质量是顾客感知的质量,具有极强的主观性,也具有极强的差异性。

考题 6、廓形具有很强的(),它具有强调与修饰的作用 ()A.视觉表现力B.修饰作用C.线条表现力D.整体表现感

考题 廓形具有很强的(),它具有强调与修饰的作用 ()A.视觉表现力B.修饰作用C.线条表现力D.整体表现感

考题 垂直线是表达情感强烈,造型能力极强的线条

考题 7、吴道子的作品设色风格被称为“吴装”,原因是 Wu Daozi's use of color is called "Wu's pattern" becauseA.吴道子的线条的表现力极强,怕过多的填色反而阻碍了线条的表达 Wu Daozi's lines are so expressive that too much color filling will undermine their expressiveness.#B.吴装是吴人的装束 Wu's pattern means the clothes of the Wu people#C.吴装是吴道子比较常用的服装样式 Wu's pattern was a sartorial type that Wu Daozi often wore when he was alive.#D.吴道子的线条的表现力极强,要用非常浓郁的填色来配合画面表达 Wu Daozi's lines are so expressive that only heavy use of color in filling can match the effect.