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In your multitenant container database (CDB) containing pluggable database (PDBs), you granted theCREATE TABLE privilege to the common user C A_ADMIN in root and all PDBs. You execute thefollowing command from the root container:SQL >REVOKE create table FROM C A_ADMIN;What is the result?()

A. It executes successfully and the CREATE TABLE privilege is revoked from C # # A_ADMIN in root only.

B. It fails and reports an error because the CONTAINER=ALL clause is not used.

C. It excludes successfully and the CREATE TABLE privilege is revoked from C # # A_ADMIN in root and all PDBs.

D. It fails and reports an error because the CONTAINER=CURRENT clause is not used.

E.It executes successfully and the CREATE TABLE privilege is revoked from C # # A_ADMIN in all PDBs.


更多 “ In your multitenant container database (CDB) containing pluggable database (PDBs), you granted theCREATE TABLE privilege to the common user C A_ADMIN in root and all PDBs. You execute thefollowing command from the root container:SQL >REVOKE create table FROM C A_ADMIN;What is the result?()A. It executes successfully and the CREATE TABLE privilege is revoked from C # # A_ADMIN in root only.B. It fails and reports an error because the CONTAINER=ALL clause is not used.C. It excludes successfully and the CREATE TABLE privilege is revoked from C # # A_ADMIN in root and all PDBs.D. It fails and reports an error because the CONTAINER=CURRENT clause is not used.E.It executes successfully and the CREATE TABLE privilege is revoked from C # # A_ADMIN in all PDBs. ” 相关考题
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