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当在搜索引擎中输,\“computer book”(用引号括起来的computer book),检索的结果最可能是()。



C.结果中满足computer book这个条件,而不是满足computer或book任何一个条件



更多 “ 当在搜索引擎中输,\“computer book”(用引号括起来的computer book),检索的结果最可能是()。A.结果满足computer和book其中的一个条件B.结果中满足computer和book两个条件C.结果中满足computer book这个条件,而不是满足computer或book任何一个条件D.结果中包含computer或book ” 相关考题
考题 An e—book (also referred to as an electronic book, e—book, or e—book) is a digital version of a print book that you download and read. But if you want to read an e—book , you must have an E—book Reader, which is a kind of free software used by your computer. Make sure you have instal1ed the appropriate Reader before you download your e—book from the Internet.The software allows you to turn the words on the screen into the size you like. It also helps you turn pages and change your viewing options. E —books are a fun alternative to regular books. You can download them to any computers and create your library of hundreds of titles. If you load them onto your portable computer, you can take them with you when you travel. Some e—books are even interactive! Best of all, when you order an e—book, there is no waiting and no shipping charges. The amount of time it takes to download your e —book depends on the speed of your connection and the size of your e— book.26、From this passage, we learn that an e—book()A、 can be found in any libraryB、 can be read directly from the InternetC、 can be read when special software is installed27、 The E-book Reader is used for()A、 reading an e—book you’ve downloadedB、 turning a print book into a digital versionC、 downloading an e—book from the InternetD、 copying an e—book onto a portable computer28、 From this passage, we can learn that()A、 you can read an e-book on a laptop when you travelB、 you can order an e—book using the E—book ReaderC、 the e—books ordered have to be shipped to youD、 it takes a lot of trouble reading an e—book29、 Which of the following statements is TRUE?()A、 An e—book is ordered in print book、B、 The size of the words in an e—book cannot be changedC、 The downloading time is decided by the c—book’s sizeD、 There is less fun reading an e—book than a print book、30、 The passage is mainly about()A、 a better way to download an E—bookB、 a new kind of book—the E—booksC、 the new version of E—books

考题 在Excel2003中,打开两个工作簿BOOK1和BOOK2,在工作簿Book1中引用了工作簿Book2的Sheet1工作表中的第5行第3列单元格,可用( )表示 A.Sheet1!C5B.Book2:Sheet1!C5C.C5D.[Book2]Sheet1!C5

考题 ● 已知关系模式:图书(图书编号,图书类型,图书名称,作者,出版社,出版日期,ISBN),图书编号唯一识别一本图书。建立“计算机”类图书的视图Computer-BOOK,并要求进行修改、插入操作时保证该视图只有计算机类的图书。实现上述要求的SQL语句如下: CREATE (56)。 AS SELECT图书编号,图书名称,作者,出版社,出版日期 FROM图书 WHERE图书类型='计算机' with check option; A.TABLE Computer-BOOK B.VIEWComputer-BOOK C.Computer-BOOK TABLE D.Computer-BOOKVIEW

考题 在下列表达式中,其值为真(.T.)的是( )。A.“Book”$” This is a Book”B.“This”$” The Book”C.”line”$” This is the Line”D.”the” this is a cat”

考题 已知关系模式:图书(图书编号,图书类型,图书名称,作者,出版社,出版日期,ISBN),图书编号唯一识别一本图书。建立“计算机”类图书的视图Computer-BOOK,并要求进行修改、插入操作时保证该视图只有计算机类的图书。实现上述要求的SQL语句如下: CREATE (56)。 AS SELECT图书编号,图书名称,作者,出版社,出版日期 FROM图书 WHERE图书类型='计算机' with check option;A.TABLE Computer-BOOKB.VIEWComputer-BOOKC.Computer-BOOK TABLED.Computer-BOOKVIEW

考题 当在搜索引擎中输入"computerbook"(用英文引号括起来的computerbook),检索的结果最可能是____。 A.结果满足computer和book其中的一个条件B.结果中满足computer和book两个条件C.结果中满足computerbook这个条件,而不是满足computer或book任何一个条件D.结果中包含computer或book

考题 请在两个工作簿Book1和Book2之间,将Book1中的工作表Sheet1移动到Book2的Sheet2 和Sheet3之间。

考题 请在两个工作簿Book1和Book2之间,将Book1中的工作表Sheet1复制到Book2的Sheet2与Sheet3之间。

考题 已知关系模式:图书(图书编号,图书类型,图书名称,作者,出版社,出版日期,ISBN),图书编号唯一识别一本图书。建立“计算机”类图书的视图Computer-BOOK,并要求进行修改、插入操作时保证该视图叧有计算机类的图书。CREATE(请作答此空)AS SELECT图书编号,图书名称,作者,出版社,出版日期FROM图书WHERE图书类型=计算机'( );A.TABLE Computer-BOOK B.VIEW Computer-BOOK C.Computer-BOOK TABLE D.Computer-BOOK VIEW

考题 假定有“struct BOOK{char title[40]; float price;} book;”,则正确的语句为()。Astruct BOOK x= book;Bstruct BOOK *x=book;Cstruct BOOK x=calloc(BOOK);Dstruct BOOK *x=BOOK;

考题 假定有“struct BOOK{char title[40]; float price;}; struct BOOK book;”,则不正确的语句为()。Astruct BOOK *x=malloc(book);Bstruct BOOK x={"C++ Programming",27.0};Cstruct BOOK *x=malloc(sizeof(struct BOOK));Dstruct BOOK *x=book;

考题 对于Map("book"-5,"pen"-2).map(m=m._1-m._2*2)结果说法正确的是?()A、Map("bookbook"-5,"penpen"-2)B、Map("bookbook"-10,"penpen"-4)C、Map("book"-10,"pen"-4)D、Map("book"-5,"pen"-2,"book"-5,"pen"-2)

考题 下列元素定义中正确的是()。A、book/BookB、BOOK/bookC、book/bookD、Book/bOOK

考题 用“*computer”去检索,结果中可能有()A、computerB、microcomputerC、supercomputerD、computerizatin

考题 当在搜索引擎中输,/“computerbook”(用引号括起来的computerbook),检索的结果最可能是()。A、结果满足computer和book其中的一个条件B、结果中满足computer和book两个条件C、结果中满足computerbook这个条件,而不是满足computer或book任何一个条件D、结果中包含computer或book

考题 有一个“出版物”表,包含图书编码(Book-code),书名(Book-name),出版日期(Issue-dt),备注(Mem-cd)等字段,()字段作为该表的主键可能是最恰当的。A、Book-codeB、Book-nameC、Issue-dtD、Mem-cd

考题 查询book表中所有书名中包含“计算机”的书籍情况,可用()语句。A、SELECT*FROM book WHERE book_nameLIKE‘*计算机*’B、SELECT*FROM book WHERE book_nameLIKE‘%计算机%’C、SELECT*FROM book WHERE book_name=‘%计算机*’D、SELECT*FROM book WHERE book_name=‘*计算机%’

考题 要查询book表中所有书名中以“计算机”开头的书籍的价格,可用()语句。A、SELECT price FROM book WHERE book_name=‘计算机*’B、SELECT price FROM book WHERE book_nameLIKE‘计算机*’C、SELECT price FROM book WHERE book_name=‘计算机%’D、SELECT price FROM book WHERE book_nameLIKE‘计算机%’

考题 al FoxPro中,如果用语句:a="book",book="展望",?a,book后,结果是: book 展望

考题 命令?LEN(“THIS IS MY BOOK”)的结果是()

考题 如果想使某两个关键字(例如computer和book)同时出现,而不是任何一个出现即可,我们可采用的方法是()A、computer OR bookB、computer AND bookC、NOT computer AND bookD、computer AND NOT book

考题 填空题If you have some basic knowledge of card catalogue and computer skills, you will be able to read a book for pleasure.____

考题 单选题The Ebook Reader is used for _____.A reading an ebook you’ve downloadedB turning a print book into a digital versionC downloading an ebook from the InternetD copying an ebook onto a portable computer

考题 单选题假定有“struct BOOK{char title[40]; float price;} book;”,则正确的语句为()。A struct BOOK x= book;B struct BOOK *x=book;C struct BOOK x=calloc(BOOK);D struct BOOK *x=BOOK;

考题 判断题al FoxPro中,如果用语句:a="book",book="展望",?a,book后,结果是: book 展望A 对B 错

考题 单选题Which of the following is NOT mentioned as the advantages of the print books in the passage?A As part of the emotional and intellectual experience, the shape and size of the book cannot be adapted in an e-book.B There is a lot you can’t standardize and stick into an electronic format.C There’s something personal about a book and not one of any files in a computer.D Print books are better to children’s health than the digital format.

考题 单选题如果想使某两个关键字(例如computer和book)同时出现,而不是任何一个出现即可,我们可采用的方法是()A computer OR bookB computer AND bookC NOT computer AND bookD computer AND NOT book