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You are creating a custom user control. The custom user control will be used on 10 Web Forms for an ASP.NET Web site that allows users to register and log on to a personalized experience. The custom user control uses two TextBox controls and two Button controls. You need to ensure that the controls are visible only when users are not logged on to the Web site. You also need to minimize the amount of effort in development and maintenance for the Web site.Which two actions should you perform? ()

A. Add the OnClick event handler for the Login button to the code used in the custom user control.

B. Add the OnClick event handler for the Login button to the code used in the Web Form where the control is added.

C. In the Page_Load method of the Web Form, add a code segment to set the visibility of the TextBox and Button controls where the control is added.

D. In the Page_Load method of the custom user control, add a code segment to set the visibility of the TextBox and Button controls.


更多 “ You are creating a custom user control. The custom user control will be used on 10 Web Forms for an ASP.NET Web site that allows users to register and log on to a personalized experience. The custom user control uses two TextBox controls and two Button controls. You need to ensure that the controls are visible only when users are not logged on to the Web site. You also need to minimize the amount of effort in development and maintenance for the Web site.Which two actions should you perform? ()A. Add the OnClick event handler for the Login button to the code used in the custom user control.B. Add the OnClick event handler for the Login button to the code used in the Web Form where the control is added.C. In the Page_Load method of the Web Form, add a code segment to set the visibility of the TextBox and Button controls where the control is added.D. In the Page_Load method of the custom user control, add a code segment to set the visibility of the TextBox and Button controls. ” 相关考题
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