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Information,in its most restricted technical sense,is a seque of symbols that can be interpreted as a message.ingormation can be recorded as signs,or transmitted as()






更多 “ Information,in its most restricted technical sense,is a seque of symbols that can be interpreted as a message.ingormation can be recorded as signs,or transmitted as()A.symbolsB.messageC.signalsD.wave ” 相关考题
考题 In the past, most project managers have come from _____ fields without proper _____ training or education in skillsA . Technical; accounting/financeB . Technical; managementC . Technical; psychologicalD . Marketing; technology-orientedE . Business; manufacturing know-how

考题 90 In the past, most project managers have come from _____ fields without proper _____ training or education in skillsA. Technical; accounting/financeB. Technical; managementC. Technical; psychologicalD. Marketing; technology-orientedE. Business; manufacturing know-how

考题 172 In the past, most project managers have come from _____ fields without proper _____ training or education in skillsA. Technical; accounting/financeB. Technical; managementC. Technical; psychologicalD. Marketing; technology-orientedE. Business; manufacturing know-how

考题 奔驰W211车门控制单元连接的总线系统属于 。A.CAN -BB.CAN- CC.CAN -DD.MOST

考题 通信速度最快的总线是A.LIN总线B.CAN总线C.FlexRay总线D.MOST总线

考题 汽车空调、后视镜、座椅等应用哪种总线进行数据传输A.LIN总线B.CAN总线C.FlexRay总线D.MOST总线

考题 关于MOST网络的特点,以下描述正确的是:()A.双向传输B.使用两条光纤绞接在一起C.传输速率介于LIN与CAN之间D.MOST150速度可以达到150Mbit/S

考题 2、奔驰W211车门控制单元连接的总线系统属于 。A.CAN -BB.CAN- CC.CAN -DD.MOST

考题 3、MOST总线与CAN总相比,对电磁干扰不敏感。

考题 在车载网络系统中 CAN-B、CAN-C和MOST等总线通过 模块进行数据交换。