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Which three actions can a branch SRX Series device perform on a spam e-mail message?() (Choose three.)

A. It can drop the connection at the IP address level

B. It can block the e-mail based upon the sender ID

C. It can allow the e-mail and bypass all UTM inspection

D. It can allow the e-mail to be forwarded, but change the intended recipient to a new e-mail address

E. It can allow the e-mail to be forwarded to the destination, but tag it with a custom value in the subject line


更多 “ Which three actions can a branch SRX Series device perform on a spam e-mail message?() (Choose three.) A. It can drop the connection at the IP address levelB. It can block the e-mail based upon the sender IDC. It can allow the e-mail and bypass all UTM inspectionD. It can allow the e-mail to be forwarded, but change the intended recipient to a new e-mail addressE. It can allow the e-mail to be forwarded to the destination, but tag it with a custom value in the subject line ” 相关考题
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